Cantarella | Alfonso/Sancia Set Beta

Aug 20, 2009 16:59

Fandom: Cantarella
Pairing: Alfonso/Sancia
Theme set: Beta
Title: My Ivory
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Incest, het, spoilers

My Ivory

By Cory

1) Walking

Alfonso’s father says his journeys are unfit for the son of a king, and he hardly warns his father beforehand recently; it’s just another one of those little unspoken secrets in the family.

2) Waltz

Lucrezia ignores each of his little slips when they dance, but Sancia jostles him roughly in return for his accidental trip-up whenever he does so whilst dancing with her, on the rare occasion when she doesn’t refuse him rudely.

3) Wishes

His pearl princess is grown up now, and yet he’s the one hinting at fairy tales while Lucrezia giggles and Sancia glares vehemently.

4) Wonder

Alfonso’s hand is smooth in her own-unlike Gabriello’s softly callused fingers from strumming-and his dark eyes are wide as they stare up at the merchant’s foreign “parrot”, as the colorful squawking thing is called; Sancia feels her interest diminishing, and is unsure just when she started to grow up.

5) Worry

Even beyond his selfish, quiet, sinful jealousy he feels when he learns Sancia is sleeping with Cesare, he senses the first clenches of true dread at the thought of Sancia meddling with the ambitious Duke of Valentinois.

6) Whimsy

The two inky-haired children flee from the shrieking nursemaids as they race to the menagerie, fine clothes catching and soiling.

7) Waste/Wasteland

The world is a scary place, but Sancia embraces it with a pillager’s hold, despite Alfonso’s desperate entreaties to keep her well.

8) Whiskey and rum

Alfonso stares uncertainly down at the amber drink he was given by one of the French mercenaries, and is just raising it to his lips for a first taste before his bossy older sister catches him by the scruff of the neck and a scandalized “Alfonso!” that makes him flush in shame.

9) War

It’s been an undeclared battle between the two of them since almost before Sancia could remember; it’s one between right and fair and Alfonso’s pleadings.

10) Weddings

Lucrezia is a flawless angel in her voluminous white gown, ensconced in rich furs and pearls; Sancia hasn’t bothered to exchange her usual garb, and still appears to be a busty whore, but Alfonso knows who he breathes for as he gives his sister a quick smile and hears her small explosion of frustration behind him.

11) Birthday

When Alfonso is asked what he will give his sister for her twelfth birthday, Alfonso answers that he will give her his first kiss, and then he’s seated down with his father for one of their serious talks that make him cry.

12) Blessing

When they were children, Alfonso’s smiles were something lovely that she would return without a thought, but now each smile is full of something wrong and unspeakable; she brushes them off.

13) Bias

Sancia loves Gabriello’s mouth warm against her own, soft and beloved, but ignores each of little Alfonso’s dark looks at the minstrel; the boy is too young to understand the devotion shared between them.

14) Burning

Sancia can’t look at the fold of silky hair over part of Alfonso’s face without feeling like she’s on fire.

15) Breathing

Alfonso’s head blazes and his skin is feverishly hot, and continual tears and blood stream out of the bandages over where his eye may have been hours before, but Sancia holds his hand even when the nurses leave to get more cloths for bandages, and kisses the sweat-drenched nightshirt over his heart each time he inhales in reward.

16) Breaking

If my heart was broken, Alfonso thought negligently, I’d be dead.

17) Belief

Alfonso believes in God and he believes in Sancia, and that’s enough for him.

18) Balloon

Alfonso is a dreamy artist, not a fighter, and he pays for it one day after volunteering to a bout with one of Sancia’s many “admirers” and having his one good eye swell and purple from getting kneed there.

19) Balcony

The two children sneak up to one of the guest’s room’s balconies to watch the fire eater below with wide, wondering eyes as they listen inattentively for the calls of their guards and nurses.

20) Bane

All the songs proclaim the prince as the fair lady’s saving grace, but all in all, Alfonso’s more of a curse.

21) Quiet

The first night Sancia is taken away from him (and after all, they are children, and such a thing as sibling sharing a bed is far from uncommon), Alfonso can’t sleep because his sister isn’t gossiping with him and answering almost all of his questions (save the ones she calls too silly).

