Crossover Emma Frost (X-Men) x Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

Aug 11, 2006 22:05

Fandom: Crossover X-Men and Spider-Man
Pairing: Emma Frost x Peter Parker
Theme set: Beta
Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations

1. Only because of the driving rain that sent most scurry inside for dry warmth could they steal moments like this; finger intertwined and their boots slapping lightly on the wet pavement as Peter and Emma paced the city, not needing to share a single word.

2. She was so light in his arms, a sylph that new his every move before he made it and Peter could think of no better Saturday night then dancing with Emma in the moonlight.

3. "Wishes don't come true,' Emma teased as Peter tossed a penny into the fountain, and yet reading this thoughts, even she wished that this one would.

4. She was bathed in moonlight, dressed in white and looked more like a goddess than a woman and Peter wondered if she wasn't a dream.

5. "You worry too much,' Emma murmured, leaning back further over the edge of the building as she let the fibers of the web hold her weight, tugging at Peter's arm to encourage him to join her.

6. The dress was made entirely of strategically, knotted ropes, ebony spiderwebs against Emma's golden skin; Peter was bound to either pass out on the spot or drag her to the roof once more.

7. "Emma, please, do not say again that any life is a waste,' Peter pleaded, knowing she took as much delight in his tone as she did the argument.

8. She was drunk and so was Peter and, as they kissed, Emma couldn't stop giggling over the taste of whiskey and rum mingling on their tongues.

9. It wasn't Emma's face that could launch a thousand ships but a body that money had bought and that Peter could not get enough of.

10. She never let him see her, standing at the very back of the chapel as she watched Peter beaming at MJ, his "I do" ringing throughout the church... or perhaps that was only in Emma's mind.

11: The package arrived at the mansion in Emma's name, the tiny platinum spider web sparkling with a single blood red stone.

12: The kiss seemed to last for hours, the only thing that broke their affectionate embrace was the sweet blessing of rain that suddenly poured down over them.

13: Peter read the article twice, knowing his account favored the mutants of Xavier's Institute but he submitted it as is, despite the bias shown.

14: "I'm burning for you, need you, can't live without you,' Emma groaned with a roll of her eyes, grabbing Spidey by the front of his suit and kissing him hard.

15: "If you pass out, I'm leaving you where you lie,' she warned, poking Peter sharply with one nail to try and make him breath as she took him, claiming him as her own.

16: Peter swore his heart wasn't breaking even as he stood atop the building, staring out over the city and yet seeing nothing but her face in his mind.

17: "My belief in good extends to what is in here and here,' Emma murmured, placing her hand over Peter's heart, the other lightly gracing his temple.

18: "You bought me a balloon,' Emma marveled, staring at the mylar balloon that Peter cared, shaped into a likeness of Spider-Man himself.

19: Standing on the balcony of her New York City condo, Peter wrapped his arms around Emma's slender waist and rested his cheek against her shoulder with a contented sigh.

20: "Heroes like you are the bane of my existence,' she whispered, even as his body, slick with the proof of his exertion, slid against hers, eliciting a gasp.

21: Tiptoeing, they both were as quiet as church mouse as the White Queen and the Spider-Man slipped into the dark office of J. Jonah Jameson's, her gown shed the moment the door was closed.

22: "You call murder a quirk, Emma, as if it means nothing to you,' he hissed, shaking the woman as if he could make her see sense.

23: From across the room, his gaze meet hers and Peter couldn't remember a single word of the question just asked of him.

24: "It was barely an argument, Emma, and I won't dump you over a quarrel."

25: "I'm not quitting,' Peter growled, his gaze meeting hers even as the crop came down once more across his rear.

26: Giving Spider-Man a frown, Emma did as he instructed as she took hold of the webline and, with another look of trepidation, jumped from the building's edge to begin her first lesson in swinging.

27: If the broken nose a quick right cross had given the man didn't keep him from calling Spidey an overhyped court jester, then perhaps the pain of having Emma magnify the pain of the break a hundred times would be a lasting lesson.

28: "What sort of weird romance writer calls kissing tongues jousting,' Peter teased, reading outloud from the romance novel as he trailed after Emma in the bookstore.

29: All eyes were on them as she and Peter entered the crowded ballroom and yet Emma wasn't sure whom of them was the jewel in the other's crown.

30: "Just and noble you may be but in here you are mine and mine alone and will do what you're told,' Emma purred, nails tracing along Peter's cheek.

31: It was wrong and yet he couldn't help but smirk as he watched Emma moved through the room, a tiny voice in his head going mineminemine; at least for now.

32: Peter would have thought, losing her as suddenly as he had, that he would have felt sorrow but he was too numb for anything like that.

33: She knew it was just plain stupidity that lead her to be there that night and yet she still couldn't seem to stay away from the hero, as if just being with him brought her to his level - or him to hers.

34: "I could take you up on the roof and serenade you in moonlight,' Peter murmured, tugging at one of the two knots that held her dressing to that sleek, predatory form.

35: "Is that the best you've got,' Emma goaded sarcastically, her arms bound over her head by webbing and the smile Peter gave her boding no good.

36: "Peter, if the world finds out they will link you to ever sordid detail of my past and, as a hero, can you really afford that?"

37: "I prefer the term soliloquy to monologuing and I don't do either, Peter, as I am not a villain - anymore,' Emma purred, tugging him closer by the strap of his camera.

38: Taking one last look around the hotel suite, Emma was surprised to realize she would miss the leisurely night she and Peter had spent here.

39: Taking the fluted glass from Peter's hand, Emma flashed a bright smile as she said, 'Haven't you always said what's yours is mine?"

40: She stood on the balcony of her loft, watching as Spider-Man made his way across the city knowing that the one thing that brought them together was that they were both so very tired of being solitary creatures.

41: Peter realized Emma had to stop coming to his apartment as everything bore her touches from the toothbrush in the bathroom to the fact there was nowhere he could go that didn't scent of her perfume.

42: "You lie to yourself, saying that you're Neutral Emma, but you know that the truth is you're playing a game between good and evil that you can't win."

43: Emma's eyes traced Peter's form, taking her time in reeling him because it took subtle nuance to seduce rather than merely taking what you wished.

44: She was near, so near Peter could smell not just her expensive perfume but that underlying scent that was purely Emma Frost.

45: Peter kissed his way up the sultry curve of Emma's calf, wondering if tonight would be the night he discovered if she was a natural blonde or not.

46: Emma kept her gaze fixated on the horizon, knowing that if she watched Peter walk away she might not be able to let him go.

47: The morning paper held the true story as well as a tempting tease about how the valiant hero, the one and only Spider-Man was carrying on with a wild blonde, name withheld.

48: Peter was so proper, so honourable, so... virtuous, that just having him laying in her bed gave her a delicious feeling that she could barely contain herself.

49: "I believe this victory is mine,' Emma murmured, holding Peter's hands over his head, her diamond form unyielding as he struggled.

50: Peter gave himself over to Emma, knowing it was not defeat to a greater opponent but rather a form of love that allowed him to give all to her.

(X-posted to hellfire_queen)

!crossover, x-men, spider-man, !set beta

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