[Hitsugaya Toushirou and Matsumoto Rangiku] [violetfairygirl]

Jan 20, 2006 22:30

Title: Pinky and the Brain-20 facts about Hitsugaya Toushirou and Matsumoto Rangiku
Author: Vi (violetfairygirl)
Pairing: Hitsugaya Toushirou and Matsumoto Rangiku (I use the term "pairing" loosely-some of these could be construed as romantic, but they're pretty open for interpretation.)
Rating: PG, just to be safe
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, nor am I making any profit from this little exercise.
Notes: Much, MUCH love to lemonyloyce for holding my hand and helping me bounce ideas around.

01. There didn't used to be a sofa in Hitsugaya's office. He got it thinking he would use it to catch up on sleep between missions and paperwork. Now that his vice-captain seems to have claimed it for her own naps, he's considering getting a futon-at least then there would be room enough for the both of them.

02. It took her a while to manage Haineko, to get her form to visualize into something more than ash. Normally she would have practiced hard in the field, but she found it easier to focus her energy when she was relaxed, so most of the time her soul slayer padded around the 10th division office. Haineko's taken a particular liking to her captain's desk, especially when he's seated there, trying to work.

Hitsugaya hates cats.

03. He knows that Matsumoto has dreams about Captain Ichimaru-he's heard her mumble his name while she's napping. She doesn't know that he knows, though; when she asks if she's been talking in her sleep, he always tells her no.

04. Rangiku was more than a little amused to discover that upon meeting the esteemed "boy genius", she could not see him over her own cleavage when he stood directly in front of her. She likes to joke that maybe in another fifty years, he'll finally be tall enough to ride this ride.

05. On his first day as 10th Division Captain, Hitsugaya found glue on his office chair, sand in his ink jar, and an unknown someone (ahem) used demon magic Way of Binding #184 to make him fall flat on his face when he got up from his desk. Matsumoto knows that HE knows that she's responsible, and is mildly nervous that he hasn't tried to get her back-she's in for quite the surprise when she gets promoted to captain.

06. The matter of birthdays had come up in a passing conversation one day. When she couldn't remember hers, Gin had suggested the day they met and that was the day she'd used ever since. Without fail, on her first birthday as a member of the 10th division there had been a small box left on her desk wrapped with a nice bow. Inside was a beautiful pink scarf. Though there wasn't a note left with the gift, she saw how Hitsugaya's eyes had softened when he saw her wearing it. She's never been without it since.

07. Hitsugaya was known throughout the Gotei 13 for never having lost a game of chess, and had started to get rather a big head about it-until Matsumoto challenged him to a game of poker, and proceeded to win all his money, two bottles of sake and a "get out of paperwork free" card.

Despite his grumblings about how she had "cheated and hustled" him, the whole episode made him realize just how good his vice-captain was at reading other people. It is possibly his favorite trait of hers.

08. Rangiku has seen how hard Hitsugaya works, pouring his heart and soul into the paperwork the Society demands of him and his position. So at night, when she passes by the office door and sees the light on, she enters the office without knocking to tuck a blanket around her captain and blow out the light.

09. There was an unspoken agreement between himself and the vice captain of the 8th division. Since his vice captain and her captain liked to spend hours drinking sake and telling bawdy stories, there were bound to end up so drunk they couldn't make it back to their sleeping quarters. He helped on even nights, and she took the odd ones. Sometimes they drew straws.

10. They didn't talk too often about Hinamori after the betrayal, instead spending plenty of time in each other's quiet company. This was not because of a lack of concern on Matsumoto's part; on the contrary, their silence spoke more of how much she already understood. Hitsugaya had asked her once if she needed to talk about Gin, but she only shook her head and changed the subject-she'd been dealing with his absence for much longer than anyone knew.

11. The walls of the 10th division office were covered with bookcases full of literary works, some of the finest ever written over time. While most people thought he'd read them all, they'd be surprised to learn that it was Matsumoto who filled up the shelves as she finished another masterpiece. Those books were too boring for him...he preferred to read manga when he had a free moment, to unwind.

He wasn't about to set anyone straight about it, though. He had a reputation to uphold.

12. He'd heard rumors about her being able to drink full grown men underneath the table and still be able to walk a straight line. She tried a few times to get him to join her in a bottle (or two) of sake, but he always managed to come up with an excuse to get out of it. Most people thought he was being smart; the truth was he didn't want to put her to shame.

13. For Hitsugaya's birthday one year, Rangiku thought it would be nice to make him a cake in the shape of Hyourinmaru. Three gallons of batter, a field log ruined with frosting and two minor fires later, it was done. The cake itself was a smashing success, but Rangiku has been banned from the 10th division kitchen for at least the next 100 years.

14. Hitsugaya was perfectly aware that his lieutenant was a stunning woman-he'd seen the looks she drew everywhere she went-but was considered by himself and others to be immune to her charms. Most of the time, anyway...

He'd accidentally walked in on her as she was dressing after a bath, once; her back was to him, so she didn't know and he never told. The glimpse he caught was long enough for him to see the graceful curve of her back and the shape of her legs.

No one could ever make him admit it, but he sometimes he thought he might like to see her naked again.

15. She never knew where people got the idea that her captain was cold hearted. A lot of it probably had to do with his amazing eyes and the power that was kept contained in his soul slayer, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. While it was true that his thought processes were grounded solidly in logic, she was privy to the smaller trivia of his everyday life, the jobs he performed and the emotion he tried to keep under control.

After all, someone who could be affected by a child's soul burial couldn't be all that bad.

16. Standing at Hinamori's bedside, Hitsugaya tried to verbalize a thought that had been bothering him for quite awhile. "If it had been me...If I had tried to do something like what Aizen-what that traitor did-"

"I would have beaten you to within an inch of your life, let you heal, and then beaten you again until you came to your senses," Matsumoto interjected.

That was the last they spoke of it.

17. She used to dance a lot around the office. She moved with a grace, like water flowing in a river. He used to get on her case about it-telling her there was no music in the office, but she'd just laugh and tell him that she knew the tune by heart.

She doesn't dance anymore. He misses the music.

18. They went to the 4th division quarters together to get the 'tattoo' that would suppress their limits. While Matsumoto went around proudly displaying hers to the entire society, he didn't want to go around showing the place Unohana had selected for his mark. To this day, he still rubs the embarrassing spot.

19. When they returned from the living world, as the 4th division carried her away, he told her he was stripping her of her rank and demoting her to 3rd seat. She wasn't conscious at the time, but he didn't care. A few days later he was in the med ward, sitting by her bed, telling her sleeping form that she could have her job back. He just couldn't get used to having the paperwork done for him, nor the fact that she wasn't constantly there to distract him from his duties. Since she couldn't hear him, he felt safe saying it out loud.

20. There is a reason for Rangiku's constant napping in her captain's office-she finds she sleeps better when he's around. She's never been comfortable enough around anyone else to sleep peacefully in their presence, not even Gin. Before, she had assumed her fitful nights could be blamed on their unstable lifestyle, but now she wonders if it wasn't something else that kept her at constant attention.

These are things she wonders about at night, when she's by herself. She just doesn't sleep as well when her captain isn't there.

matsumoto rangiku, hitsugaya toushirou

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