22) Quirks

Alfonso has memorized all of Sancia’s small idiosyncrasies, including the way her cheek twitches when she tries not to smile, as well as the way she never seems to do it for him anymore.

23) Question

When Sancia asks, suddenly sounding panicked, “Alfonso, do you remember when Gabri-?” Alfonso answers, “Does it matter?”

24) Quarrel

“You know I’m right!” Sancia growls, and when Alfonso smiles indulgently and returns, “Sure, sure…” Sancia definitely feels less than victorious.

25) Quitting

They’ve been dragged too far in the tide of purpose and ambition, and now all Alfonso can hold on to is the gaze of his dear sister.

26) Jump

There’s certainly a gap between sibling love and what he feels for his sister, but he’s not quite sure when he jumped that gap.

27) Jester

Sancia always seems to like step-sister Isabella than him when she visits, so Alfonso often finds himself doing somewhat sensational things just to keep her attention-at least until Isabella takes his hands in her own and whispers in her silvery voice, “You don’t have to do that, Alfonso.”

28) Jousting

Traditionally in the tales, feuding knights contend for the lady’s favor, but Sancia doesn’t seem to give a damn about that, just so long as the man in love with her isn’t her brother.

29) Jewel

Whenever Alfonso tries to give Sancia gifts of strings of rare jewels, Sancia rebuffs him waspishly, so he spends an entire afternoon with Lucrezia learning how to make daisy chains, then strings them about wherever she’s likely to be.

30) Just

Sancia is not good, or bad, but she’s right; that doesn’t guarantee, however, that Alfonso wants to believe it.

31) Smirk

Alfonso misses his sister’s smiles even more than he misses his safety.

32) Sorrow

August 18, 1500, Sancia cried softly into her pillow to sleep for the first time since Gabriello.

33) Stupidity

Just because Sancia sleeps even more than Rodrigo doesn’t make her a stupid bitch, and sometimes people need reminding-but never Alfonso.

34) Serenade

Pulcinella-really, Alfonso?

35) Sarcasm

Alfonso can’t tell if Sancia is being sarcastic or not, but he doesn’t want to be teased by her to go back to the nurses, so he flushes and doesn’t answer.

36) Sordid

He’s something dirty, something evil, for wanting his elder sister this way.

37) Soliloquy

Alfonso’s rambling with bright eyes as he explains to his sister the sheer artistry of Da Vinci’s masterpiece before them, and Sancia just suppresses a smile and lets him ramble.

38) Sojourn

Sancia frowns and guides poor, overwhelmed, but still smiling Alfonso through the crowd, knowing that her brother does not belong with these people, and probably not even herself, as well.

39) Share

Alfonso doesn’t share his infrequent lovers, and he has to force himself down and remind himself that Sancia is, in fact, not his lover, as she dances with the men that swarm her.

40) Solitary

A real love is impossible for them, so Alfonso suffers a lonely life, even surrounded by so many others.

41) Nowhere

There’s nowhere to run when Sancia finds out exactly who had minstrels follow her ceaselessly on her birthday.

42) Neutral

Alfonso is not one to pick a side on a whim, but Sancia’s furious face spurs him to her side.

43) Nuance

Alfonso is assumed to be soft under the luxurious clothes of state; perhaps he is, but loyalty is something he never skips about over.

44) Near

The far side of the room with a platonic little smile will never be close enough for Alfonso.

45) Natural

His God calls it unnatural, and He’s quite possibly right, but that can’t really change his feelings.

46) Horizon

How terribly cliché, he thinks as the back of his hand brushes his sister’s.

47) Valiant

Big damn hero, Sancia thinks as Alfonso’s arms enfold about her from behind as he whispers in her ear, “For you, I’d fall into the deepest hell.”

48) Virtuous

“What, brother,” Sancia asks as she flounces about his room, waking him up by yanking apart the curtains and jerking the bed sheets away from him as he hurries to make sure his nightshirt covers his nether regions, “are you concerned about your virtue?”

49) Victory

Sancia’s eyes are proud as he wakes up July 15th, 1500, after he was certain he wouldn’t again.

50) Defeat

The hands are still clenched about his throat as he wheezes his last, and knows that he would be far from the last of the casualties.

cantarella, !set beta

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