Edward Cullen x Isabella Swan, het, Twilight

Aug 20, 2009 16:42

Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Edward Cullen x Isabella Swan
Theme set: Epsilon
Title: What wasn't said
Rating: R overall
Notes: First Twilight writing. Again, these can form the same verse but are not completly connected.

#01 - Motion

His life revolves around motions, the motions of a charade that try to make he and his family look human, but with Bella, the new girl that figures out a little more every day, his motions are disrupted, and he doesn’t know what to do without them.

#02 - Cool

His skin is more than cool to the touch, making her shiver every time they come into contact yet somehow, that just makes her crave his touch even more.

#03 - Young

Bella was so young, he just looked young, watching her was wrong and he had to stop, but he couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried, she was like his own personal drug and he was beyond addicted.

#04 - Last

Edward had always been the last to do things in his family, or at least that was what it felt like, the last to find love, his love, Bella, but he didn’t mind that as much as he had before, a good thing had come, even though he was last, because he had waited.

#05 - Wrong

Vampires were not supposed to fall in love with humans, it was wrong, but Edward couldn’t help himself, it just happened, and he couldn’t take it back, even sometimes he really wished he could.

#06 - Gentle

He could only ever be gentle with Bella, because he that is he was rough he would break her forever.

#07 - One

Bella knew from the moment she saw him that he was the one for her, she just didn’t understand why she had to be dying for him to not only know it but accept it too.

#08 - Thousand

Thousands of thoughts entered his mind every minute of every day from every person he ever came into contact with, except for when he was alone with Bella and in that moment, everything was silent, so silent he could almost hear his heart beat again, beating for Bella.

#09 - King

It started with Edward as the king of a world he was determined Bella could never be part of and ended with Bella as the queen and the most powerful person in his world.

#10 - Learn

Edward and his ‘siblings’ had been to school, college and university more than most people had had hot dinner, was the secret family joke but when a girl from Arizona turned up one lunch time, and Edward learned more about life and himself in that hour long break than in nearly a hundred years, it didn’t seem so funny anymore.


When he touched her pale skin, and felt her skin ripple under his fingers, he lost control and everything became a passionate filled blur, which was precisely why he could never get too close, consumed with the fear that doing so, would take from him, the one thing that made him anything near human.


Edward always wanted to wait, wait for this and that and the next thing, but Bella hated waiting, she wanted to be like him, be with him forever, give him everything she could possibly give of herself yet still he demanded they wait, wait and wait some more and Bella’s patience frayed every time the word escaped his beautiful haunted lips.

#13 change

Bella wanted to be changed, craving the closeness and finality and the promise of being with Edward forever but he didn’t want to change her because part of him was terrified it would change everything, including who she was inside, the part that he fell in love with.

#14- Command

She is trembling as Edward barks orders at Rosalie and Alice and is scared for her life and her families lives but even as she is ushered forward into the protection of the car and the promise of safety, she can’t help but burn with lust at Edward’s commanding voice.

#15- hold

Bella rolls over during the night, her biology text book slipping to the floor as she does so and Edward can’t help the smile that crosses his face as he slips into her room and creeps to her bed, eyes burning as he pulls her back round the other way and into his warm embrace.


Edward needed blood to live and Bella to survive and he was never sure which need was greater, or which was more dangerous.

#17- vision

If Edward really did have to breathe, he was sure it would catch in his throat as Bella stood at the top of the stairs waiting on him, and suddenly he didn’t want to take her to the prom, because he didn’t want to share this piece of perfection that stood before him.
#18- attention

Bella loved how Edward could walk into a room and instantly have all eyes on him, yet only have any attention for her.

#19- soul

Pages fluttered under her fingertips as she read more and more about what the Cullens could be, thoughts of soulless beings and turning to dust in the lights crashing down her as she faced a different reality of what vampires could be, and suddenly, she wasn’t sure which terrified her more.

#20- picture

When Bella pictured her life when she was a child, she was sure it was nothing like this.


The hospital was cold, sterile to his keen senses as he stood at the foot of her bed, eyes cast over her broken form, all he could think was that he was a fool to think he could ever keep her safe.


Sometimes they wondered who was more insane, her for loving a vampire, or him for allowing himself to be loved.

#23 -child

Edward spent many nights watching her sleep, watching her grow, hardly daring to hope that what was growing inside her was a child, a normal child, their child.


