More Than Friends - Chapter 1/5

Jul 29, 2010 22:55

Title: More Than Friends
Author: 15SujuBerries
Chapter: 1/5
Pairings: YeWon, HanChul, Frienship!HeeSung, Minor HanSung, and other pairings.
Rating: PG-13(May Change into NC-17)
Genre: High school AU, Humor, Romance, Fluff, Humor, Angst, Drama
Disclaimer: I don’t own them!
Summary: Yesung decided to stop being home-schooled and goes to this rich, prestigious school instead. There he befriends a scary when cranky person and eventually many other people.

Chapter One:

“I’m late!” Yesung panicked after getting out of the car and running into the school building. It was cold and foggy outside making the young boy shiver. “...Too big...” he sighed while walking up the black marble stairs. The school was enormous and flashy, everything looked expensive!

Yesung was getting closer to the classroom he was assigned to until he tripped over some random boy’s legs. The small boy groaned in pain then looked over at the male sitting down who was glaring at him. “What are you looking at?!” The raven haired male scoffed. “N-Nothing...” Yesung said, feeling nervous. “Watch where you’re going next time and don’t shout you’re late when you’re actually an hour early!!” He glared then stood up and walked away. “Annoying rich people...” Heechul muttered to himself.

“Omo. I just wanted to sleep more... Jaejoong-hyung didn’t have to lie to me about the time.” Yesung sighed. “Aish, I made someone mad...”

~~One Hour Later~~

Everyone got to their desks while Yesung walked to the front of the class.

“This is our new student, Kim Yesung.” The teacher announced, “Who will like to show him around the school?” Everyone in the class raised their hands in a heartbeat except for Heechul, half of the students just wanted to get out of class while some of them were interested in him because he looked cute and the others just didn’t really care. “All right, you... Kim Heechul.” The teacher pointed to him. “But I didn’t even raise my hand!”

“Exactly...” The teacher smiled then Heechul cursed him silently as he got up from his desk and walked towards the boy who interrupted his nap a while ago. The students groaned and pouted when the two left the room. They had to stay here and listen to another one of Kibum’s boring lectures.


“Are you mad at me...?” Yesung asked. “Yes.” Heechul said, not caring. “Are you normally like this to others?”

“Why do you even care?!” He snapped, “Let’s just get this over with!”


“There is the cafeteria... That’s where most people eat, some just gossip or be annoying there. Outside in the courtyard, the other idiots eat there too.” Heechul mumbled, walking out of the cafeteria, “Do you know where all your classes are?” Yesung nodded, feeling nervous. “If you want to live a school happy life and not be touched then stay away from some of the seniors... some of them are perverted assholes! The girls are just as annoying too...” Heechul mumbled then Yesung looked confused. Were his words coming from experience? “Just try to avoid the seniors if you can. Since you look like a girl then you’re screwed...” Heechul sighed. “Oh... Okay,” Yesung gulped. “Wait... I don’t look like a girl!!”

Heechul just smirked then walked back so Yesung huffed and ran after him.


Yesung stood up to walk out of the classroom but there were girls who were blocking his path, “Oppa, let’s have lunch together!” A girl with black, short hair smiled, reaching for his hand but the other girls blocked it. “Oppa! Don’t eat with her! Eat with us~” Two other people pouted then everyone started arguing before Yesung could even reply. “Oh! Oppa, why don’t you eat with all of us?!” They all turned around from their fight to look at him but he disappeared.
Yesung quickly got his lunch then ran across the school, walked up stairs then found himself at the rooftop of the school then sighed in relief,

“...” He noticed a person sleeping in a corner, “Heechul-sshi?”

“Huh?” Heechul rubbed his eyes and found Yesung, “What? You came to bother me again?!” he glared. “No.” Yesung said then silently walked over to sit next to him. “Why are you sitting beside me?” Heechul murmured. “Because... It’s not fun to eat alone.” Yesung smiled, he never had friends before. Yesung did homeschooling after the fifth grade, because he would always get bullied harshly.

“Are you always like this to everyone...?” Yesung asked. “...Everyone here pretty much takes their money for granted and wastes it on useless things, they never even earned a penny because of their rich parents and their future is already decided for them so they can skip classes and not care or work! They don’t have to worry about anything but every student here are heirs to respectable familes who own large conglomerates.” Heechul didn’t care if Yesung felt hurt or not and just looked away. “That’s true I guess... but, aren’t you rich too?” Yesung questioned, “And if you hate rich people so much then why do you go to this school?”

