Fullmetal Alchemist // Winry/Rose // Set Gamma

Aug 13, 2006 00:03

As a collaborative work of baeckahaesten and t3h_toby_chan(Baecka's in yellow and Toby's in purple)

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Winry Rockbell and Rose Tomas
Theme Set: Gamma
Rating: PG-13

Any mistakes, typos, and bizarre LJ-cut texts can be blamed entirely on me. This was a lot of fun, and should spread fluffy domestic love worldwide, if the wind currents have been judged correctly.

#01 - Ring

The only ring Rose needed for a marriage, as far as she was concerned, was the circle Winry's arms made around her, holding her close.

#02 - Hero

"You mean you made lunch, cleaned the kitchen and brought him all the way to playschool?"

#03 - Memory

Roy had only been passing through, finishing business in Rizembool for the military, and bumping into Winry and the girl from Lior in the market had been a surprise: it gave him a little prickling shock to see her, and how easily her hand clasped her companion’s when she started at his accidental touch, almost how he remembered the two doctors beside each other, comforted by each other’s presence, before the fatal shot.

#04 - Box

The wedding veil of Sara Rockbell was extracted for the first time in years from a mothball filled hatbox, and the sad truth that Winry and Rose would never be able to use it for real didn't change the fact that it looked stunning on both of them.

#05 - Run

“Winry, you almost knocked down half the furniture - what’s so special about an early-morning delivery of cutting-edge new automail tools, anyway?”

#06 - Hurricane

Winry suddenly understood how disaster cleanup teams felt when she experienced the effects of a toddler in her workshop.

#07 - Wings

Even when it was argued that it was for his own safety, and that he would be happiest safe at their home anyway, both girls absolutely refused to have the parakeet's wings clipped; though the thought of losing him was just as painful, they couldn't bring themselves to think it humane to slice away the choice of freedom.

#08 - Cold

Rose would never get used to having the wrench as their third bedmate.

#09 - Red

Lipstick was a special-occasion thing, and thus Rose usually forgot when she kissed Winry before dinner that it would leave a bright and incriminating print on her face.

#10 - Drink

Winry's occasional habit of crooking her neck and drinking water right from the tap sometimes irked Rose; after all, she was the human and Den the dog.

#11 - Midnight

“...Al? There’s a customer downstairs at this time of night?” Winry said: Al tried not to look at the suspicious tangle of pink-and-brown hair across her pillow and draw any conclusions whatsoever.

#12 - Temptation

Rose quickly slammed the bathroom door, blushing furiously as the tendrils of steam billowed out behind her, and prayed for deliverance- from hormones.

#13 - View

"Back it up... back it up... back it- oh nonono- ooh..."- Rose had to question the wisdom of directing Winry's driving from her view on the porch.

#14 - Music

"I think-" noted a very frazzled and sardonic Winry as she bounced the crying baby in her arms, "he'll have a good shot at an Opera career."

#15 - Silk

Silk, feathers, cotton, velvet, cream; all gravel and glass compared to the first kiss.

#16 - Cover

When it wasn't a towel, it was the sheets, and when it wasn't sheets, it was her own arms, and Winry had to be patient as she insisted to Rose that her naked body was nothing to be ashamed of.

#17 - Promise

Winry's gentle words of promise in the quiet sanctity of their room, meant more than any ring, priest, or scriptural vow ever could.

#18 - Dream

Rose had to admit that the future she’d dreamed about had involved settling down with her boyfriend and being thoroughly normal, but not even her hopeful imagination could hold the kind of happiness that Winry brought, and she vowed to regret nothing.

#19 - Candle

A single candle on a pink birthday cake meant a single year of motherhood, and hopes for another year of the same, this time, not so alone in that task.

#20 - Talent

Winry was good at: automail, fixing things, sewing of any kind, dancing, the right thing to say, patience, mechanical drawings, keeping her balance, hugging people, cooking breakfast, staying up all night and remaining lucid, multitasking, changing diapers, running up and down stairs faster than Rose could blink, remembering what to buy, carrying groceries, matching names to faces, making people happy and wiggling her ears; her off-key and hideous whistling came as a relief to Rose, proving that she was, in fact, only human.

#21 - Silence

Rose didn’t like silence at all, and told herself she was too strong to ever give in to powerlessness, misery, horror again like that: after a long soliloquy on the grocery shopping, the three housewives who'd cooed over little Cain - two up on yesterday - and the amusing incident with the grapefruit, Winry had asked her if she ever stopped talking, she’d just smiled and told her no, not now.

#22 - Journey

When Rose tried to make excuses for returning to Liore, Winry passed them off, shook her head and said, "It's okay... I'm used to waiting."

#23 - Fire

Winry's welding looked like a miracle to Rose: sparks flying around her, she'd guide the white-hot metal in confident, gloved hands, her ease at the fire she controlled extraordinary.

