Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh x Yu-Gi-Oh GX (effective crossover)
Title: Crossing The Gap
Pairing: Otogi Ryuuji x Tenjoin Fubuki
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied male x male sex, if that bothers you.
#01 - Comfort: The sweetest comfort after a long day at work is Fubuki's musical voice telling him welcome home.
#02 - Kiss: The first kiss is tender and gentle, but with building passion that sweeps the both of them away.
#03 - Soft: A single touch, the sliding of a ring on a finger, and a softly murmured question is all that they need, and the long search is finally over with.
#04 - Pain: They don't fight often, but when they do, Otogi can see the pain in Fubuki's eyes, and can't stop himself from wanting to ease it.
#05 - Potatoes: Otogi has developed a taste for potatoes after his travels in the States, and Fubuki never thinks it's a punishment to peel them for dinner.
#06 - Rain: Rain plasters Otogi's hair to his skin and drips into his eyes and also forms a lovely excuse for the two of them to have a shower together.
#07 - Chocolate: Fubuki's taste for sweets means he doesn't care if something is from the corner store or from Switzerland, and Otogi's taste for Fubuki means he doesn't care how much it costs to import the best for his boyfriend.
#08 - Happiness: Fubuki's natural state is that of happiness, but Otogi likes to think that he makes his boyfriend just a little happier than usual.
#09 - Telephone: A lot of people know Otogi's work cell phone number, whether he wants to hear from them or not, and there are those who have his private cell, but only Fubuki has the number to one other phone, something just for the two of them.
#10 - Ears: Otogi thinks one of the cutest things about Fubuki is the fact he has matching moles on the back of each of his ears: and he's ticklish right there.
#11 - Name: "Ryuuji," Fubuki whispers as they hold one another, and as long as he lives, Otogi can't imagine his name being said in just that way by anyone else.
#12 - Sensual: Fubuki insists that they shop for new sheets at least once a month, and Otogi never complains, since the feeling of sliding in between silk that's never been touched before is probably one of the most sensual feelings that he's ever experienced short of Fubuki's kisses.
#13 - Death: Once in a while Fubuki wakes up with a nightmare of when he was sacrificed or Otogi remembers the fire at his father's store, and they have to remind each other that they are alive, not dead.
#14 - Sex: Neither of them is inexperienced when they have their first time, but they didn't expect to be, and the past makes the present that much better.
#15 - Touch: Before they get serious, Otogi sees the way that Fubuki touches his cards, and his nights become filled with envy for the Red Eyes Black Dragon.
#16 - Weakness: Each of them has their weaknesses, but they become stronger together because of that.
#17 - Tears: Otogi lies and tells Fubuki that he loves onions, if only to give himself the chance to wipe away tears from those beautiful eyes.
#18 - Speed: Some might say that they went too fast, but those are the people who don't know them or their ways very well at all.
#19 - Wind: Otogi's hair is tugged this way and that by the dancing winds, and Fubuki looks forward to untangling it all when they get back home.
#20 - Freedom: It's the most glorious feeling of freedom, to wake up and know that they only have to do what they want to do that day, which means it's time for each other all day long.
#21 - Life: When Fubuki thinks about life, he thinks about it with Otogi; when Otogi thinks about Fubuki, he thinks about the rest of his life.
#22 - Jealousy: Otogi can't help but feel a small spark of jealousy when he realizes that as much as Fubuki loves him, it's really Asuka who will always be first in his heart.
#23 - Hands: They duel each other on occasion, the old against the new, and sometimes they have to stop and remember that their hands are for drawing cards as well as for drawing passion from one another.
#24 - Taste: They've both tasted the dark side of life, willingly or unwillingly, and they both agree that this knowledge gives the relationship just a little more spice than the usual one.
#25 - Devotion: Words cease to have much meaning when you're as good with them as these two are; their devotion to one another is expressed in far more intimate ways than that.
#26 - Forever: Forever isn't something that either of them thinks about; they just take each day as it comes and that's all that they need.
#27 - Blood: An accidental swipe of the knife and bright red blood flows, and Otogi runs to get a band-aid, but before he puts it on, he just has to kiss the injury better first.
#28 - Sickness: It's only a little cold, but you'd think Otogi was going to die if Fubuki let him out of his sight for a single moment.
#29 - Melody: The first song that Otogi hears from Fubuki isn't a love song, but the way he sings it when he looks at the black-haired businessman is enough to make it one anyway.
#30 - Star: Fubuki's always wanted to be a star, and he enjoys spending time on the stage, and all the work is more than worthwhile the night he meets a pair of shimmering green eyes.
#31 - Home: On the ride home from another gaming convention, Otogi falls asleep in Fubuki's arms, something he only does when he feels perfectly safe.
#32 - Confusion: When green eyes meet brown for the very first time, Otogi is startled out of his usual suave lines: because Fubuki says one of them first.
#33 - Fear: "Don't be afraid," Fubuki encourages Otogi, and the other man laughs as they head out into the ocean, because when they're together, he's never afraid.
#34 - Lightning/Thunder: As the storm rages overhead, the thunder crashes, the lightning sparks, and neither of them have ever known anything so romantic as they lean in closer to one another, the storm mirroring the passion between them.
#35 - Bonds: Words, looks, and deeds all combine together to weave the bonds around them as they get to know and grow to know each other.
#36 - Market: "What happened to you?" Otogi wonders as Fubuki walks in with his shirt torn to pieces and what looks like lipstick on his cheek. "I thought you were just going to the market."
#37 - Technology: When they have to be apart, e-mail and cell phones work perfectly to keep them together in at least one way.
#38 - Gift: Otogi had no idea that when Yuugi gave him tickets and a backstage pass to a new musician's concert that he was also giving him the ultimate gift to his heart.
#39 - Smile: That charming smile, that sweet look, that awareness that there's more to the world than what people think, all of those weave a web around the two to bind them together.
#40 - Innocence: Those who think Fubuki is a total innocent have never seen the look on his face when he watches Otogi get out of the shower.
#41 - Completion: A complete list of items for Fubuki's enjoyment includes a chat with his sister, a duel with his friends, and Otogi's arms around him at the end of the day.
#42 - Clouds: They can spend all day watching the clouds go by and never agree on what the same cloud looks like.
#43 - Sky: Side by side they lay on the beach, looking up at the evening sky, but looking at each other every now and then as well.
#44 - Heaven: Otogi doesn't believe that being gay bars you from heaven, and if it does, he doesn't care, for a heaven without Fubuki would be hell itself.
#45 - Hell: If ever Otogi wants to know what Hell is, all he has to do is ignore Fubuki for more than a couple of days.
#46 - Sun: Basking on the beach in the sun with the sound of the waves in his ears is fun; basking on the beach in the sun with the sight of Fubuki in his eyes is bliss incarnate.
#47 - Moon: One on Academy Island, one in Domino City, but they are under the same sky, and the moon lights a pathway of silver to lead them to one another.
#48 - Waves: Fubuki surfs the waves off of Domino City just as easily as he did the ones off of Academy Island, but this time, he's got an audience of just one guy instead of a dozen cheering girls.
#49 - Hair: Fubuki opens his eyes in the bright light of morning and the first thing he sees is night-dark hair and exotic green eyes looking back at him.
#50 - Supernova: As brightly as stars burn when they go out, Fubuki can't imagine that they're any brighter than Otogi's eyes the first time he agrees to go out with him.
The End