Smiling Faces

Aug 09, 2010 13:17

Title: Smiling faces
Author: 15SujuBerries
Chapter: 2/4
Pairings: YeWon
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst
Disclaimer: I don’t own them!
Warning(s): Rape and abuse
Summary: Getting hugged or touched triggers painful memories Siwon wishes he could forget. Kim Jongwoon is just making everything even more difficult...

Chapter Two: Sorrowful Faces

The little boy walked down the quiet, murky and deserted streets of Seoul. It may have been a bad idea to walk out at night and without telling his father -fully knowing that he would receive new bruises and wounds when he came back. He looked to his left and saw the ice cream shop his mother used to take him and his brother to before she left.
The ten year old promised himself that he’ll never fall in love! It’ll just end badly like his parents...

“I hate you.” He glared, picturing the bitch smiling at him. Because of her, his father would take out his anger on him!


He sighed before opening the door, for some odd reason he couldn’t stop thinking of Jongwoon’s smile... It was driving him crazy!

“Hyung! You’re home~” Heechul ran towards his older brother with a happy expression. It startled Siwon, it was rare to see the thirteen year old boy smiling like that! Usually he was apathetic and shows little to no emotion... Why now?

“Hyung, you look like you’ve seen a ghost...? Did appa do something when I was sleeping last night?!” Heechul attempted to remove Siwon’s shirt but stopped him from doing so. “No... You just look too excited which is uncommon! Did you hit your head on something in school today?” Siwon murmured then Heechul returned to his normal self. “No! I thought I should act like those other annoying kids in my class,” He stared; his eyes weren’t bright and cheerful anymore and were serious and bored. “I thought it would make you smile, instead you thought there was something wrong with me.” Heechul turned around then walked to his room -finding something else to do. His mission failed so there was no point to continue bothering his brother.


Siwon turned around when he heard the door opened and smirked. Mr. Choi didn’t even look at him when he walked to the kitchen. His expression was cold as usual... His father usually only talked... and well, beat his son when he was drunk or enraged, otherwise he would ignore him like he never existed, and he only talked to him when necessary. Siwon chuckled then walked to his room...

‘At least he didn’t buy wine or beer today...’


Kim Residence

One maid bowed to and greeted her young master when he walked through the giant doors while the other maids and butlers just stared him down. They never liked him and thought he was bizarre... Jongwoon’s fake smile dropped when he saw Mrs. Kim standing at the top of the marble stairs. Her expression was cold and furious which caused Jongwoon to sigh, “I thought you were coming back next month, umma--”

“You brat. Are you trying to embarrass this family?! I thought we agreed that you were going to go to that prestigious school? Why this one?!”
Jongwoon rolled his eyes; she always had an excuse to call him stupid or a brat! Instead of answering, he avoided eye contact and tapped his foot, waiting for her to finish her shouting and leave him alone!

“You really him no manners, huh!?” Mrs. Kim shouted. Jongwoon sighed again before she slapped him across the face.
It hurt more than usual...

He did worse things in the past but why was she angrier about this?! Jongwoon stared into her cold, dark eyes while rubbing his red cheek that was bleeding because her nail scratched him, “You’re right, I’m sorry...” He mumbled then walked away to his room.

Mrs. Kim scoffed, “You honestly think I believe you?”
When Jongwoon couldn’t be seen, he cried. It’s been like this for five years...


Heechul felt like his heart stop when he heard a body loudly fall to the floor. He was desperate to run out of his room and see what was going on but, Siwon made him promise to never come out of his room when his father was pissed off or drinking until he came inside...

He felt useless when he heard kicking and shouting, it was like this for the past seven years! He didn’t understand though! Why is he only hurting Siwon and not him? His father could’ve opened the door at any time and start beating him but he didn’t! Was it because he was thirteen...
No, he first did this to Siwon when he was only ten...


Heechul stared at the door. The shouting finally stopped... He closed his eyes and held his breath as he opened the door, “...”

Their father was already in his room whilst Siwon was lying on the floor, cursing. He knew he had new wounds and bruises on his body even though he couldn’t see it. Suddenly, Siwon stood up, looking like nothing happened, “Shouldn’t you be sleeping by now...?” He sighed, pushing Heechul towards his room. He shook his head so the taller male stopped.

“No...” To Siwon’s surprise he started crying. “I’m going to sleep with hyung tonight!” Heechul wiped away his tears and smiled wholeheartedly for once.


The Next Day

Jongwoon stared blankly when he saw girls asking Siwon to accept the lunches they made for him. He watched the mysterious and sulky yet shining knight apologize and say it would be mean to accept only one lunch since he couldn’t eat all of them... He thought Siwon looked pained but how would he know since they were a bit far away from each other.

Siwon felt something touching his lips and realized it was a person’s hand. Shocked, he moved away and covered his mouth... he hated it when people touched his lips! “Yah! Wha-”

“Did someone beat you up?” Jongwoon asked innocently, reaching for his hands.

yewon, smiling faces

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