Monday passed me by!

Aug 06, 2024 17:54

You catch me on Tuesday afternoon, just home from one of my two days in the office; one more tomorrow, then I'm working from home again till next week. I do love working from home! It takes 50 mins to get to the office in the mornings, and a good hour to hour & 15mins to get home, depending on train connections. It takes me 1 min to get from my ( Read more... )

challenge: flash!, challenge: drabble/icon, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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Comments 17

simplyn2deep August 6 2024, 06:29:31 UTC
We're only on day 5/6, and I've written almost 2,900 words!

I've also sort of made a dent in the stuff I'm unpacking at my new place. It really feels live ive just shuffled stuff from one side of the room to the other side, that's how much junk I have. It makes me rather sad to not see more of an improvement in what I've done.

Oh, I also put together a dresser


haldoor August 6 2024, 20:04:51 UTC


Don't underestimate what you've done so far with your move - it's a stressful time and by the time you get boxes unpacked, shifting things across the room is a huge start! Yay for the dresser! Now you'll have somewhere to put some of your things! ;-)


shanachie_quill August 6 2024, 09:46:09 UTC

Nice commute when you stay home! That was the best part of being home during COVID. It was just a walk down the hall (and if I didn't have online classes that day, I could just stay in my pjs! My regular commute is about 15-20 minutes depending on traffic. And all surface streets.

I'm about 10 words off my 19% so I think I'm doing pretty well (my 19% includes a half word... so that's interesting). Right now with work starting, I'm pushing for 250 words a day so I can finish my Vella chapters before the due date. I'll worry about adding more chapters after the contest closes. I come home so tired most days that all I can do is eat dinner and go to bed.

Hope you have a great day!


haldoor August 6 2024, 20:10:31 UTC

Yes! I love that! Our office used to be 20 mins away on a bad day, but I work in govt. and they are trying to save money all the time, so putting us in a building they already rented halfway across town made sense to the money people, not so much to those of us who lived closer to the old office... I had to look up surface streets as it's not a phrase we use in NZ! I get it now, and my old commute was the same. If I drove now, in theory motorway (freeway) driving should be faster, but as they clog up, it's definitely easier to drive on streets, but that is still frustrating, so I drive to my local train station (a 3 min drive or 15-20 min walk) and catch the train, which is much less annoying, unless there's an issue on the line!

You are doing wonderfully with your goal, despite the tiring days! Good luck with everything!

Thanks, you too! ;-)


shanachie_quill August 18 2024, 18:45:26 UTC

Of course they're trying to save money by doing that. Because it's less convienant for people. Oh that sounds lovely. Especially because you can write or read on the train.

Thank you! I've published 9 chapters, with 2 more in queue and I'm working on about a chapter a week. My beta says that planning for about a week between her editing and me publishing works out well.


agdhani August 6 2024, 11:50:25 UTC

My commute is about three to five minutes, depending on which route I take so I can't complain ;)

Monday got away from me too...forgot to pass the torch last night, but it's done now.

I've gotten in 21 hours of plotting time, which is going great. At this rate, I should have the majority of the work done by the end of the month, well ahead of NaNo :)


haldoor August 6 2024, 20:12:48 UTC

Oh, I wish! That was my high school commute - I lived right next door, so starting work back then was a huge shift! Of course, that was a LONG time ago, so I've always had a longer commute to work, but the previous 20 min one (on a bad day, 10 on a good one) was the best, apart from working at home.

Wonderful! You are going to be so ready for Nano in Nov!!! ;-)


agdhani August 6 2024, 20:45:36 UTC

its the advantage of living in a little town...nothing is very far away...except for the stores and restaurants you want to have ;)


itsanonyx August 6 2024, 13:39:38 UTC
I need around 5 to 10 minutes walk to get to my work. :o) So I'm pretty lucky because public transport doesn't really exists here.

My plan is to finish all the claims for the Icon Challenge, actually update all the tags of my entries and maybe get some writings done until Monday. :o)


haldoor August 6 2024, 20:13:52 UTC

That's a nice commute! ;-)

Fantastic aims! Good luck with them - I know you can do it!


kaige68 August 6 2024, 19:12:34 UTC

UGH The commute in is between 25 minutes and 45 minutes. I leave a half an hour and text if there is an accident. Except on Tuesday and I have to leave at least 35 minutes.

Home is a whole other story. Home is at least 35 minutes Monday through Wednesday, but in the summer on Thursday and Friday it's an hour. But I do get in some good audio book time.



haldoor August 6 2024, 20:18:26 UTC

Ugh! I hate that getting home takes longer for both of us! I do wonder what that's about! Audio books are wonderful for that, obviously! I've never listened to one myself, but I know lots of people swear by them helping keep their sanity! I'm a music listener when I need something in the car or on the train, and I love going by train because I can also read or do sudoku while listening to music, or I can just chill and look out the windows.



kaige68 August 6 2024, 21:40:47 UTC

In my case, it's people heading north (either to the mountains or the ocean) for the weekend/vacation. It gets quite brutal.


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