Updates Post: ROUND ONE

Jun 05, 2011 05:39

Have you started a Fill? Did you intend it to have it wrapped up in a drabble but it got a little bigger than that? Did the idea, to put it mildly, expand on you unexpectedly?

In short, do you have a Work In Progress?

Post a comment here by putting the pairing and kink in the SUBJECT line and pasting a URL in the MESSAGE box. Then every time you ( Read more... )

r1, comm:wips

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Fassbender/McAvoy; Erik/Charles - Bleeding Effect anonymous June 12 2011, 04:34:53 UTC
Original Prompt: During the filming of X-Men: First Class, Erik and Charles somehow start bleeding over into an unsuspecting Michael and James. Like, literally bleeding over. Their memories, their personalities, their emotions, their growing love for each other. And also their powers. Found here: http://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=840742#t840742

Fill: Madness and Method

Part 1: http://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=2008870#t2008870
Part 2: http://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=2139430#t2139430
Part 3 & 3.5: http://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=2546470#t2546470

Trying to upload one part a day. We'll see how long that lasts.


Re: Fassbender/McAvoy; Erik/Charles - Bleeding Effect anonymous June 13 2011, 20:43:26 UTC
Gah. I don't get it. Why do the hyperlinks work in the preview, but not in the actual post? I swear I'm doing everything right! Anyone have any answers?


Parts 4/4.33/4.66/4.66+1: In this thread (http://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=2874662#t2874662)


Re: Fassbender/McAvoy; Erik/Charles - Bleeding Effect anonymous June 14 2011, 02:50:24 UTC
as far as i'm aware, anons can't post links that work? or maybe you did here


Re: Fassbender/McAvoy; Erik/Charles - Bleeding Effect anonymous June 17 2011, 05:13:24 UTC
Well, that just bites. Thanks for letting me know, anon. Now at least I won't inadvertently make doubles.


Parts 5/5.5: http://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=4057382#t4057382


Re: Fassbender/McAvoy; Erik/Charles - Bleeding Effect anonymous June 18 2011, 06:11:53 UTC

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