Soul Butterfly Daycare: Best Friend

Mar 17, 2014 20:58

Best Friend: After a skirmish on the playground, Ulquiorra and Tatsuki are forced to answer a very important question. Just who exactly is Orihime's best friend?

“Let's play on the swings Hime,” Tatsuki suggested with a smile. Their class was headed out to the playground for their fifteen minute recess.

“Okay. I love to swing!” Orihime smiled back. Overhearing the two girls, Ulquiorra frowned. He wanted the woman to play swords with him and Grimmjow.

“I though you said you were going to play with me,” Ulquiorra reminded her only to be jostled when Grimmjow slung an arm around his shoulder and sneered at the two girls.

“Let them go play their girly games. Everyone knows Orihime is a cry baby. She'd cry as soon as we started playing.” Hearing Grimmjow's words made Tatsuki frown.

“Boys are gross,” She retorted. All the while Ulquiorra refrained from voicing his logic that so long as the he protected Orihime with his sword she wouldn't cry; but Grimmjow would probably jostle and make fun of her some more if he said anything. The five year old's thoughts were interrupted by Renji's loud groan.

“Awwww! It looks like Ms. Sui Feng's class is already out there.” Everyone strained to get a look at the playground through their position in line and to everyone's chagrin, Ms. Sui Feng's class was indeed having their recess as well.

Tatsuki took hold of Orihime's hand. There was a determined look in her eyes.

“Hime, we have to hurry if we want to snag the swings.” The playground was so small and outdated, that essentially only one class could enjoy the play equipment at one time.

Nodding, Orihime and Tatsuki took off as soon as old man Yamamoto opened the gate. Ulquiorra watched with narrowed eyes as Tatsuki and Orihime raced three other girls to the three 'big kid' swings. The fourth swing was a harness seat for babies.

It was a close call. The short blonde haired girl, for reasons he did not understand, went straight for the baby swing. Tatsuki and the dark, curly haired girl both grabbed a swing at the same time. That left one swing which Orihime grabbed a second before the dark haired, pigtailed girl got it. Ulquiorra smiled for her victory. It was short lived.

The pigtailed girl stomped her foot angrily and pushed Orihime down. Ulquiorra took off running just as the Woman smacked her head against the swing set pole before falling into the sand. The loud sound of a whistle blowing shrilled over Orihime's cry. A moment later, Ms. Sui Feng came over.

“Lolly!” The teacher scolded.before taking hold of the pigtailed girl's ear and directing her out of the playground.

“This isn't over! I'll get you next time, you red haired freak!”The little girl kicked and shrieked.

Orihime continued to cry. Ulquiorra squeezed her hand reassuringly while Tatsuki rubbed her back. Grimmjow brought old man Yamamoto over. A group began to gather and surround Orihime. Ulquiorra wished he had a real sword so he could chase everyone away.

“Can you stand?” Yamamoto asked in a gravely voice after he inspected her head. The four year old nodded and with Tatsuki's help stood up.

“Someone will need to escort Orihime to the nurse. Who will take her?”

Ulquiorra opened his mouth only to be interrupted by Tatsuki.

“I'll take her.”

“But I'm her best friend,” Ulquiorra argued with a frown. Tatsuki wrinkled her nose.

“you can't be her best friend. You're a boy. I'm her best friend.” Ulquiorra recoiled as if he had been slapped. Orihime gave him a weak smile.

“Don't worry 'Quiorra. You're my best boy friend.” Her words took the air out of his longs and before he knew it he was biting her - hard, drawing blood.

His father spanked him later that night.

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bleach soul butterfly daycare ulquihime , ulquiorra orihime fanfiction

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