CSI: NY & Original - Danny Messer/Christina Jensen - Gamma

Jul 14, 2006 01:50

Title: 50 Things He Loves About Her
Fandom: CSI: NY & Original
Pairing: Danny Messer/Christina Jensen
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG-13, to be safe
Author's Notes: Set in my Nothing's Like Before AU series.


#01 - Ring
He'd look at her glance at the engagement ring every so often, and a look of awe would cover her face for just a second until someone pulled her attention away; he still reveled in the fact she'd said yes.

#02 - Hero
She'd stared him in the face, eye to eye, and simply said, "You know, people do look up to you, Danny, whether you want them to or not...you're a cop, which in most people's eyes makes you a hero."

#03 - Memory
He loved to hear her tell him about her childhood in California; Christina was great at making him feel like he was there watching the memories she had through her eyes.

#04 - Box
"I remember my favorite toy when I was a kid was this big huge box our new refrigerator came in...I think I used it to make a castle or something, but it only lasted a day or two because it got wet when it rained," she'd told them as they laid in bed together listening to the rain hit the windows.

#05 - Run
"Crap, I can't wear these; there's a run in them," she said, pulling off her pantyhose and allowing him to get a glimpse of her nicely shaped legs as she reached into her locker for another pair before she headed off to court.

#06 - Hurricane
"You're right; my office does always looks like it got hit by a hurricane," she said before they started organizing her guest bedroom/office, a task he hadn't wanted to help with but in the end was glad he did.

#07 - Wings
He'd asked her why she had a pair of cheap angel wings from a Halloween costume in her apartment one time and she'd just shrugged, saying everyone wants to be a little angel sometimes.

#08 - Cold
The ice cube was so cold it stung at first, but she didn't let it go and just moved it on his bare chest in lazy circles until he realized he didn't mind the cold so much anymore.

#09 - Red
Even though he liked her as a brunette, he missed the red hair she used to have, so dark it looked like black cherries; he was tempted to pick up a box of hair color and surprise her with it if he didn't think she'd make him use it first.

#10 - Drink
He knew, as he carried her up the stairs to her apartment, that he was never going to let her drink tequila again unless he was with her, because if it knocked her flat on her ass like it had tonight she could end up doing something very stupid.

#11 - Midnight
At midnight exactly, she leaned over and kissed him softly, murmuring "Happy New Years" before rolling over and going to sleep; next morning, she acted as though it had never happened and he pretended he hadn't been awake for it.

#12 - Temptation
"You know, I really don't care if you look, but don't even think about touching," she whispered to him as the new female tech Flack and Hawkes had been drooling over walked by him, and he had to smile; this new woman wasn't at all like the woman who'd just called him out, which meant she really wasn't his type.

#13 - View
"Would you just look at that?" she said, looking over the railing of the Empire State Building, watching the sun dip below the horizon, a look of childish wonder all over her face.

#14 - Music
He watched her smoothly glide from one track to the other without missing a beat, knowing full well it took her two days to get that perfected at home before this gig.

#15 - Silk
He ran his hand up and down her waist, enjoying the feel of the silk nightgown beneath his fingers; he could definitely appreciate good lingerie on this particular woman.

#16 - Cover
When he saw two blankets on the bed, he realized she had not been joking with him when she'd told him that morning he stole all the covers and she'd woken up freezing in the middle of the night, and he wondered why none of his other girlfriends had ever just added another blanket to the bed.

#17 - Promise
She crossed her heart and looked at him, and he knew she wouldn't break this promise she'd just made even if she had found a rather juvenile way of showing him how serious she was about it.

#18 - Dream
He never felt silly or stupid if he told her about his dreams, his nightmares; that might have something to do with the fact she opened up to him in much the same way.

#19 - Candle
She lit the last candle and smiled over at him, and he was surprised to find that she looked really nice in just candlelight...leave it to a city-wide blackout to find that out.

#20 - Talent
She blushed every time he'd tell her she had a natural talent for DJing, insisting that it was a learned skill; he stopped arguing with her about it after a while but in reality he still thought she was damn talented.

#21 - Silence
Normally he hated silence but when she was in the room and quiet, it was all right; there really wasn't a need to talk about everything and anything that popped into their heads, even if they frequently did just that.

#22 - Journey
"I want to go places, Danny, and that's why I came to New York; I guess it's part of my personal journey," she'd told him when he asked why she'd picked the New York City labs over all the other job offers she'd received.

#23 - Fire
He heard her yelp first, and then raced into the kitchen to see whatever it was she had been trying to cook completely engulfed in flames as she scrambled for the fire extinguisher he'd bought for the kitchen in case she decided to cook something more than eggs or pancakes.

#24 - Strength
She had the bottle of extra-strength Tylenol already in her hands when he came into her office, saying simply that she'd heard about the suspect slamming him into a wall and she thought he might need them; he was starting to wonder how she knew when he was coming into her office when he could swear she never actually saw him come in.

#25 - Mask
"That's so not me," she said laughingly as she pulled the mask away from her face, but he had to admit he would have asked her to dance if he'd seen her wearing it at a masquerade ball or something like that.

#26 - Ice
She slipped on the ice on the sidewalk and he managed to catch her before her tailbone hit the concrete, and she looked up at him with a rather sheepish look on her face that worked very nicely with his amused grin until they both dissolved into laughter.

