Dark Kisses - Chapter Six Part: A

Jul 29, 2010 22:28

Title: Dark Kisses
Author: 15SujuBerries
Chapter: 6/?
Pairings: (Main!) YeWon, HanChul, HaeHyuk, and other pairings.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance, Humor, Fluff, Some Angst, Drama(?), Supernatural, Dark(?)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys... Or do I? Lol, just kidding XD *Dies*
A/N: I thought of Kingdom Hearts (Game) then Organization XIII so why not make the Super Junior-ish version of it XD
Summary: Yesung can’t remember the events that happened before he was three when his parents died... In an orphanage he creates a strong bond with a boy who ends up leaving when he turns nine... Present time: Yesung and his best friend get kidnapped by two mysterious men in white cloaks... What does the Organization XIII and the Alliance want?

Chapter Six Part: A

“Sorry.” Kyuhyun mumbled. “Huh-” Yesung was confused. Then, without warning, Kyuhyun hit the younger boy’s head with a small, broken off tree branch.

Before Yesung could fall unconscious to the ground, Kyuhyun caught him then took off his black cloak, putting it on Yesung. “I hope you’re still not afraid of the dark…” Kyuhyun smirked as he carried Yesung into a portal. Blood was trickling down his head, though
Kyuhyun could care less.


Heechul’s POV

“One… Two… Three!” I quickly gained speed before jumping out of the window. I felt horrified as I fell. The ground looks so much farther away as I was falling!

Oh shit.

Hangeng caught me easily, “Are you committing suicide…?” He looked amused so I glared at him. “Don’t touch me…” I shouted, pushing him away. “How ungrateful, you would’ve died if I wasn’t down here.” He laughed. Am I funny to him?! “Now tell me... Why are you trying to leave?” He held onto my wrist tightly before I could walk away. “...”


Yesung’s POV

I opened my eyes, Kyuhyun was staring at me with an evil-like grin, “What?!”

“Nothing...” He smiled then left the room.

What the hell?!

I looked around. I was lying down on a black bed, everything in this room was black and white... It felt creepy. There was no window either... Crap.
Kyuhyun suddenly came back in with another evil smirk, “Does your head hurt?” He mumbled while gently touching the side of my head. “Why?” It did hurt... a lot. Though, how did he know?

“Because, I hit you with a tree branch...” He laughed. “What?!” Why the would he do that!

“Knowing you, you would’ve try to run away or bother me to no end while carrying you.” Kyuhyun continued to gently rub my head, “Would you stop touching me!” I shouted. “Sorry, your hair just feels so soft...” He chuckled, “Anyway, let’s get to the point-”

“What point... What did you do to me?!”

Kyuhyun took out a keyblade, sighing. “You know, I’m really going to miss your cute, innocent smile...” He laughed then without warning, he stabbed me with it...
Instead of screaming in pain, I stared at him with wide eyes. Am I going to die...?

I closed my eyes and felt myself changing. I’m scared...

Falling... Falling... into darkness.


Heechul stood still, he sensed something weird. ‘Did something bad happen? I need to find Leeteuk!’

Hangeng looked at the raven haired boy and sighed. “I’ll let you go.”


“However... You have to kiss me first...”


“Just do it before I change my mind!” His sudden outburst shocked Heechul. It was the only way out so he might as well get it over with...
Heechul slowly moved forward, feeling nervous, this was going to be his first kiss after all. Before their lips could touch, Hangeng fell and started rolling on the floor, laughing.

“Oh god, you actually like Hangeng! Fuck, you actually believed me!” He howled with laughter but Heechul felt too confused, “What the hell! Are you insane, you are Hangeng!”

The taller man took out a bottle and drank it, making his appearance suddenly change into Leeteuk.

“L-Leeteuk?!” Heechul felt confused and beyond pissed off, “Were you Hangeng the whole time I’ve been here?!”

“No~ Hangeng went somewhere so I took the opportunity to use this potion for once and get you out of here... Where’s Yesung?” He smiled. “...Don’t get mad!”

“Why would I get mad...?” Leeteuk’s smiled dropped. “L-Let’s get out of here first! So we don’t get caught...!” Heechul said, trying to change the subject. Leeteuk sighed and opened a portal to the forest nearby.

“So... Where’s Yesung...?”

