Sweet Valley Kids #9: Elizabeth's Super-Selling Lemonade

Jun 12, 2008 15:46

Okay, hi this is my first recap! Yeah. Okay, starting off with the cover. It may be a little blury, but that's my camera. anyways, I thought that the twins always wear matching outfits! But, Elizabeth is wearing blue clips and white jeans and Jess is wearing red clips and blue jeans! And, I took some time and counted how many cups they have set out. 39, including the one in Liz's hand. I'm so smart.

Chapter One: Important Decisions

Alright, it starts on a Friday morning at Sweet Valley Elementary School, Liz and Jess are on the jungle gym. First words out of Liz's mouth.

"Isn't it exciting that Mrs. Becker is getting married again?"

Okay, I found this scary because my elementary art teacher's name was Mrs. Becker..........

She is engaged to Mr. Otis. A librarian. Wow.

Anyways, she invited the whole class of her second graders to her wedding. I'd keep the cake in the fridge if I were her.

Then the girls find out something! A present! Oh wait, Missy Prissy Lila Fowler comes over and is all like, "China plates and microwaves are great gifts," Wait, if I can't afford a microwave, what
makes her think they can afford a microwave? They go to the principal, Mrs. Armstrong, to ask what to get. (It's not a microwave.)
They all want to get a combined gift, so they all chip in two bucks. Oh noes! Liz only has thirty-five cents! What will she do? Find out in chapter two, Lemonade for Sale!

Chapter Two: Lemonade for Sale!

Where we last left our heros, Elizabeth needs $2, but where will she ever get it?! I don't think she's seen the chapter title. The twins get off the school bus and Jess makes Liz carry her books. They go to their house and Liz is all, "We need four bucks but we don't know where to get it." Alice gives them some lemonade and is all, "Why don't you make a lemomade stand?" So they decide to start the next day. They get supplies and super smart Liz does some division on Alice's paper to figure out how many cups they need to sell. I don't know about you, but I remember starting division in third or fourth grade, not second.

It's Saturday morning, time for lemonade! But, Jess carries a huge pitcher of lemonade and spills it! She has to wash her hands. Then Jess complains that they're missing cartoons! Ned comes out and takes a picture of the twins. I'm sure it's not the one from the cover because Jess is smiling.

Jessica is all, "This is bo-ring!" and Liz is like, "We only started two minutes ago!"

I would have begged my parents for two bucks and watched cartoons.

Chapter Three: A Helping Hand

Finally, after five, dreadful minutes, customers! Two teenage girls buy themselves both a cup.

Then Ellen and Lila come on their street, riding their bikes, Lila's is new. Isn't it in every book?

Lila's like, "What are you doing?!" I think she might need some glasses to read the twins' sign. Lila starts saying "You guys have to earn money? *scoff* Daddy gave me my share. Now excuse me, Ellen and I are going to them park!" *awesome Lila hair flip* Jess wishes she could go and Liz, being nice, let's her go.

Todd comes up to her. And he lives a few blocks away. It states it in the book. They say hi and Todd sees Liz is sad. "What's wrong?" Well, unlike Lila, he can read the sign. He gets the strangest feeling that she's earning money for the gift! Liz tells Todd what Jess did. And they start to make out. Todd's all, "I'd help out, but I'm busy." Then, a car comes by and Todd shouts to it. Believe it or not, the person orders some lemonade. My mom would have never stopped for that! Todd decides to stay and help. Aw! So happy! They earn three bucks.

Chapter Four: A New Bracelet

It's Monday and the kids are talking about, what else, the wedding present. Caroline brags how good she is at tying bows. They need a moneny holder. They decide it's Andy Franklin, a math dude. When they ask him if he'll keep a hold of the money, and when he leaves them, Lila says he's weird. Then Jess sees Lila's new bracelet. It glows in the dark and it was from the mall! So they make a plan to go to the mall with Lila's mom. The thing is that in SVH, Lila says her mother walked away when she was an infant! Or my mind is wrong. But, oh noes! Jess doesn't have any money for a super cool glow-in-the-dark bracelet! Ding! The lightbulb has turned on! The wedding present money! Will Jessica use it? Find out in chapter six, Carried Away.

Chapter Five: The Perfect Gift

During art class, Liz is using the pencil sharpener when she gets that Margo/Stalker feeling. So she turns around and it's Lois Walrus Waller! Lois gives Liz a catalog that has an apple
paperweight. It is Mrs. Becker's wedding present. They have enough money, it's pretty, blah. Liz calls their teacher "Mrs. You-Know-Who." Liz and Lois pass the catalog around to see if it's a good present. Mrs. You-Know-Who almost finds out about the gift! Oh noes! But she
let's it be.

Chapter Six: Carried Away

Where we last left off, we were wondering if Jessica is gonna use the money. And, she does. Jess finds her pink satin purse and puts $3 (in change) in her purse. When Jess shakes the
purse, it goes klinkachink. Lila and her mom come to pick her up and go to the mall. Lila wants to go to Heavenly Dolls for new outfits for her Barbies. Then they go to the store next to it and that's where Lila got her glow-in-the-dark bracelet! Lila already has one bracelet,
and Jess gets TWO! And spends all the MONEY! OMG!

Chapter Seven: "Where's the Money?"

Liz came back from Amy's and walks into her room and Jess has her arm behind her back. Liz is all, "What happened to your arm? You're holding it in a funny way." Liz sees Jess's arm and there are two bracelets like Lila's! Liz finds out Jess spent the money. Jess crys.
Alice comes in and Liz tattle tales. Here's the punishment,

"Elizabeth, since you already worked so hard for your share, I'll give you your two dollars. But Jessica," she said in a stern voice. "You are going to have tot earn your two dollars."

Dinner time!

The only thing I don't understand is that the quote in the chapter title isn't used in the chapter. The closet is, "What happened to our money?"

Chapter Eight: Friends Again

Jess has to clean her half of their closet, empty the trash baskets, and rearrange the pots and pans. And she can't watch TV until she's done with her chores! She starts with rearranging the pots and pans. Jess starts to be all like this is hard and stuff. Liz turns around and helps Jess. They finish and clean the waste baskets. Then, Jess gives her blue glow-in-the-dark bracelet to Liz. And they live happily ever after.

Chapter Nine: Forty Dollars

At recess one day, Andy counts up all the money and they've got forty dollars. They all want to
tell Mrs. Armstrong, but oh noes! Where's Lois?

"Who wants old crybaby Lois?" Winston said.

They find her and go to Mrs. Armstrong. She likes it and they have enough money and Mrs. Armstrong is going to pay tax. They've found the perfect gift! Yippee!

Chapter Ten: Wedding Bells

Saturday. Day of wedding. Jess wakes up and throws her koala bear at Liz. Liz wakes up and they get all prepped up and dressy.

The wedding was in her backyard. There was a violin player,
alot of decorations. The wedding begins and Mrs. You-Know-Who is wearing a purple silk dress. Mrs You-Know-Who becomes Mrs. Otis. They go to the present table and Mrs. Otis is forced to open her class's present first. Her reaction?

"Oh!" their teacher exclaimed. She wiped her eyes. "Oh!"

Jess and Liz think there's something wrong. Mrs. Otis just likes it too much. They want cake.

When Ned picks them up, he has a surprise! Grandma and Grandpa Wakefield are comin' to town! And they want to take Liz and Jess on a trip.

Where will the Wakefield grandparents take Jessica and Elizabeth? Find out in Sweet Valley Kids #10, THE TWINS AND THE WILD WEST.

miss lila fowler, recapper: margowashere, sweet valley kids, scheming jessica, saint elizabeth of sweet valley

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