Frightened, Brainwashable Sheep.

Sep 02, 2008 15:07

Well, that caused a tiny stir, eh? I wanted to make a bit of an addendum to that comment to clarify what I meant. I'm not apologizing. But I'm pretty sure that most people who read it will probably misunderstand it. I want to make sure I'm not pointing any dirty fingers at the undeserved.

When I say "Christians", I do not mean "everyone who believes in a God or Gods" is a frightened, brainwashable sheep. And, in fact, in my own opinion, I don't believe most people who say they're Christians are actually Christians at all.

In my perspective, to be a Christian, you must believe in the bible and the concept of God laid out within that document. That's the whole point. You can't mix and match ideas of God from different beliefs, toss in some of your own ideas and call it the Christian God.

"I'm a Christian, but I don't believe that God is vengeful or hates gay people or killed people or is middle eastern."

Great. That's wonderful. But unfortunately, the Christian God IS all of these things, whether or not you like it. Sounds like a nice God you have there, but it's not the Christian one.

What's that? You don't believe God would throw a good person in hell just because he wasn't dunked in water by a preacher? Tough shit. That's exactly what the bible says he'll do. Don't believe it? Then you're not a Christian.

Now, you may or may not agree with what my idea of a Christian is. That's not the point. The point is so you can be more sure of what *I* mean when I say Christians are frightened, brainwashable sheep.

And they wear too much perfume too.
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