Title: The Two Deaths of Gene Hunt Author: Loz/lozenger8 Rating: White Cortina Word Count: Approximately 1200 words Notes: This is my first time writing Sam first person. Warnings: Character death.
I'm a little puddle of goo right now. Seriously, I had a very visceral reaction to this. It was so poignant, and so well written. I loved that it was first person. You have Sam's voice down perfectly, and it's fascinating being inside his head.
My favorite bit: "Gene was the cheese to my chalk. Him slightly tangy, and likely to give you nightmares if you scarfed down too much; me whiter than white, with the ability to rub off on you."
I've heard that metaphor applied to the characters before, but you've extended it so beautifully here. Really nicely done.
OH! I forgot to say how much the scene in the canal reminded me of those scenes from The Lakes. I could just see John Simm swimming down into the dark depths. Wonderful imagery.
You are keeping me going Loz, you and Blanca and some others, during this long, slow wait for series 2.
That was an excellent result for being your first, first person Sam story. You should do more. And I agree with Blanca, the canal scene does remind me of The Lakes. I hope you get to see it soon.
Thanks for taking the time to write this and share it with the rest of us.
Comments 25
Thanks :)
I'm a little puddle of goo right now. Seriously, I had a very visceral reaction to this. It was so poignant, and so well written. I loved that it was first person. You have Sam's voice down perfectly, and it's fascinating being inside his head.
My favorite bit:
"Gene was the cheese to my chalk. Him slightly tangy, and likely to give you nightmares if you scarfed down too much; me whiter than white, with the ability to rub off on you."
I've heard that metaphor applied to the characters before, but you've extended it so beautifully here. Really nicely done.
That was an excellent result for being your first, first person Sam story. You should do more. And I agree with Blanca, the canal scene does remind me of The Lakes. I hope you get to see it soon.
Thanks for taking the time to write this and share it with the rest of us.
Thanks :)
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