Title: Soju Author: 1stfairchild Characters: Seulong, Jonghyun and Myself Length: One-shot Summary: Some nights are just too peaceful for comfort. Misaki is home alone when two of her boyfriends arrive---drunk. A/N: Second posted fic.
lol! spot! another Hoodie Original! nyahaha! ONly you could think of letting all your hubbies live in one house. The ending's quite a cliffhanger there and Seulong's given more emphasis here even getting some bonus sneakpeek on your um...XD poor Jonghyun~ :P LIke like like!
Comments 3
another Hoodie Original! nyahaha!
ONly you could think of letting all your hubbies live in one house. The ending's quite a cliffhanger there and Seulong's given more emphasis here even getting some bonus sneakpeek on your um...XD
poor Jonghyun~ :P
LIke like like!
i don't know what else to comment...
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