Bleach, RangiHime, Alpha

Aug 23, 2006 21:09

Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Matsumoto Rangiku x Inoue Orihime
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: R to NC-17 (For sexual content)

#01 - Comfort
Orihime stared at Rangiku a moment, searching her eyes and letting herself fall into the woman's embrace, the warmth and comfort of her companion's form seemed to allow her to melt.

#02 - Kiss
It was not something she'd expected Rangiku to do, she pressed her fingers to her lips to see if the warmth of the passionate kiss was still there.

#03 - Soft
She traced her fingers along the curve of Orihime's breast, there was something about it's soft texture that appealed to her sense of touch so much more than what a man could provide her with.

#04 - Pain
Rangiku stared out the window, sadness lingering within her eyes, it'd been sometime since she'd seen Orihime last and the sting of separation was setting in.

#05 - Potatoes
Orihime decided she'd make dinner for Rangiku and she was attempting something new, a potato stew, the powdered corn starch speckled her face and blotched her apron, basically she'd become a mess.

#06 - Rain
Why had she just walked out on Rangiku like that, just to stand in the rain while screaming profanities at the skies above, which were simply drowned away by the rain; Why was she so upset over nothing, she couldn't even begin to understand her own mind at the moment.

#07 - Chocolate
Rangiku grinned playfully, and too Orihime much like a cat, when she uttered these next words, "You know, I spotted chocolate paste at the candy store today... You know what we could do with it, right, Hime-chan?"

#08 - Happiness
When she saw Rangiku at her doorstep, asking if she could lodge at her place while they handled thing, an excitement or a happiness built up in Orihime; She was not sure which it was, but it felt good.

#09 - Telephone
Orihime giggled a little, then a bit harder, she then nudged at Rangiku lightly who simply proceeded to nibble and suckle on her breast; She finally got up courage enough to say, even through attempting to keep her cool over the phone, "Rangiku-sama, not right now, I'm on the phone with Tatsuki~!"

#10 - Ears
Rangiku nipped playfully at Orihime's earlobe, teasing as the girl in return stroked her delicate fingers along the curve of her breast, a pleasured grinned tickled its way across Rangiku's lips.

#11 - Name
Orihime yelled Rangiku's name so many times, but everytime she did her voice seems to fail her, it was horrible; She couldn't seem to reach her and she felt like she was falling, she prayed that it would end up just to be a dream.

#12 - Sensual
The burning sensuality of their sweat-soaked forms dancing beneath the silken covers was so very new to Orihime, the overwhelming passion let slip a short squeak from her throat.

#13 - Death
It was all so fast, Orihime hardly had time to register the situation, Rangiku fell to the ground and the spray of blood seemed to blind her momentarily; She ran to Rangiku, tears flying from her eyes, it couldn't be and it wasn't happening, she protested it over and over in her mind as she held the woman against her, rocking back and forth.

#14 - Sex
Orihime arched back, hers hips pressed against Rangiku's sweat-lorn form as a light, stressed moan escaped her lips; Rangiku had simply run her fingers along the curve of Orihime's breast to her hips.

#15 - Touch
Rangiku enjoyed the touch and feel of Orihime's body, as well as the scent of her, it reminded her of a field of flowers.

#16 - Weakness
Orihime refused to let it shine through, she wanted to fight by Rangiku's side no matter her own personal condition, she couldn't show weakness even through her bloodsoaked clothing and tear-stained cheeks.

#17 - Tears
He'd given her an ultimatum, to say goodbye to those she cared for, she choked back tears as she passed the bathroom of her apartment, how could she look Rangiku in eye while saying such words?

#18 - Speed
Rangiku had originally been worried she was moving too fast for Orihime, who had told her many times that she was perfectly fine with the rate that their relationship had developed.

#19 - Wind
She watched Rangiku stand there, at the edge of the shoreline, wind making the orange-toned tresses flutter about.

#20 - Freedom
When she thought of her freedom from Hueco Mundo, the first thing that reached her mind was Rangiku, seeing her again was everything.

#21 - Life
Orihime's eyes and smile were like the essence of life, they were bright and full of inspiration, Rangiku loved to stare into her eyes for long periods of time.

#22 - Jealousy
She couldn't explain but she was jealous of Toushirou, was it because he was Rangiku's captain or was it something entirely different, Orihime was frustrated that she could not quite put her finger on it.

#23 - Hands
Orihime bit her lip lightly as Rangiku's hands traced along her bare form, her fingers played against her flesh, almost teasing and begging for a slight shiver.

#24 - Taste
Rangiku looked down at Orihime, she smiled and then pressed her lips to Orihime's breast, twirling her tongue around her the curve and taking up the sweet taste of her flesh; Orihime closed her eyes and moaned quietly against the awkward combination of the warm tongue and cooling residue.

