Title: Saving You [Two of Two]
Author: Alice:
23a_j10 Pairing: Jack/Alex
Rating: R
therapyrequired Warnings: Suicide
Summary: Written for the prompt "Angel"
Disclaimer: I don't own/know the characters in this story
A/N: Sorry it's late I wasn't home, excuses, excuses I know xD
Part Two of Two )
Comments 22
I almost didn't write it that way but, I did.
I almost feel bad for it but I think it's meant to be,
Or rather the way it's not meant to be me.
Thank you :)
This was so tragic, and ironic, and ugh.
I enjoyed it though.
All the sacrifice and secrets.
I can't help but wonder what Alex would do next...
Yeah, I felt I left it a little too open ended. Hmmm..
Your writing is amazing. I feel so privileged I get the opportunity to read some of it first.
I don't know about my writing being amazing but I'll rake the compliment anyway xD If you'll accept I'd love to have you beta my new "Drop a Heart" chaptered fic too ^.^ But you don't have to :) <3
OMG Yes of course I'd love to <3
YAY, I'll message you soon!
What is Alex going to do now?? Oh my god I wasn't expecting that, not at all. :(
The ending was so sad, but this whole story could not have been more perfect.
You have no idea how much I want an angel!alex to be my boyfriend. The wings! It would be perfect.
You Are such an amazing writer<3
I don't know if maybe I should write some kinda epilogue or just leave it totally open ended because it's not meant to be clean cut finished but I don't know if if feels finished enough, if you get me?
Oh yeah, angel!Alex any day! Actually, ANY Alex Gaskarth any day ;)
Thank you, it means a lot :)
I think that it seems pretty finished where it is. like, it's really sad but it seems like a good ending.
HOWEVERRRR, i think having an optional epilogue would be really awesome! I wold love to read it! And I love your writing so much sgdhfsalgfa. this story is beautiful.
Yeah, I get that but mhh. But an optional epilogue does sound interesting. Maybe I'll consider it because I really loved writing this one :)
And thank you :)
so sad!
i'm about ready to cry.
so good, but so sad.
Thank you :)
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