[[Riku, Roxas and Sora || Breaking Apart My Heart]]

Dec 08, 2010 23:23

Who? Sora (lockandkeyblade) Roxas (vacationisalie) and Riku (twilitdisguise)
Where? The World That Never Was- Memory's Skyscraper and beyond! /shot
When? AU- after Roxas and Sora's funtiems adventure
Warnings? Possible fluff, MOUNTAINS AND MOUNTAINS OF ANGST probably

[Being back here was...]

[Nothing he'd ever wanted to do again. Roxas was in a state of constant paranoia, twitching at the slightest noise or shift around him- which wasn't a bad thing, considering the amount of Shadows and Neo Shadows running loose.]

[He keeps on eye on everything around them, and one eye on Sora. His other is generally rather childish, excitedly running into trouble wherever they go, but in this setting, he's taken on a much more serious countenance. Sora's well aware of what world they're currently infiltrating, and Roxas doesn't need to mother him...but he will anyway.]

[Sora's serious moods never seem to last long; who knows when this one will run out?]

daine, twi, log, action, dee, [canon] kingdom hearts

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