Dark Angel: Alec (X5-494)/Logan Cale: Set Gamma

Apr 06, 2008 17:47

Fandom: Dark Angel
Pairing: Alec (X5-494)/ Logan Cale
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG13 (to be on the safe side)
Warning[s]: male/male
Beta: The wonderful forcryinoutloud

X-Posted to: soldierfetish, jam_pony_fic, and 1sentence

01 - Ring
Alec never asked where the ring on Logan’s dresser came from, Logan told him anyway.

2 - Hero
“I still don’t understand why Doltan sees me as a hero,” Alec said while watching Logan make dinner.

3 - Memory
Most times Alec hates his edict memory but right know while he and Logan are lying in bed together he’s glad he’ll always remember this moment.

4 - Box
To everyone else they were just two plain cardboard boxes full of Alec’s stuff but to Logan and Alec they were the next step.

5 - Run
Alec spent most of his life running first from those who wanted to kill him then from White and now to Logan.

6 - Hurricane
Logan just watched as a hurricane ripped through his penthouse knowing that a sugar high Alec was at the eye of it all.

7 - Wings
At school Logan was taught that you could only fly if you had wings or were in a plane turns out school was wrong.

8 - Cold
The last thought in Logan’s head as Alec leads him into the bedroom is ‘Chinese is better cold anyway.’

9 - Red
When the shot rang out all Logan saw was the blood pouring from Alec like a sick red drink.

10 - Drink
Everyone knew Alec’s drink of choice was Scotch but only Logan knew why.

11 - Midnight
It was midnight Logan should be asleep, but how was he supposed to when lying awake listening to the sound of Alec’s even breathing sounded so much better?

12 - Temptation
As they kiss for the first time Logan wonders why he didn’t give in to the temptation sooner.

13 - View
The view from Logan’s place was wonderful but that’s not why Alec was there on that night.

14 - Music
When Logan heard the music Alec was making when he came home that night it made him forget all about calling Max back.

15 - Silk
Who ever said that silk felt the best had never felt Alec’s skin.

16 - Cover
Logan didn’t know when pretending to be with Alec wasn’t just a cover anymore.

17 - Promise
Alec couldn’t promise Logan forever but he’d give him as long as he could.

18 - Dream
Looking back Alec still doesn’t know the exact day Logan’s dream became his.

19 - Candle
Even though the cake was lopsided and only had one candle Logan still thought it was the best birthday cake he’d ever had.

20 - Talent
Alec’s biggest talent was making people feel better even if it made him feel worse.

21 - Silence
Alec was never silent so why should he be any different during sex?

22 - Journey
He may have complained about the journey to Logan’s Uncle’s house, but the look on everyone’s face when they saw Logan happily with one of the transgenics they had seen on the news was well worth it.

23 - Fire
Logan was like fire hot and unforgiving.

24 - Strength
During the war Alec and Logan found the strength to go on in each other.

25 - Mask
“Cindy has an interesting since of humor,” said Alec as he removed his cat mask.

26 - Ice
Alec was like ice cool and underestimated.

27 - Fall
The night the Familiars finally fell was a night Alec and Logan will never forget.

28 - Forgotten
On the anniversary of the Jam Pony siege Logan was the only one who remembered what else that day meant.

29 - Dance
The way Alec and Logan danced around each other at first kept Terminal City entertained for months.

30 - Body
Not even Manticore knew Alec’s body the way Logan did.

31 - Sacred
When Alec stumbled into Logan’s penthouse that night saying he was scared about what was up ahead for his people Logan had no idea what to do.

32 - Farewells
They never said good-bye or farewell or anything like that both knew it would hurt to bad if those were the last words they said to each other.

33 - World
The world may hate him but as long as he has Logan that doesn’t matter too much anymore.

34 - Formal
Watching Alec take place on Seattle’s City Council knowing that he had been formally voted on was definitely a step in the right direction.

35 - Fever
When Logan’s fever finally broke Alec was ready to start believing in a God.

36 - Laugh
When Alec laughed, really laughed Logan decided that it was his favorite sound and he’d make it happen as much as possible.

37 - Lies
When Max said that Alec was her boy Logan barely stopped before calling her on the lie.

38 - Forever
They didn’t know if forever was there but if it was they were ready to face it together.

39 - Overwhelmed
Logan saw Alec really saw Alec on the day when being Max’s verbal punching bag was too overwhelming.

40 - Whisper
‘I love you,’ the first time Alec says it it’s whispered almost like a secret he’s scared to tell.

41 - Wait
“Alec you can wait an hour,” Logan sighed for what felt like the fifteenth time.

42 - Talk
Some nights they talked about what happened that day other times they talked about everything but.

43 - Search
When Logan saw Alec searching for the members of his old unit just to see if any of them made it out he found he wanted nothing more but for the all to have made it out.

44 - Hope
Alec thought that all hope for the future was gone until he met the man with a dream.

45 - Eclipse
Logan thought falling in love was like having your good judgment eclipsed with your want for the other person to be happy.

46 - Gravity
Alec thought that falling in love was like gravity giving out and not telling you when it would be back.

47 - Highway
Alec used to think the only way you could be free was to speed down the highway or stand alone on Space Needle.

48 - Unknown
According to the Terminal City betting pool the exact day that Logan and Alec first kissed is still unknown.

49 - Lock
‘There he is,’ Logan thought as he heard the lock click open.

50 - Breathe
Some nights all it took to calm Alec down was curling up with his head on Logan’s chest listening to him breathe while he slept.

dark angel, !set gamma

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