Monday passed me by!

Aug 06, 2024 17:54

You catch me on Tuesday afternoon, just home from one of my two days in the office; one more tomorrow, then I'm working from home again till next week. I do love working from home! It takes 50 mins to get to the office in the mornings, and a good hour to hour & 15mins to get home, depending on train connections. It takes me 1 min to get from my bedroom to my home office! You can see why I prefer it for one reason right there, never mind the other reasons! Out of curiosity, what's your work commute like?

Now, onto comm things! Big Buddies, you should be at around the 19% mark towards your goal. How are you doing with it? Need any help, or are you feeling good this early in the month?

Don't forget our current long challenge, which is all about drabbles & icons - and Angel's been giving us some awesome prompts each day! I even found time to make some icons for the first 18 days, which made me inordinately happy as it's been months since I produced anything! Drabble/Icon Challenge runs to the end of the month, so you've still got plenty of time to get involved!

And promptwise, all the usual daily/weekly challenges have been full of good stuff, so scroll back or check out the tags if you fancy using any!

Here's another challenge for you: the Flash! challenge for this week is inspired by my current favourite quiz show, The Chase, and it's this: multiple choice. Give us an icon or 100+ words using that prompt, and then pat yourself on the back for adding to our count!

What else is happening? What are your plans to be creative this week? As for me, I'm planning to grab some more drabble/icon prompts and bolster my icon collection!

Now, let's be creative out there! ;-)

challenge: flash!, challenge: drabble/icon, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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