Monday rolls around once again!

Jan 30, 2024 09:05

Or, for some of us, it's Tuesday already! But, as yesterday was my city's Anniversary holiday, it feels like Monday anyway. And the trains are reduced due to line works for the next couple of months, so I didn't get to the office as early as I usually do, which means I have to leave 20 minutes later than I usually do. Blergh, but not too much hassle since it's summer, and as most children started the new school year here today, there will be kids on the train again, so leaving a bit late misses most of the crowds and noise that goes along with it! How is your week beginning?

Let's think, where are we at? Big Buddy should be at around 96%, so you still have a couple of days to get those last hastily scribbled (or neatly typed!) words in to meet your goal for the month! How are you doing with that? I have not met my words goal this month (surprise surprise!) but I have more than met my graphics goal, so that will make up for it. Hopefully, February will prove more productive for me, though I need to make a couple of icons for Weekend Challenge rewards before I get into wording!

Speaking of Weekend Challenge, I was hoping to get the new schedule up over the weekend, but as per, that didn't happen. Yesterday I had a bunch of outdoors things to do that took me away from it; don't ask what happened to Sat & Sun! LOL. Never mind, I'll try to work on it through the week.

We have all the usual posts from the last week available for you to scroll back to and pick up any prompts you missed, or check out the appropriate tags if anything in particular takes your fancy! Don't forget our current long challenge is Crossovers!, and it runs until the end of Feb, so you have plenty of time to jump on board!

Your Flash Challenge for this week is: "the rays of the sun fall lightly". Drop and give me 100+ words or a pretty graphic (or more if you like) from it, no matter how it inspires you! Then pat yourself on the back for adding to the count! I would be happy to see the result in a comment or link to this post, so I can congratulate you too!

Other than that, take care of yourselves, give yourself some slack when things aren't going according to plan, and when you can, be creative! ;-)

challenge: flash!, challenge: crossovers, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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