D'awww, I loved your fangirling of Lila, Winston and Jessica. And I liked all the extraneous detail - this story arc is one I remember with... well, trauma, actually, but, you know, nostalgic trauma!
Yeah, that's how they get people to stay waayyyy longer than they intended and to spend more money than they planned on. Thanks for the reminder not to take excessive cash or my credit card out with me when I go to Vegas next month.
Now that Jessica's emotions are no longer stormy, neither is the weather, and the sea is all calm and sweet and pretty. So the Wakefields not only defy physics, they control the weather! I should give Jessica a peanut butter sandwich before my trip.
Comments 3
Yeah, that's how they get people to stay waayyyy longer than they intended and to spend more money than they planned on.
Thanks for the reminder not to take excessive cash or my credit card out with me when I go to Vegas next month.
Now that Jessica's emotions are no longer stormy, neither is the weather, and the sea is all calm and sweet and pretty.
So the Wakefields not only defy physics, they control the weather! I should give Jessica a peanut butter sandwich before my trip.
Officer Guy tells Denise to rejoin the regiment and reassures Winston that they'll make a man out of him.
I'm now picturing Officer Guy singing "Be a man/You must be swift as the coursing river/Be a man/With all the force of a great typhoon/Be a man/With all the strength of a raging fire/Mysterious as the dark side of the moooooooooon..."
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