Monday rolls around once again!

Jan 30, 2024 09:05

Or, for some of us, it's Tuesday already! But, as yesterday was my city's Anniversary holiday, it feels like Monday anyway. And the trains are reduced due to line works for the next couple of months, so I didn't get to the office as early as I usually do, which means I have to leave 20 minutes later than I usually do. Blergh, but not too much ( Read more... )

challenge: flash!, challenge: crossovers, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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Comments 13

asphaltcowgrrl January 29 2024, 20:34:22 UTC
Well, it's lunchtime Monday here in the PST, so you're good. :)

I'm not going to hit my goal this month, but I am at just under 6k for the month, which is more than I've managed in many months. Ought to hit 7k if I'm lucky and manage to finish my crossovers fic.


haldoor January 31 2024, 09:18:32 UTC
Yay! I made it to "Monday somewhere" to paraphrase Jimmy Buffett.

Oh, that's great! Keep going, you can do the 7K!


asphaltcowgrrl January 31 2024, 21:39:53 UTC
Hah! I can work with that.

Still hoping to hit 7k, only about 700 words to go. :D


shanachie_quill January 29 2024, 22:05:47 UTC
It was 9am EST when you posted (although I'm reading it at 5pm) so you still made Monday for me.

I have 6827 words this month which is about 500 more than I needed to make my goal so excited about that. Hoping to get a few more words the next couple days.


haldoor January 31 2024, 09:20:02 UTC

That's fantastic! Congrats! Keep up the good work!


shanachie_quill February 8 2024, 16:56:12 UTC
Hahahaha and then February hit... I have like 300 words.


haldoor February 12 2024, 03:13:51 UTC
Ah well, swings and roundabouts. You're bound to get back on track before too long! Good luck!


agdhani January 29 2024, 23:09:10 UTC
Thanks to some quiet time at work today, I managed to squeak past the 30k goal I'd set for the month. But between a coworker with bronchits, another having had a heart ablasion, and my mom rushing to the ER and being scheduled for a pacemaker, I'm not sure what the last two days of the month will bring me.

I'm hoping I can hit 40k...but I'm not holding my breath.
But the story's moving along nicely, so I'm happy with that.


haldoor January 31 2024, 09:21:49 UTC
You always do fantastically! But I think you can allow yourself some slack with all that going on! Great to hear the story's moving along how you want.❤️


agdhani January 31 2024, 13:23:21 UTC
Had too many people in and out of my office yesterday, so I opted for a training module instead of words. One more to go.

Hoping for words today though, to boost the month a little bit.


backrose_17 January 30 2024, 04:28:00 UTC
I have finally feeling better and my writing muse is out in full force. I have been writing ever chance I get. So I am hoping to reach my goal by the end of the month, I still have two days to write.


haldoor January 31 2024, 09:22:57 UTC
Glad to hear you're feeling better, and that the muse is cooperating!You can do it, I have faith! ;-)


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