“W-We got put in separate rooms! That bastard Hangeng kept coming in so there was no way I could escape! My sketchbook is at the orphanage! There was no pen or paper in that room so I couldn’t do anything... DON’T HURT ME OR I’LL GET KANGIN!!” Heechul shouted, feeling scared and nervous. Leeteuk sometimes had short temper...

“Who kidnapped him then?” Leeteuk sighed. “I don’t know... Either someone in the Alliance or a Heartless...?”

“...I guess we’ll just have to wait for now instead of findi-”

“What?! Wait for what!”

“Shh! don’t shout, it hurts!” Leeteuk pouted, “...There’s a good chance no longer has his heart if it was a heartless or he/she heard about his keyblade... If we try to get him now, we’ll just get ourselves hurt...”

“Ah... You were so scary when you lost your heart!”

“Exactly... By the way, do you remember all of Yesung’s childhood friends...?”

“There was Shin but I don’t remember if there is another one...” Heechul mumbled then Leeteuk started thinking.


Yesung yawned then rubbed his eyes; he felt tired but didn’t want to sleep anymore. He spotted a mirror so he got off the bed and walked towards it...

What the?!

Yesung screamed in shock. His used to be brunette hair was jet black and his clothes were different, meaning Kyuhyun changed him while he was asleep! What did he see...?! Yesung shuddered then stared at his clothing, he was wearing a baggy black short sleeved hoodie that had a symbol on the top left corner of it and gray skinny jeans with black boots.
Without Yesung noticing, Kyuhyun came in and wrapped his arms around his small waist. He smirked while trailing his hands down the younger boy’s thigh.

Yesung didn’t say anything or move, he felt comfortable which was strange... or rather he didn’t care about what was happening. “So... How do you feel now?” Kyuhyun whispered. “I’m... n-not sure,” Yesung bit his lip to not moan. “...What did you do to me? Why is my hair and clothes different?!”

“Oh. I changed your clothes but I wasn’t perverted enough to do whatever you thought I did...Your other clothes were dirty and had blood all over it... Also, your hair somehow changed color after I stabbed you.” Kyuhyun mumbled then walked out of the room, he lied about the last part.

“Why does he always leave?!” Yesung sighed. “Wait... He stabbed me!! What is going on?!”

Yesung then plopped down onto the bed. “Where am I...?” This room looked different from the other one he has been in but it had the same furniture.
He felt confused and bored to death...


Normally people would try to run away or freak out because they got stabbed but he felt pretty content about it...

Yesung looked at the door as the knob turned, “Kyuhyun-ah I’m bored...” He pouted as he walked in. Kyuhyun laughed then moved towards him slowly, “Then let’s do something fun.” He caressed Yesung’s cheek then quickly crushed their lips together. They continued kissing until Yesung pulled away to breathe.

“I thought people’s heart beat faster when they kiss someone...?” Yesung huffed then unexpectedly, Kyuhyun pressed his ear against his chest...

‘What the?! He’s not supposed to have half his heart! I guess I didn’t aim carefully because I was so pissed off and rushed the process... Damn Siwon!! Well it shouldn’t matter so there’s no need to stab him again... I suppose.’ Yesung stared at him with confused and innocent eyes, “Is there something wrong?” Kyuhyun quickly smiled to himself, ‘At least he can still smile for real...’

“Oh, no everything is fine.” Kyuhyun sighed then noticed something, “Yesung... are you blushing?”

“Huh...? N-No!” He shouted then Kyuhyun moved forward so their lips were only inches away from each other again. Yesung turned even redder which made him more confused, ‘What is this feeling...?’


“Yah, where are you Lee Donghae?!” Siwon yelled after Donghae finally answered his cell phone. He was pissed off and worried. “Uhm... Donghae is asleep right now so please call again later.” Hyukjae said shyly then quickly hung up.

“...Who was that?! Don’t tell me he has a girlfriend! Though it sound a bit like a boy too... Eunhyuk?!” Why was he with him and what were they doing?! Siwon thought then soon paled, “Asleep? E-Eunhyuk didn’t kill Donghae... Right?” He chuckled nervously.

[A/N: *Cries* I said there would be YeWon in this chapter, sorry! T^T There will be YeWon soon in the next part or chapter but, I can’t promise that ^o^ Although, there might be slight HaeHyuk smut in the next part... maybe though! Sorry if this chapter is bad because I rushed >o<]

au, dark, haehyuk, pg-13, drama, hanchul, humor, romance

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