Title: 20 Quirks
Author: Ceolsige (
Group: FE7 Cast
Word Count: 626
Warnings: Shounen ai hintings, crack and silliness
Rating: T
Notes: High school AU (I call it my 'raververse' :D)
1. Wil and Serra round up as many people as they can find to go to raves with them every weekend, as long as they bring glowsticks.
2. Lowen is the only guy taking cooking classes. (He fits right in.)
3. Rath's first impression of Wil was seeing him dance on a picnic table and sing horribly along with the lyrics of the song, which no one else could hear, since he had on headphones. Rath immediately labeled him as strange, though took an immediate liking to him as well.
4. Heath has a page in his agenda dedicated to how much he's so totally not in love with Legault. (The hearts on the page are by sheer coincidence.)
5. Dart is a pirate. The kind that downloads audiobooks illegally off the internet, because those damn things cost like $40.
6. Jaffar really isn't as creepy as the kids at school make him out to be. In fact, he takes care of kittens at an animal shelter after school. (That's where he met Nino!)
7. Half the reason Guy is taking fencing lessons is because Karel teaches them. (The other half being Guy's obsession with pointy objects swords.)
8. Priscilla is batshit insane, and if you don't believe Guy or Heath's stories about her, just watch her get angry on the tennis court. Or watch her talk to her pet rock.
9. Lucius won't go to dance class anymore, because Ninian brings her little brother Nils along sometimes, and Lucius swears he grabbed his ass once. (He didn't tell Raven about the incident.)
10. Leila can't helped but feel a little weirded out at Matthew's constant stalking and picture-taking of Guy. But mostly she just thinks it's cute.
11. Legault has fallen in love with infomercials, and often stays up late to watch them whether he has homework to do or not.(Who can resist the call of that miracle product that chops vegetables, grinds coffee beans and does your laundry all for 5 easy payments of $19.99?!)
12. Heath collects stuffed dragon dolls, and his favorite one (though he'll never admit it) is the light purple one Legault gave him for his last birthday.
13. When Farina asked Lyn if they dance around fires and chant "ooga booga" in Sacae, she got punched in the face. The two haven't been on very good terms since then. (In Farina's defense, Karla hadn't denied it! She had to find out somehow!)
14. Louise, though she's a gym teacher, sometimes comes to class wearing a tiara. When someone mentioned it to the principal, Pent just said, "Doesn't she look lovely!?"
15. When Geitz's pet bird Wilson flew away, Dart downloaded legally acquired the movie Castaway, and they ate popcorn and drank root beer all night.
16. Fiora thought it would be fun to work on her family's horse farm on the weekend, until Sain started showing up...
17. While Erk is indeed a very studious young man, he often hides shoujo manga inside of whatever giant book he has in front of them. (He thinks that reading them will help him talk to girls better.)
18. Guy and Heath became friends only because of their continuous run-ins when they were trying to escape from Priscilla.
19. It is a well known fact that Rebecca has had a crush on Wil for a long time, and even though Nino tried really hard to get them together, Rebecca was crushed when she saw Wil kissing Rath. Lowen was there to comfort her, though.
20. Oswin sometimes thinks Serra takes her "innocent flirting" a little too far.
And just for fun....
21. Matthew nearly fainted when Guy told him the reason he wasn't walking right one day wasn't because of fencing class.
I plan on writing actual stories set in this universe sometime. I actually already have one done and up, but this isn't the place for pimping. :3 And I hope you liked this crack. I aim to make you giggle.