Soul Butterfly Daycare: When You Grow Up

Mar 17, 2014 20:51

When you Grow Up: Ulquiorra and Orihime along with the rest of their classmates take turns sharing what they want to be when they grow up. Yamamoto gets a headache.

“Okay children, settle down.. Settle down!” Old man Yamamoto called. Uryu paused, a ball of yarn in his hand. Orrihime and Tatsuki set down their dolls. Ichigo and Rukia, both oblivious, fought over a stuffed rabbit. Nel was riding on Renji's back while Grimmjow and Ulquiorra colored at the art table.

“It's rug time,” The old man continued.

“Yay! Rug time!” Orihime screamed in excitement. Nel joine din the screaming a moment later. Their high pitched squeals rang in synch. Yamamoto sighed heavily, used to their outbursts. The two girls raced to the rug, followed shortly by Tatsuki. Grimmjow snuck a blue crayon in his mouth, then he and Ulquiora made their way to the rug. Grimmjow moved to sit between Tatsuki and Renji while Ulquiorra wedged himself between Nel and Orihime. Ichigo and Rukia,still oblivious, continued to fight over the stuffed rabbit until Yamamoto intervened and sent them to separate corners for time out. Both of them protested loudly with tears.

Orihime pouted because they wouldn't participate, while Grimmjow snickered. Old man Yamamoto pulled out a paper and read over it quickly.

“Settle down,” He told them firmly.

“Now for today's rug time, we will go around the room and each take a turn telling the others what you want to be when you grow up.

“Renji,” Yamamoto called and the little red head sat up a little straighter.

“We'll start with you and then move to Uryu and so on.” Smirking, Renji crossed his arms happy to go first.

“Ok. That's easy. When I grow up, I wanna marry Rukia.”

“Hey!” The said little girl protested from her corner.

“Or Tatsuki,” Renji addded.

“Yuck! Boys are gross!” Tatsuki asserted in disgust.

“Moving on,” Yamamoto cut in with a sigh. Uryu straightened his glasses.

“When I grow up I want to be a drama surgeon because I like to sew dolls up.” He explained. Yamamoto rubbed his forehead.

“It's called a Trauma Surgeon. Okay, next is Nelliel.” The little girl shot up from her seat and Yamamoto had to remind her to stay seated.

“When I grow up, I want to live in the deserts of Egypt.” Everyone stared at her, bewildered but she offered no explanation. Yamamoto gestured tiredly to Ulquiorra to take his turn.

“When I grow up,” Ulquiorra hesitated and looked at Orihime. She smiled warmly at him, oblivious to his inner turmoil.

“I want to be Batman.” He finally decided and told his his circle of classmates. Secretly, he hoped the Woman would say that she wanted to be Catwoman in return. However, when it was her turn, Ulquiorra couldn't help frowning at her in disappointment as she sprouted some nonesense about being a vegetarian because they heal animals.

“You mean a Veterinarian. Vegetarians are people who don't eat meant.” Yamamoto explained through gritted teeth. His words were drowned out by Ulquiorra who stared at the woman in disappointment. Tatsuki's desire to be a karate champion and Grimmjow's argument about being the King of England was completely lost to him. Orihime finally noticed his discomfort and slipped her hand into his.

“Are you alright, 'Quiorra?” She asked with concern. He frowned at her.

“You mock the whole Batman series Woman,” He told her darkly and fought the urge to bite her.

“If you're going to use a civilian job for a disguise, then at least get it right. Catwoman was a flight attendant in comic issue #62, not a veterinarian.”

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