#24 - Strength

Rose had been temple girl, follower, symbol, victim, maiden in distress; but it was Winry who saw, as an adult, her quiet, stubborn strength, and cherished it.

#25 - Mask

“But it was so much fun to make!” Winry said a little plaintively to a put-out Rose, convinced that Cain Edward’s Halloween mask didn't need thirteen eyes and TENTACLES for him to enjoy himself.

#26 - Ice

The winter was far too cold for desert-living Rose, and the ground far too slippery, but after being bundled up into a cocoon of sweaters and dragged out by the hand by an ecstatic Winry, she admitted that going skating wasn’t too bad.

#27 - Fall

She'd held herself up on legs she'd told herself couldn't quaver for so long that it felt like blessed relief to admit that she could, after all, fall, and someone would catch her.

#28 - Forgotten

Shezka couldn't help but feel a bit melancholic when she watched the happy family; it made her wonder if she had really meant anything to the girl she still loved.

#29 - Dance

The first suspicions came when an innocent observation was made that Winry never seemed to want to dance with the boys at festivals.

#30 - Body

Alphonse tried not to extend his budding interest in girls' bodies towards either of them, (they were more like family, really) but when he couldn't help feeling a secretive excitement at the thought of them kissing, he submitted to the landmark realization that he was- they all were- growing up, uncontrollably.

#31 - Sacred

"Don't you dare call automail stupid ever again; do you understand me?"

#32 - Farewells

No, sweetie, she corrected Cain as he waved enthusiastically at Winry on the porch, Not 'goodbye'; it's 'See you later.'

#33 - World

Somehow, the knowledge that the Elric brothers were so distant couldn't shake Winry any more; she knew they'd have each other, and Ed and Al had always been each other's world.

#34 - Formal

It didn't really make sense to Winry; all they were doing was moving rooms together- did they really need to dress up and tell everyone over dinner?

#35 - Fever

"I don't care how much you try to fight me, Winry, you are NOT working on a day when your skin could melt the metal."

#36 - Laugh

Some forgettable humorous anecdote was shared between the girls, prompting Rose to laugh in a subtly unique way that she never did for anyone else, and it was in this moment that Alphonse Elric realized there was something more to Winry and Rose's relationship.

#37 - Lies

The way Winry casually said "I'll always take care of you" sounded absolutely nothing like the way Dante had spoken the same words.

#38 - Forever

Rose was well aware that nothing could last forever, but if Winry and Cain could stay with her for her own lifetime she’d count it sufficient.

#39 - Overwhelmed

Cain quickly wrapped his pudgy arms around mama's neck as she sank to her knees crying, upturned and spilled grocery bags scattered before her with the sound of Winry's perpetually running saw in the background, and wondered if it was something he had done wrong.

#40 - Whisper

Trembling and twined beneath the cotton sheets, Rose first whispered the words that Winry wanted to shout from the rooftops.

#41 - Wait

They had waited together for the Elrics for such a long time that when Winry finally told Rose she was certain they would not, this time, come back, it was a strange kind of relief to build a life only for themselves, though they couldn't but hope that Ed and Al were safe and happy with all their heart.

#42 - Talk

Visualising her listeners in their underwear had just made it worse, but with Rose's hug and cheerful wave from the audience, telling several hundred people about shoulder reconstruction surgery hadn’t been so terrifying.

#43 - Search

"Maybe if you were a little more organized, you might have noticed that the bolt was stuck in your hair."

#44 - Hope

“Liore...it wasn’t at all how I remembered it, not when it was still prosperous and not...after, but you’ve never seen so much building work going on at once, really! - it wasn’t like home any more, it isn’t home, but there were people again, and they’d set up the market, and I think it’ll all get better, Winry, I honestly do.”

#45 - Eclipse

Having not even the patience to find the switch, Rose stood between the lamp and Winry, forcing her off the workbench at least for a second.

#46 - Gravity

Rose couldn’t help feeling surprised by the sheer amount of friends Winry had in Central, but perhaps it was only to be expected; there was something about Winry that drew people to her, no matter what.

#47 - Highway

Winry had been very disappointed by how slowly she had to go on the narrow up-and-down roads in Rizembool, but to be honest Rose was glad about it - the idea of Winry set loose on a smooth, endless highway with scope for fast driving was more than a little frightening.

#48 - Unknown

Being told that “it’s just Den’s way of saying good morning, don’t worry, just make sure you wash your face afterwards” wasn’t quite enough to accustom Rose to a friendly licking out of the blue.

#49 - Lock

Ever since little Cain Edward had learned to walk, Winry’s workroom had suddenly acquired a bristling array of large and unbreachable locks.

#50 - Breathe

It felt as though she had been holding her breath, all these years, until she realized, startlingly and tearfully, that she had a home; she had a family.

fullmetal alchemist, !set gamma

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