Part of her knew he was leaving to try to protect her but that didn’t mean it hurt any less because he was leaving for what might happen someday if he wasn’t there like he was with Jasper and that didn’t help her aching heart right there, now, in this moment as he disappeared out of her life.

#25 -shadow

The fact that she was human was a great shadow that loomed over them all the time, Edward tried to ignore it, refused to talk about it, but was more than aware that it was there.


It was so much harder to say goodbye when he should never have said hello in the first place.

#27- hide

They could try and hide Bella from James, but they could never escape the fact that her existence could end them all.


Gazing around the large house, Bella pondered that they must have a fortune stored away, but then again, she thought while glancing at the sun beams in the far off distance, they paid so much for their existence every day.


She was safe, technically, because he was gone, he had abandoned her and in theory, nothing abnormal could hurt her, but who was going to save her from herself?


Edward was like a ghost, haunting her every move now he was gone.


A pile of books lay before her, too many websites opened up on her laptop, yet nothing had put her off, she didn’t care that Edward could be one of the darkest beings on earth, she still wanted him.

#32- eye

They say that eyes are the window the soul and Bella had never believed it before, until she saw them change with every emotion, until she met Edward.

#33- never

Edward was determined he would never change her and Bella was determined he would, because she wanted forever, and he was the only one she wanted to give it to her.

#34- sing

Bella sang in the shower, every morning like clockwork and every morning Edward heard her, he had to bite back his laughter.

#35- sudden

One moment, one sudden movement, one drop of blood from one cut and everything crashed down around her.


He knew he had to stop because her scent was too much and her touch was killing him and her moans were like fire in his veins and he could feel himself losing control and he couldn’t, wouldn’t do that and, “Stop! Please, Bella, god, stop.”

#37- time

When you had been alone as long as Edward, time blended into one long mesh of sights and sounds and it was only when he caught sight if her, her who he couldn’t read like an open book, that everything grinded to a halt.


Stumbling into his home, unsteady on his feet, ignoring the alarmed glance of Esme, Edward made his way towards the bathroom, determined to scrub every trace of the unreadable girl from his skin because he knew part of himself was already falling and he would do anything to try to stop himself.


Her clothes were torn, he could still taste her sweet blood on his tongue and he could almost hear her bones cracking slightly as they were pushed back into place, but she was ok and that was all he would allow to matter until he could hear her voice once again.

#40- history

“Do you never find it strange that what is history to you, is just a more distant memory to me?”, he whispered while pulling her closer under the moonlight that was creeping into her room, feeling her shake her head and smile into his chest, letting a small smile cross his own face, because he would never understand this girl and he wasn’t sure he really wanted to.


He had the power to keep her safe from harm from almost everything, except his own power, himself and Bella knew that she should be afraid of that, she just wasn’t.

#42- bother

As Jasper gained spade across the highway, Bella felt the guilt settle in, knowing their lives had been turned on their axes’ because of her, and she couldn’t help wanting to disappear to somewhere where she couldn’t bother anyone anymore.

#43- god

Edward had not been a religious man for a long time, but with James hovering over her and Bella trembling in fear, he prayed to god that she would be ok.

#44- wall

Bella woke up more than once and thought he was there, leaning up against the wall of her room, only to switch on the light and see nothing, but that didn’t mean the eerie feeling that she wasn’t alone ever went away.

#45- naked

Every time he was in her room at night and her top rode up a fraction, exposing a few more inches of porcelain perfection, Edward wondered what it would be like if he could see it all, feel it all, and then he remembered how he couldn’t even handle her covered touch and the torture returned because recently, he always seemed to want what he couldn’t have.

#46 - Drive

Edward drove recklessly and Bella loved it, she loved it because driving too fast with your boyfriend was a normal teenage thing to do and as Edward screeched around the next bed, Bella could forget everything else.

#47 - Harm

Bella could never understand why Edward couldn’t see that leaving to keep her safe, hurt more than anything that could try to harm her.

#48 - Precious

Some things in life were too precious to describe, like the way Bella turned into him in her sleep and smiled, just because he was there.

#49 - Hunger

Edward knew, as he felt Bella’s blood pulse in her veins, that the dangerous thing about hunger was, it had to be satisfied at some point.

#50 - Believe

Bella had to believe that she wasn’t afraid of him, that everything would be ok, that they could be together and be happy, because if she didn’t, everything she had ever dreamed of would slip through her fingers.

!set epsilon, twilight

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