Title: 20 Quirks Author: Ceolsige (hailfire) Group: FE7 Cast Word Count: 626 Warnings: Shounen ai hintings, crack and silliness Rating: T Notes: High school AU (I call it my 'raververse' :D)
I love you and your writing so, so much, you know that?
Favorites would have to be 4, 5, 11 and 14. Tiara-wearing gym teacher Louise is beyond perfect and INFOMERCIALS, gah. You just have to love those informercials.
I'm working on it. :D Having fun, too. At least until Something Wicked went back to being it's attention whore self and dangled a fun new plot twist in front of me.
Infomercials are just fantastic. Especially if you need to make a frozen drinks for fifty people while cleaning your ceiling fan and feeling the burn on a state of the art excercise machine (and all for that low, low price!).
I know you! Well, not know-know you, but I've read your stories at FF.net. These are awesome. My favorite is 21, but 4 and 11 are awesome for being LegaultHeath, which is awesome, and 5 and 17 are hilarious. I hope you write more stories in this 'verse!
Comments 20
Favorites would have to be 4, 5, 11 and 14. Tiara-wearing gym teacher Louise is beyond perfect and INFOMERCIALS, gah. You just have to love those informercials.
INFOMERCIALS :DD You can't not love them.
Infomercials are just fantastic. Especially if you need to make a frozen drinks for fifty people while cleaning your ceiling fan and feeling the burn on a state of the art excercise machine (and all for that low, low price!).
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