{Because we just don't get enough fights.}

Jan 16, 2011 18:02

Who: Usagi & Kanda...and any Senshi that wanna jump in.
What: Continuing the crazy continuum. You can find the latest log here.
When: Midnight, when all good kids should be in bed.
Warnings?: Kanda. Also possible injuries.

[This is utter bullshit. As if it wasn't bad enough he was trying to sleep in an alley, he ( Read more... )

[canon] d. gray-man, button, [canon] sailormoon, laura

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ourshininghope January 17 2011, 09:57:41 UTC
Hurry, Sailor Moon! I can sense the youma this way!

[ Running behind the black lunar cat, Sailor Moon keeps up as best she can after having been forced awake from that delicious sleep. ]

Maaaaaan. Why can't the youma wait until after school or on a day off to attack?!

Oh will you quit your whining already!

[ With a small sigh, Moon just shuts her lip and soon they're at the spot where the negative energy was generating from. But they're stopped short from doing anything as they see, as luck would have it, Kanda there. Luna takes to hiding somewhere so she's not spotted, and Sailor Moon clears her throat. ]

HEY, UGLY! Up here!


ourshininghope January 19 2011, 04:37:27 UTC
[ Sailor Moon turns her head to glance at Kanda.. and her eyes widen as she finally notices the injury he has. Without even thinking, because she has a habit of doing that, she walks on over to him, the moon wand clutched tightly in her hands. ]

Sailor Moon? What are you doing?

... I'm going to heal you. So don't complain too much, okay?


toomanypetals January 19 2011, 04:39:08 UTC
Don't be ridiculous. Save your strength.

[Kanda sheathes Mugen like his injury is no big deal.]

[He turns to walk away.]

Go home and go to sleep, kids.


ourshininghope January 19 2011, 04:46:33 UTC
But your shoulder--!

[ She's going to reach over to try and grab onto his uninjured arm to keep him from leaving. ]

It has to be looked at! It's still bleeding!


toomanypetals January 19 2011, 04:56:31 UTC
[Yeah no, he's pulling away and walking back the way he came.]

Tch. I'll be fine. Save it for somebody who needs it.

[Sailor Venus scowled at his retreating form herself.]

You jerk! We're just trying to help!


ourshininghope January 19 2011, 05:12:24 UTC
Why won't you just let me--

[ Sailor Moon is stopped from chasing after him by Sailor Mars placing a steady hand on the moon rabbit's shoulder. ]


Leave him be, Sailor Moon. [ After having seen some of Kanda's abilities first hand, the fire priestess was under the assumption that he was something far more than they had decided that he'd be. ] He's right. We need to go home and rest for the night. It's late.


toomanypetals January 19 2011, 05:17:06 UTC
[Mercury nodded in agreement. He was way more than they'd bargained for.]

Yes. We can go check on him tomorrow, okay?

[Kanda's feeling quite proud of himself, and is just going to lean against the soba shop wall and sleep there again. It's comfy, okay. ...As far as walls go.]


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