Smiling Faces

Aug 08, 2010 00:37

Title: Smiling faces
Author: 15SujuBerries
Chapter: 1/4
Pairing: YeWon
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst
Disclaimer: I don’t own them!
Warning(s): Rape and abuse
Summary: Getting hugged or touched triggers painful memories Siwon wishes he could forget. Kim Jongwoon is just making everything even more difficult...

Part One: Bitter Faces

“A-Appa! W-What happened...?” The little boy’s eyes widened.

He was expecting a smile from his father, the smell of baked cookies and hug from his mother once he came home from school! Instead, his father’s caring and smiling face was long gone and his mother wasn’t home... He looked around; the living room was a mess! There were broken glass bottles all over the floor which made it dangerous to walk around without shoes on and there was a strong smell of alcohol.

‘Where’s little brother?!’

Then the boy looked to his dad; he was suddenly walking towards him, hair covering his eyes and one of his fists in the air. Siwon wanted to say something but words wouldn’t come out, the atmosphere soon became dark and eerie.

He flinched when the adult’s fist came closer and closer to his body; it was too late to move away now. “App--?!”

The boy couldn’t finish and cried out from the pain of being punched in the stomach... He opened his teary eyes and felt glass cutting into his back, “A-Appa?!” His father just laughed at his crushed expression... It was nothing compared to the misery he was feeling! “How useless... I want this mess gone before I come back! Understood?!”

“...” His father didn’t wait for a reply and left, leaving the wounded and confused boy alone. Not feeling the slightest hint of guilt. “...” When Siwon heard the door close, he screamed at the top of his lungs, “Umma! Umma?!” The little boy was horrified and his eyes red and puffy from crying. His blood was all over the carpet from the glass that was cut into his back... He stood up and quickly grabbed the chair close to him so he wouldn’t fall onto the broken pieces of glass again. It wasn’t like his father to do something like this! If he dropped those glass bottles then he would’ve picked it up already instead of leaving it lying around... did he do this on purpose?! He shook his head; he didn’t want to believe his dad wanted to hurt him! What did he do in the first place?!
Was he being punished...?

“Wha-Umma?!” He found pictures of his mother kissing a man who wasn’t his father...


“Yah! Choi Siwon!” Their teacher, Ryeowook shouted. He wasn’t in the mood to argue, especially with the school’s mysterious and sulky yet shining Knight or whatever his fan club calls him! “That kid... Always sleeping in my class...” He sighed then the student beside him chuckled quietly, making girls and few men awe and squeal. The same kind of reactions Siwon gets if he laughs, sighs and sleeps... He never understood why they did that?

Did he look funny to them...?

“Siwon... Wake up! Ryeowook-hyung will throw a chalk at you again!” His childhood whispered. His desk was next to his on the right. “Eh?” Siwon opened his eyes unwillingly and found his teacher glaring at him with a student he never saw before, standing next to him.

“Anyhow... This is Kim Jongwoon. He will be joining our class from today on.” Ryeowook’s glare changed into a smile then turned to the new student. “Oh, right... Please take care of me.” The brunette murmured then their teacher told him to sit in the empty desk beside Siwon. Girls were smiling brightly and waving hi as he walked to his seat but he didn’t notice since he was staring at Siwon with no emotion on his face.


Ryeowook left the classroom so everyone got out of their seats except for Jongwoon, Siwon and Leeteuk.

The blonde boy turned to face him, he stared at his body and gave him a worried look. “Why won’t you tell me the reason why you’ve never finish your homework at home yet, your number one in this class and last month you came to school bruises all over your body!” He whispered, “I’m your best friend! You can tell me anything...”

“I told you... I’m forgetful and I fell down the stairs. ”Siwon hissed, he was getting pissed off! He had to dream about the first day his father beat him and Leeteuk keeps asking the same questions!

Maybe if he fell down the stairs in front of him then he would finally believe him...

“Liar...” Leeteuk pouted. He knew something was wrong! Ever since they were in middle school, Siwon avoided sports even though he was really athletic... He usually saw bruises on his body but he knew Siwon wasn’t clumsy... He was far from being a klutz! “Leeteuk... you think everything I say is a lie!” Siwon mumbled before turning around, if he didn’t then they would start arguing and it’ll just piss off Ryeowook again!
Siwon felt an intense gaze coming from his left... why was Jongwoon staring at him like that? He turned his head to look at him, it was getting uncomfortable...

Ten seconds passed then Jongwoon looked away and silently giggled. ‘Is there something wrong with this kid? Do I look funny to everyone...?’

Right when Siwon was going to say something, Ryeowook returned with a giant pile of papers. He placed it on his giant desk then walked up to Siwon, “Sleeping beastly! Because you weren’t listening a while ago, you must show Jongwoon-sshi around the school...” He gave him a fake smile then walked away before the seventeen year old could back talk. ‘What the fuck?!’ Siwon sighed, it wasn’t his fault...

He looked back at Jongwoon who gave him an apologetic look so he gave him a small smile... or rather a fake smile which everyone thought was real except for Leeteuk.


The lunch bell rang and Siwon and Jongwoon didn’t bother to get their lunch. They weren’t hungry and just wanted to get this over with... Well Siwon didn’t want to do this whilst Jongwoon just smiled. “Where have you been to already?” The taller man murmured, “It’ll be a waste of time going to the places you’ve already been to.”

“Oh, I know where my classes are and I’ve walked around the school outside and some of the inside--”

“Then why would that teacher tell me to show you around?!” Siwon shouted, scaring Jongwoon a bit.

‘Aish... he probably wanted me and Jongwoon to be friends and sit with us in the cafeteria since he’s new.’

Siwon looked at Jongwoon who was pouting. He couldn’t deny that he looked really cute... prettier than the girls in this school. He hated being close to people besides Leeteuk but a part of him didn’t want him to eat alone. “Let’s just go to the cafeteria.” Siwon grabbed his arm unwillingly and girls near them gasped. “Huh?” Jongwoon stared at his arm that was being held onto then gasped. “S... Siwon-sshi!”

Without warning he pushed up his sleeve up and found purplish bruises and a few wounds all over his upper arm. Siwon’s eyes widened then pushed his sleeve down before the other students in the hallway could see. “Yah! What the hell are you doing?!” Siwon glared, pushing Jongwoon away.
He didn’t mean to do it but Jongwoon’s face was too close to his...
Siwon sighed and continued walking away, leaving Jongwoon astonished and worried. “So this is what that Leeteuk person was worried about...?”


Meh. I rewrote this chapter four times and it still seems a bit pointless, rushed and confusing D: Ahaha, do you hate Siwon’s mom or dad more? T^T I promise I’ll try to make the next chapter better! ^__^ I’ll try to update everyday from now on but I have to decide who gets raped in this fic first XD

smiling faces, nc-17

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