Dark Kisses - Chapter Six Part: A

Jul 29, 2010 22:28

Title: Dark Kisses
Author: 15SujuBerries
Chapter: 6/?
Pairings: (Main!) YeWon, HanChul, HaeHyuk, and other pairings.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance, Humor, Fluff, Some Angst, Drama(?), Supernatural, Dark(?)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys... Or do I? Lol, just kidding XD *Dies*
A/N: I thought of Kingdom Hearts (Game) then Organization XIII so ( Read more... )

au, dark, haehyuk, pg-13, drama, hanchul, humor, romance

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Comments 24

>"< zensapphire7 July 30 2010, 15:32:21 UTC
yeah...i hate this chapter>"<...
1. Kyu hurts Yesung...and WHAT????? BlOOD???? YOU ARE SO DEAD KYU HYUN>"<...
2. You let Kyu kiss baby cloud and baby cloud just feels strangeT_T...
3. You let him change bb clouyd's clothesT_T Siwon havent seen him like KyuT_T...not fair
T_T but i still want to read this ficT_T...cuz i love this story...i mean...uhm...i always love reading a story about heroes, knight...and they protect their love...
( sorry if i type wrong words=)))


Re: >"< 15sujuberries July 31 2010, 20:09:26 UTC
-Haha, Siwon is going to appear soon ^.~
Siwon's going to do a lot more XD
lol *Hugs*


heartl0ck July 30 2010, 16:20:36 UTC
Kyu's a heartless? and he's turning Yesung into one to? OMG... This doesn't sounds good to me... he still have some emotions and wooo... at least he didn't lose all his humane feelings... WTH IS WRONG WITH KYU!?

I checked the wiki about Kingdom hearts, and it's kinda long for me to read so I'll read it tml.



15sujuberries July 31 2010, 20:12:53 UTC
lol XD There is a manga ^^ *Hugs*
Lol, you don't have to read it all, just check wiki about Organization XIII and Heartless and Nobodies but you don't have to! >_^


myhlum August 1 2010, 13:14:48 UTC
I love people being all obsessed with Yehsung.
I'm a psycho.


15sujuberries August 1 2010, 19:27:57 UTC
XD Haha, thank you for reading and commenting~!^^


i_amyesung September 28 2010, 15:36:16 UTC
just read this ff

aww >< where's the next chaps? can't wait .. can't wait >


15sujuberries September 28 2010, 22:56:06 UTC
Haha, thank you ^^
Sorry, this fic is currently on hiatus because I'm still thinking about what happens next >.<; I hate writer's block T__T


i_amyesung September 29 2010, 00:34:53 UTC
lols, that's ok.
I'll be waiting :D

I love all of your ff ...
I read all of your YeWon ff .. and can't wait to see the next chapters .. lol :)


15sujuberries October 2 2010, 08:28:58 UTC
Lol, really? *Hugs*
Thanks ^_^v


nennooh January 15 2011, 20:02:36 UTC
I played Kingdom Hearts too! It's really wonderful, and to imply it in a suju fic, you are really awesome!!
can't wait to read the next chapters. Thanks and keep it up ^^


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