My Little Siwonnie - Part Two

Jul 29, 2010 22:35

Title: My Little Siwonnie
Author: 15SujuBerries
Length: 2/3
Pairings: YeWon.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humor
Disclaimer: I don’t own them... Or do I? Lol, just kidding XD *Dies*
Warnings: Cosplay
Summary: Yesung’s little brother comes to visit Super Junior. Though for what reason?
A/N: This is a sequel to my other oneshot: My Little Cheerleader. However, you don’t have to read it to read this. ^^

Part Two:

~The Next Morning~

Everyone except for Yesung and Siwon had schedules so it was the perfect time for him to ask Siwon what he did wrong. Yesung placed everything he needed in a bag then quickly put on his sailor outfit, the one that looked similar to the ones used in Tell Me Your Wish (Genie). Yesung groaned as he pulled the white short shorts down a bit, worried that it was too revealing, not the mention the damn strawberry underwear. At least he had the hat so he could hide his face when he felt embarrassed. Yesung looked down at the dark blue high heels and wondered if he should actually wear them...

“There’s a big chance I can fall down if I’m not careful but... I could fall on top of Siwon-ah.” Yesung sighed as he slipped on the blue stilettos.

He looked at the mirror and groaned; he really did have a girl body besides not having breasts etc. “I swear this is the last time I’m ever going to cosplay!” Yesung sighed once more as he walked careful and quietly out of his room with his bag.

Yesung slightly opened the door and saw Siwon sleeping with only boxers and a shirt on. “Siwon!” Yesung yelled but Siwon just snored and moved to the side of his bed. “Siwon...!” Yesung pouted while shaking the sleeping body. “Ugh! SIWON-AH!!” Yesung yelled but nothing. The smaller man sighed then sat on top of Siwon. “Yah! I didn’t put on painful shoes for nothing!!” He pouted then Siwon opened his eyes. “What...?” The taller one asked with uncaring eyes. “...” Yesung puffed his cheeks, not knowing what to do first. “If you’re just going to sit then don’t sit on m-!!” Yesung quickly kissed him while wrapping his arms around his neck. “Siwon...” Yesung whispered then pouted when Siwon gave him a pissed off look. “If you want to hug then hug a pillow or someone who isn’t tired.” Siwon yawned before removing Yesung’s arms from his body, “Since we don’t have schedules then go to sleep...”

“I will... with you though!” Yesung smiled, ignoring the look Siwon gave him once again. Yesung lied down next Siwon on the bed and hugged him tightly. “Yesung, why don’t you sleep on your own bed?” Siwon mumbled as he turned around so he wouldn’t see him. “Because I love you~! I sleep here all the time anyways! Well after sex or I’m just lazy...” He grinned but Siwon didn’t respond like he thought he would.

“Siwon-ah! Do you hate me,” Yesung sighed but Siwon didn’t move. “S-So you do! What did I do wrong?!” He shouted but Siwon just snored.

“What?! You’re asleep,” Yesung was beyond pissed off. “Maybe I should have gotten that whip Heechul offered me...”

And with that Yesung moved so that he was now on top of his boyfriend. “Wake up!!” Yesung bit Siwon’s neck. “I didn’t come here to sleep, dammit!” Yesung yelled.
Siwon rubbed his neck and groaned, “Let me tell you, I didn’t go to bed until 5 in the morning... And who gave you permission to come into my room anyway?!” Siwon said with a scary voice and face. “Don’t be so cold!” Yesung murmued cutely then pressed there foreheads together. “If you want to bother someone then bother someone else.” Siwon glared then went back to sleeping. Yesung felt like kicking the hell out of him.

“FINE! I’LL GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE WHO WILL LOVE ME NO MATTER WHAT AND DO MORE THAN WHAT YOU’RE DOING!!” He shouted then Siwon laughed. “Good luck with that!” Siwon kissed his cheek then fell back to the bed, snoring. “If the strawberry ice cream doesn’t work then I’ll have a talk with Leeteuk-umma! Haha, he’ll beat the crap out of you with objects from the kitchen! Just wait...” Yesung mumbled as he stomped out of the room, ignoring the pain his shoes were giving him.

Yesung opened the freezer and sighed, “Next thing you know he wants me to put cold strawberry dessert up my ass and now he’s pissed off at me! Damn pervert, I’m dressed like he wanted me to and I even went so far to try and seduce him but he ends up sleeping...!” Yesung said with disbelief. “Why couldn’t it be something like cake? Something that’s not cold! I’d rather use something painful like a giant dildo,” he huffed, opening the bucket of ice cream so he could eat some first. “I’d also rather wear a stupid bra with strawberry patterns!!”


Yesung walked cheerfully into Siwon’s room with the strawberry ice cream and a fake smile. Siwon was facing the other way, sleeping underneath the bed sheets. Not noticing that the little pissed off sailor was there. “Siwon-ah!” the smaller man chanted cutely as he pulled the sheets off of the sleepy body. “What do you want now?!” Siwon glared. “What happened to the gentleman that your fans love?” Yesung laughed. “He’s tired and cranky...” Siwon stuck his tongue out.

Before he could hide under the bed sheets again, Yesung quickly straddled him. “Siwon, if you’re cold (Mean) then I can make you warm!” Yesung grinned before he removed the younger man’s shirt. Siwon sighed as small hands touched his abs, “Siwon-ah~ you can’t stay mad at me forever!” Yesung whispered. Siwon just smirked and closed his eyes so he could fall asleep. “Fine, be that way.” Yesung glared at his lover, tearing off his boxers, leaving his boyfriend completely naked.

Feeling irritated, Yesung grabbed his cock and smiled at how big and hard Siwon was. He licked the tip slowly, feeling happy that the taller man groaned. “Siwon, closing your eyes won’t help.” Yesung said before he dug his tongue into the slit while squeezing his balls, “Y... Yesung...” Siwon moaned as Yesung took his entire length into his mouth.

Before Siwon could come, Yesung quickly removed his mouth and placed a cock ring on his dick. “Yah,” Siwon shouted then quickly smirked. He wasn’t going to let Yesung do this, “Sungie-ah, if you put a cock ring on me then you have to handcuff me also or else this will happen...” Siwon changed their position so that Yesung was beneath him. “Yah! Let me go!” Yesung shouted when Siwon took off the cock ring and grabbed his arms. “No. I can’t sleep with all your rambling so this will probably shut you up...” The taller man grinned while taking off Yesung’s shirt and shorts slowly, revealing the strawberry underwear. Siwon chuckled then poked the smaller man’s clothed erection. “Should I fuck you hard enough that you won’t be able to stand or just tease you until you shamelessly continue begging me to fuck you? Sungie-ah, what do you want me to do?”

“I thought you wanted me to mand your ship,” Yesung paled. “I even brought the strawberry ice cream...”

“Oh, right... Thanks for reminding me.”

“Yah! I’d rather not be able to stand!!” Yesung cried. Trying to stop Siwon from grabbing the ice cream but failed as the younger man pushed him back to the bed.

“Yesungie, if you didn’t want me to do this to you then you shouldn’t have forgotten the handcuffs.” Siwon scoffed which really pissed of Yesung.

[A/N: If I continued then it would get too long >_< Sorry for the late update ^^; Jongjin will come back in the third chapter... and Heechul... and possibly everyone else while Siwon is sleeping >XS Was this chapter confusing...?]

fluff, humor, romance, nc-17

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