[Final Fantasy XII] - (platonic?) Vaan x Penelo - Just Take Your Time, Wherever You Go

Mar 19, 2009 15:13

Title: Just Take Your Time, Wherever You Go
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: Platonic Vaan/Penelo.
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff ahoy. Brush teeth after reading.
Theme/Dedication: For Saki because I said I'd write it and she is my favoritest senpai, and for Lillay because she is epic Moe-chan.
Word Count: 491
Nota Bene: I love this gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame klajdflskdfsd. Here, have some fluff before I leave for NoCal. ♥

He woke in the middle of the night to the sound of muffled crying coming from across the room.


She was curled into a little ball, her shoulders shaking with the force of her sobs. Vaan scrambled out of his bed and ran to her. "Penelo!"

She looked up at him, her cheeks red and tearstained, her normally bright blue eyes full of fear. "Vaan," she whispered. Then she threw her skinny arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.

Vaan froze up. It is a well-known fact that twelve-year-old boys of any culture are Not Good at Dealing with Crying Girls. They're confusing enough when they're normal, or as normal as girls ever get, anyway. But when they're upset? Forget it.

But this wasn't just another Crying Girl, it was Penelo, and she was his- well. His... His something, anyway, heck if he knew what. His Penelo. She was his Penelo, so Vaan fought down the urge to shove her away and run for the manly sanctuary of his own mattress. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her shivering, too-thin frame, awkwardly pulling her close. She whimpered, hiccuped, clinging tighter to his bare shoulders, and Vaan nervously stroked her hair, trying to shush her.

After what felt like forever with girl in his personal bubble (Vaan was worried he'd start giggling and wearing ribbons if she didn't move soon), Penelo pulled away and straightened up, scrubbing at her face with the back of a hand. "Sorry," she said quietly. "I think I got snot all over you."

He waved a hand dismissively. "Yeah, well, snot is manly. 's fine."

"I had a nightmare," Penelo told him. Her voice started to tremble again.


"There was all this screaming and these piles of- of bodies, and I couldn't find you, or Mama and Papa, or Reks or Migelo or anyone, and it was so dark and- oh, Vaan!"

Vaan flailed his arms at her, hoping to dissuade her if she was planning to throw herself at him again. He didn't think he was mentally equipped to handle Crying Penelo Round Two. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Penelo, calm down, it was just a dream and I'm here, you're okay-"

She punched him in the arm. "I'm fine! Stop acting like you're scared of me!"

"I'm not!"

"Good!" She slumped back onto the bed in a huff. Vaan heaved a dramatic sigh. He was never going to understand girls.

Penelo was quiet for a few minutes. Vaan was about to sneak back to his own lovely warm girl-free bed when she opened one eye.



"Stay here?"

It was a question with only one answer. "Yeah, okay."

She held open the covers for him to clamber in beside her. "G'night, Vaan."

"Night, Penelo."

She was sleeping like a rock within minutes, breathing peacefully and clinging to his arm so tight it was like being stuck to a cactoid. Vaan rolled his eyes heavenward. Girls.

ffxii: abs and asses and blonds, fic

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