#25 - Devotion
She'd told Toushirou that she'd devote and risk her life for Orihime if it came to it, he simply made a worried face and said nothing; She wanted to save the girl from Aizen Sousuke, no matter what it took.

#26 - Forever
When her last significant other had mentioned the term 'forever', she'd wanted to run so far away, but when Orihime said it, it just felt right.

#27 - Blood
Orihime clenched her fist at those words, why would anyone call Rangiku that, she wondered to herself; She barely realized she'd clenched so hard that blood was trickling from her fist.

#28 - Sickness
Rangiku hated being sick, it made her overheat and get all sweaty, it was horribly annoying, though Orihime was being cute about trying to be as helpful as possible.

#29 - Melody
There was something about the melody of the song that reminded Orihime of Rangiku, it made her smile, no one could make her smile like Rangiku could.

#30 - Star
Orihime told Rangiku she should see the stars from her apartment's roof when she missed her, that the stars would soother her worries and remind her that she'd live through anything; It was truly a relief to see them twinkling in the sky above.

#31 - Home
There was something about being held in Rangiku's arms, whether it was the warmth or simply the grip, to Orihime it just felt like home.

#32 - Confusion
Orihime had repeatedly thought about and explored it numerous times, it was a confusing thing to her, what had it been about Matsumoto Rangiku that made her fall in love?

#33 - Fear
Everytime Rangiku was near her, she felt safe and her fears seemed to dissipate into nothing, it made her happy; Rangiku made her happy.

#34 - Lightning/Thunder
Orihime jumped up, startled by the boom of thunder that eminated into her apartment and Rangiku caught her, pulling her in and holding her close while whispering, "I'll keep you safe."

#35 - Bonds
"Orihime, Chizuru gave us a gift... Bondage tape, how shall we us it?" Rangiku had one of her catty grins pasted on her lips as she spoke and Orihime was quite sure of the woman's intentions.

#36 - Market
Rangiku wandered aimlessly, appearing to be sulking more than walking, through the marketplace; It was Toushirou's birthday and Orihime offered to help her figure out what to get the midget, but they'd been out for, she peered at her watch, six hours and still nothing.

#37 - Technology
Orihime had given Rangiku a gift, it was something called a 'Sidekick', so that they could keep in touch; But Rangiku was not quite sure about a cellphone, let alone something more advanced than such technology.

#38 - Gift
Rangiku sighed deeply staring blankly at the dozens of gift options before her, it was Orihime's birthday and she was hardly sure where to begin, she'd asked others but their responses were not helpful; More specifically Chizuru was not helpful.

#39 - Smile
Rangiku adored the quirky smile that Orihime owned, it was cute and sexy all at once, it was also one of many things she loved about the young woman.

#40 - Innocence
Rangiku stared into the younger woman's eyes, the innocence that glittered there was almost cute to her, it twinkled at her and it made her smile.

#41 - Completion
Orihime was pretty sure that this relationship was what it meant to be complete, she just couldn't find the words to explain it to Tatsuki.

#42 - Clouds
She watched the clouds, she'd hoped it wouldn't remind her of Orihime, but nothing she tried seemed to work; Everything and anything brought the bright eyed girl into Rangiku's mind.

#43 - Sky
Even though it was supposed to be a beautiful day, the sky was overcast, it made Orihime upset because today was her one year anniversary with Rangiku; She wanted today to be gorgeous.

#44 - Heaven
Orihime dug her nails into Rangiku's hips who simply grinned, she herself was wincing lightly at her lover's play and while it did hurt, it made her feel as though she were close to the Heavens.

#45 - Hell
When Rangiku was gone for something for the Soul Society, Orihime felt cold and alone, she always worried for Rangiku's well-being and survival, the thought of losing her was Hell.

#46 - Sun
The sun's spray made her partner's red hair glisten and the wind made it shift, it was sight to be seen and Rangiku truly found Orihime to be one of most beautiful women she'd known; Inside and out.

#47 - Moon
The moonlight played against the window curtains and the bare bodies dancing beneath the covers; Rangiku's giggling and Orihime's light moaning emitting from under the sheets.

#48 - Waves
There was something extremely relaxing about being in Rangiku's arms on the warm sands of a beach while watching the waves crash against the shore and rock.

#49 - Hair
Attemping to control it, she intertwined her fingers among Rangiku's orange tresses as she proceeded to pleasure her, which hardly worked to prevent somewhat erratic moans from escaping her mouth.

#50 - Supernova
Rangiku had offered to Orihime to the Science Museum and they were in the Space Room, when Orihime said with a chiming voice and glittering eyes, "Aren't supernovas wild?"

bleach, !set alpha

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