#27 - Fall
"I think I can pinpoint the exact moment I fell for you," she'd told him one night; when he pressed her, she told him it was during their first major case together, the cross-jurisdictional, and he'd been sleeping in her guest bedroom and she had to clamp down hard on the urge to wake him up with a kiss.

#28 - Forgotten
She showed up at his apartment with Chinese food for dinner and the suits and jackets he'd had dry cleaned; he forgotten to pick up the clothes and get dinner for them that evening since he was working on a paper and was grateful she'd remembered.

#29 - Dance
He hated dancing out in public, but at home he had no problem twirling and dipping her, making her dizzy until she couldn't stand up enough to dance anymore, which led to them collapsing on the couch in laughter which usually ended up with them in bed shortly thereafter...for obvious reasons, then, he loved dancing with her in the privacy of his or her apartment.

#30 - Body
He knew every inch of her body, from her feet up to her head, but every time they were in bed together he found himself inexplicably drawn to the small scar on her chest, which he almost always kissed before he finally fell asleep, much to her amusement.

#31 - Sacred
There were a lot of things that were sacred to her: her family, her friends, the oath she took when she became a cop...and her relationship with him, and it was that last one that constantly pleased and surprised him, since he found he was feeling the same way about her.

#32 - Farewells
She looked out one last time at the gorgeous beach and said her good-byes to her old beachfront home; he didn't have to ask her if that was what she was doing, he just knew, and he also knew she'd take his hand when she was done and they'd head back to New York and maybe everything would be okay.

#33 - World
He wanted to give her the world, she made him that happy; when he told her that she'd laughed and said she'd be happy with just a slice of New York City to share with him.

#34 - Formal
"It's Ryan and Lindsay's wedding, Danny, and we're in the wedding party; that means you get to wear that and I get to wear this," she said as she emerged from her bathroom and his jaw dropped as he took in her long plum-colored bridesmaid dress; with her hair up and curled she looked absolutely beautiful, and suddenly his being stuck in a tux wasn't so bad.

#35 - Fever
"You have a 104 degree fever, Danny," she said in a worried tone of voice as she grabbed a jacket for each of them, "and I don't care what you say, I'm taking you to the hospital...Mac can just yell at me for missing work later."

#36 - Laugh
She had a nice laugh, and he found himself looking for ways to make her laugh just so he could hear it; when he realized that, it started to dawn on him that he might actually be falling in love with her.

#37 - Lies
"I have no problem with the little white lies, the polite social ones...like if I ever ask you if something makes me look fat you better tell me it doesn't regardless of whether it does or not," she said, pointing a fork with salad speared on it at him as they talked over dinner in her office.

#38 - Forever
She glared at the microwave, arms crossed under her breasts and foot tapping impatiently, muttering "This is taking forever" under her breath as he watched, amused and knowing full well that it was his fault she was running late.

#39 - Overwhelmed
He looked around at the casework on his left and his newest paper on his right and groaned, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated until Christina breezed over to pick up the paperwork, telling him she'd type it up for him and to go back to work on the paper before his professor docked his grade for it being late.

#40 - Whisper
She straddled his lap, her face over his and her lips inches away from his, and suddenly she turned her head and whispered in his ear; he picked her up and carried her into her room and wouldn't let her say anything above a whisper the whole time because her voice at a whisper level was a definite turn-on.

#41 - Wait
He had learned she had even less patience than he did at times, but all it usually took to get her to slow down was a simple "Wait a sec" from him, and she'd pause and look at him, which gave her whirring brain time to process things better.

#42 - Talk
He watched her talk on the phone with her mother, pacing back and forth with her arms moving animatedly and her vigorous nodding and huge smile and he idly wondered if she did the same thing when she was on the phone with him until she thrust the phone at him, asking him to talk to her mother while she went to get something...and he was suddenly at a loss for words.

#43 - Search
She pawed through the bin of records until he saw a triumphant look cross her face; seconds later she lifted up a single record and grinned, proclaiming her search for the perfect song to complete her set over with.

#44 - Hope
When she agreed to dinner, he had hope she'd agree to another one; when they hit various month marking milestones together, he had hope their relationship would last; and when she said she'd marry him he had hope for a great future.

#45 - Eclipse
He couldn't believe she'd never seen an eclipse before, and when an eclipse came, the two of them were up on the roof of the labs along with most of the other staff, watching it in awed silence; she told him later watching it with him quietly talking to her the whole time had made it more interesting than she'd thought it would be and who knew he was an astronomy buff?

#46 - Gravity
She put on a particular Coldplay song to fall asleep and so now, whenever anyone mentioned the word "gravity," her automatically thought of that song and her sleeping soundly, no matter what was being talked about.

#47 - Highway
He saw her look out the rented car's window, staring longingly at the ocean as they went down the 101, and he started to wonder why the hell she stayed in New York when she really wanted to be back in California...and he wondered why he was suddenly okay with the idea of maybe leaving New York and going to San Diego.

#48 - Unknown
He had no clue as to where they were heading with this relationship at times, and it didn't bother him as much as he'd thought it would.

#49 - Lock
She gave him a sheepish look as he approached her apartment, mumbling something about locking her keys in her apartment; she was so red in the face he didn't want to make it any worse by letting out the laugh he was suppressing as he unlocked her apartment for her.

#50 - Breathe
It was almost like he needed to remind himself to breathe when he was around her, he got so caught up in his thoughts about her, and as she flashed him a quick smile from across the lab and waved, engagement ring gleaming, he wondered how he'd been happy without her around.

original characters, !crossover, csi: ny, !set gamma

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