“No. I only came to this school because of the education and if I maintain my grades then I can get a full scholarship to this university that I always wanted to go to...This is the best school in Korea after all; I worked four jobs last summer to pay for the entrance fees, the uniform and the other stuff...” Heechul smiled to himself which surprised Yesung. “Because of your hatred... does that mean you have no friends too?!”

“What the hell! Are you calling me a loner?!”

“No, sorry... I meant-” The bell ran before Yesung could finish his sentence so he sighed as Heechul looked at him with cold eyes and stood up to walk to their next class.


Yesung was determined to make his first best friend, Kim Heechul. Though the question was, how in the world would that happen since he hates him? Yesung paced back and forth in his room, thinking hard. “Maybe we should get to know each other first...? It might not work but oh well...” Yesung felt pissed off but continued walking around his room. “What to do, what to do,” Yesung sighed. “Maybe Jaejoong-hyung can give me advice...?” Yesung turned around then walked to his older brother’s room.

“Hyuuuuunng~” Yesung chanted while opening the door, Jaejoong’s room was giant, neat and tidy. “Where did that person go,” he glared, walking over to his desk and found a magazine, “Ten ways to know you’re in love?! Why does Jaejoong-hyung have this...?” Yesung said with curiosity.

~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~

Hangeng’s POV

Aish, why the fuck did Siwon tell me to come to school so early?! Who here goes to school an hour early anyway! Everyone comes fifteen minutes before school starts...!
I lazily walked to the tree where Siwon, I and the others go to during lunch but that pain in the ass wasn’t even there! Didn’t he tell me to go here? What the hell does he even want, I’m freaking tired!! Shit, I might as well find a quiet place to sleep... Aha! The rooftop!

“I swear I’m going to kill him in class!” I shouted, opening the door roughly.

I sat down and leaned against the door, no one comes here anyway... Before I could drift into dreamland, the door opened abruptly, causing me to fall forward. “What the fuck?!” I yelled, who did this!

I stood up to look at the person and to my surprise it was girl-like boy who looked as cranky as me. “What are you looking at?!” He scoffed then pushed me aside. “At least apologize!” I shouted. “WHAT FOR,” The boy yelled back “IT’S YOUR FAULT FOR SITTING THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!”

“I WAS TRYING TO FUCKING SLEEP-” I got cut off when someone opened the door. “Yah! I was looking for you everywhere... Jeez, you don’t listen do you,” Siwon glared. “How noisy. You don’t have to scream at each other!” Siwon grabbed my hand then dragged me all the way down to the courtyard.

“Where were you,” I yelled. “You said to meet me where we eat lunch but you weren’t there and I was tired so I decided to sleep!”

“I said to go to the courtyard!! You don’t listen to others when you’re cranky, do you,” Siwon laughed. “And what do you mean by sleeping?! You looked like you were going to pick a fight with that freshman!”

“Yeah, yeah... what do you want anyway?”

“Never mind... Leeteuk gave me a call and he said it was an emergency and told me to meet him here and bring you but he isn’t here!”

“Okay, I’m going home.” I waved goodbye then he quickly grabbed my arm. “No! We’re going to wait for Leeteuk,” Siwon sighed. “He sounded depressed-”

“He always sounds depressed!! I’m fucking tired and you hate it when I’m cranky so let me go home and sleep!!” I shouted then he scoffed. “Then sleep here!!” He grabbed me then pushed me under a tree. I swear if I was more tired then I would’ve destroyed his face that girls and sometimes men call handsome, cute or sexy! They would have to call his face ugly, disastrous or bloody!

Siwon grinned then took out his cell phone. “Leeteuk… WHY THE HELL AREN’T YOU HERE?!” He yelled. I guess Siwon is tired too…

“STOP SHOUTING! I’m here!!” Leeteuk sighed as he stopped running. “WHY DO YOU COME WHEN I’M READY TO SLEEP?!” I shouted then Leeteuk pouted.

3rd Person POV

Yesung walked to school this time, thinking it would be fun but actually tiring. He sighed as he walked through the hallway, up the stairs to the rooftop, “Hee… Heechul-sshi?!”

“Huh?” Heechul stopped walking around cursing the senior he saw to look at Yesung. “What?

“Y-You look angrier than you normally do...” Yesung paled. “Y-You’re saying incoherent words also.”

“Reall-” Heechul stopped when they heard two voices shouting, “Aish!” Heechul leaned over and saw the man he saw before, arguing with some other dude, “Yah... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!”

[A/N: Originally this fic was supposed to be this Super Junior version of Kuroshitsuji but I decided to do this first instead >_< Comments are loved~ <33 XD]

more than friends

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