Jan 15, 2013 13:28

Hello writers! Today is the day that you need to turn in your summaries for artist claims!

What you need to do is either email or leave a comment to this entry (comments are screened). In this comment, include a complete, enticing summary that will make our artist sign-ups want to claim your fic. We recommend about 1-3 paragraphs per summary - you don't have to spoil the ending, but you should give us a good idea about what your fic is about so the artist has more to work with!

We recommend that you include: ships, genre, rating, and basic plot progression (whatever that means for you). Please also include any standard warnings that apply. Summaries will be posted anonymously for claiming. If you submit your summary, we will take that to mean that you are fully committing to completing your Big Bang fic. If you do not submit your summary, we will take that to mean that you have dropped out (but please also let us know that, if you can!). We will be sending out reminder emails/pms to everyone we don't hear from by late tonight/early tomorrow morning just in case you forgot the deadline.

And here's a quick breakdown of how the next few weeks are going to go. If you have any questions about this, you can leave them in this entry in a different comment from your summary (we'll unscreen them when we respond).
+ As soon as summaries are in, we will make an artist claims post so that artists can claim one fic they want to work on. If not all fics get claimed in the first round, we'll open them up for a second round, etc. etc. etc.
+ On January 20th, your rough drafts are due. Rough draft means that your fic needs to have reached the 15,000 word count, nothing more. A post with more details will go up on the 19th or 20th, but basically be prepared to submit your 15k+ draft to the mod email so that we know you're on track.
+ On January 30th, your final drafts are due. But hey, don't be alarmed by how close the date is - there's still wiggle room, since posting doesn't begin till February 14th. We take the term 'final drafts' loosely to mean that you should be finished with your basic fic, enough so that if your artist requests to read the entire thing and you agree, they will have a more or less complete work to go off of before their due date. Your fic just needs to be completely edited and polished by your posting date, which we will assign to you when you submit your 'final draft.'

Please also note that if you need an extension for one of the draft deadlines for some reason, we may be able to work something out, and if specific potential posting dates do not work for you, please let us know!

round: one, ! mod post, ! schedule

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