3 Reasons Obama Will Not Win The Election.

Aug 25, 2008 12:58

In keeping up with the race for President, I'm disappointed to say that I no longer believe Obama has a chance in hell of winning. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first one to cheer. But the reasons are beginning to stack up against him.

1). Obama did NOT choose Clinton for his running mate. For the democrats to win this election, the party will have to be unified. Not only did Clinton have the experience Obama needed on his ticket, she also had half the democrats in the country backing her. Now that she's knocked out of the box, not all Clinton supporters are rushing backing Obama. Some have gone to McCain and some just don't care anymore.

2). McCain is targeting the Christian vote. Christians are frightened, brainwashable sheep. Especially extremists and Evangelicals. Unfortunately, each one of these sheep has a vote. And McCain is brilliantly manipulating and steering that fear toward Obama. McCain realizes that if a person will believe the ridiculous crap written in the Bible, then they'll believe anything. And right now, he's actually got a good number of them believing that Obama is literally the Antichrist.

3). Other than the economy and the war in Iraq, McCain's proposed policies are really quite different than Bush's. In fact, a number of them are actually quite good. His ideas on the environment and foreign policy, for instance. In fact, I believe he has enough good ideas to swing the undecided votes over to him.

I am going to vote for Obama. However, at this point, I truly don't believe he will win. However, there are still the debates coming up. Perhaps Obama has a few tricks left. We'll see!
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