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FILL: Two Months (Make Him Beg) anonymous June 6 2011, 04:31:10 UTC
Ah - this started out from this prompt, but quickly got away from me. I'm sorry! I hope you enjoy anyway. And if anyone would like to write Erik's inevitable capitulation, that would be fantastic.


It takes Raven two months from the time she joins Erik (abandons her brother) for her to slip back into his bed.

She has learned from her past mistakes. This time, she wears her true form proudly, lounging naked on top of his sheets rather than hidden beneath them. In this form, she looks older, if only because the markers of adolescence are harder to spot when no human has ever displayed them quite like she does.

Raven hears Erik’s footsteps approaching the doorway and pretends very hard that her heart maintains a steady beat and her breathing remains perfectly even.

Two months are a very long time when they are filled with nothing but running and fighting and hiding, and she has done things of which she never thought herself capable (I expect better of you, Charles whispers in her mind, and she aches with shame and defiance ( ... )


Re: FILL: Two Months (Make Him Beg) (2/2) ext_651486 June 7 2011, 22:52:46 UTC
Actually...yes! Trying to, anyway. I'll post it here when/if it is finished. So glad you liked it!


a!anon de-anoning ext_651486 June 7 2011, 22:37:22 UTC
I am a bit overwhelmed by everyone's responses - thank you! I've cleaned this up a bit and put it over on my journal at dreamwidth. If you'd rather read it in one piece, it is here.

Also, I am considering a sequel, but would welcome anyone else continuing this as well. If it happens, I will post the sequel here and on my journal. This meme has been amazing and so are you guys!


Re: FILL: Two Months (Make Him Beg) (2/2) fatal_drum June 8 2011, 00:10:09 UTC
Erik looks at her like she is his most wonderful dreams and terrible nightmares all at once... Absolutely gorgeous. You made me feel for Erik here, faced with the semblance of what he's wanted and then lost.


Re: FILL: Two Months (Make Him Beg) (2/2) cupiscent June 8 2011, 00:53:43 UTC
That's some complex amazing, right there. So very nicely done.


Re: FILL: Two Months (Make Him Beg) (2/2) emhen June 8 2011, 04:24:06 UTC
Request for a sequel heartily SECONDED!!!! This was heartbreaking and hot!! Loved it, loved it, loved it.


Re: FILL: Two Months (Make Him Beg) (2/2) rubynye June 9 2011, 00:41:58 UTC
Oh excellently done!


Re: FILL: Two Months (Make Him Beg) (2/2) pinnedtoatree June 9 2011, 00:47:31 UTC
Oh my Gods, that was amazing. And so twisted...but I could SEE how much Erik longed for Charles, and it was that surprising amount of love in the middle of a sick game that got me. Great job.


Re: FILL: Two Months (Make Him Beg) (2/2) anonymous June 11 2011, 12:02:20 UTC
That is astonishingly vivid and raw and tangible and full of thought/feeling and HOLY SMEG.
*slow clap, stunned beyond stunned*


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