Jan 19, 2013 00:16

Hi artists! It is time for you to claim the fics that you want to work on!

Here's how it works:

We will post each fic summary in an individual comment to this entry. In order to claim a fic, you simply need to reply to the comment containing the summary that you want. We're playing this on a first-come, first-served basis, so whoever comments first gets it! In order to claim a fic, you must have signed up here first.

We're posting these blind (i.e. we'll reveal which summary is associated with which writers after everything is claimed) for now. When everything gets claimed, we'll make a post revealing who is matched with who so you can get in contact with each other and start working out the details of the artwork!

Have fun!

NOTE: the second round of claims is now open

round: one, ! mod post, # artist claims

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