{Because we just don't get enough fights.}

Jan 16, 2011 18:02

Who: Usagi & Kanda...and any Senshi that wanna jump in.
What: Continuing the crazy continuum. You can find the latest log here.
When: Midnight, when all good kids should be in bed.
Warnings?: Kanda. Also possible injuries.

[This is utter bullshit. As if it wasn't bad enough he was trying to sleep in an alley, he ( Read more... )

[canon] d. gray-man, button, [canon] sailormoon, laura

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ourshininghope January 17 2011, 09:57:41 UTC
Hurry, Sailor Moon! I can sense the youma this way!

[ Running behind the black lunar cat, Sailor Moon keeps up as best she can after having been forced awake from that delicious sleep. ]

Maaaaaan. Why can't the youma wait until after school or on a day off to attack?!

Oh will you quit your whining already!

[ With a small sigh, Moon just shuts her lip and soon they're at the spot where the negative energy was generating from. But they're stopped short from doing anything as they see, as luck would have it, Kanda there. Luna takes to hiding somewhere so she's not spotted, and Sailor Moon clears her throat. ]

HEY, UGLY! Up here!


toomanypetals January 18 2011, 11:09:06 UTC
[Oh yeah, he noticed. He also noticed that that expression on her face is fairly close to the one that was on Dango-head's earlier that day.]

...Tch. Don't let it get to you.

[His voice is somewhat gruff, but not cruel, which is something at least two of the other senshis noticed.]

[The poor youma, though? Is currently squealing at the newcomer.]



ourshininghope January 18 2011, 11:18:00 UTC
It would be pointless to get the crystal if Sailor Moon were dead before we could even retrieve it.

[ Sailor Moon's head turns to those words of.. encouragement coming from Kanda. Feelings conflicting in her eyes as she turns her head back to watch the masked man. ]

Tuxedo Kamen... you don't have to do this! Please!


toomanypetals January 18 2011, 11:22:38 UTC
[Poor, confused youma. It completely thought that was the point.]

[Kanda, though, is going to stay this side of Sailor Moon, in case the youma decided to try attacking again anyway. The other girls seemed to have the tux guy covered.]

Tch. Stealing from and attacking a girl because of a rock? You people have the weirdest damn priorities.

[His words startle Sailor Mercury-- does this guy seriously have no idea what's going on? Or is he playing ignorant...?]


ourshininghope January 18 2011, 22:33:19 UTC
That wand.. the one I used to heal you before... [ Sailor Moon whispers, hands clenching at her sides as she tries her hardest not to cry. ] .. they want the crystal that's on it.

You mean to tell me that you're protecting her without even knowing why they're even fighting? [ No, stupid monster. The point was to make sure that Sailor Moon had the wand DRAWN first before killing her. Sheesh. Get it right. ]


toomanypetals January 18 2011, 22:40:56 UTC
[Oh, okay, it's a magic rock. That makes sense. Still, Kanda's going to death-glare at Tux-man.]

I do what I always do. Fight the monsters that prey on people.

[He says this so matter-of-fact, it's like he's been fighting monsters his entire life. Still, that scowl intensifies.]

[While Tux-man and Kanda were distracting them, the youma decided to make itself useful-- by lashing out and basically tying up every senshi it could grab.]

[But Kanda was never unaware of any of his enemies on a battlefield-- as soon as the monster started to move, he grabbed Sailor Moon and yanked her out of its reach.]



ourshininghope January 18 2011, 23:08:26 UTC
[ Sailor Moon lets out a yelp of surprise as she's yanked out of the way. She lands on the pavement with a loud thud. When she gets her bearings straight, she looks over to see that her senshi were having issues of their own and before she can even get up to help them out, she finds her vision covered by a red lined cape. ]

The time for games is over, Sailor Moon.

[ When the cape finally settles, Sailor Moon finds the evil Tuxedo Kamen with his arm around wrapped tightly around her arms, keeping her from summoning her moon frisbee to cut her senshi free. ]

Give me the Crystal and I'll let you and your friends live.

P-please.. I don't want to fight you... you're not supposed to be like this! You're supposed to be good!


toomanypetals January 18 2011, 23:19:26 UTC
[Oh, Kanda does not like the sound of that. The youma has its hands full with the senshi--literally, seeing as its last arm is kind of a stump right now. So he's seriously going to take advantage of the distraction to punch that Tuxedo bastard square in the face, his arm at too awkward an angle to get in a decent swipe without hitting Sailor Moon, too.]

[He's more focused on getting the senshi out of Tuxedo Kamen's hold than talking, but it's pretty obvious he's ticked.]


ourshininghope January 18 2011, 23:59:09 UTC

[ Tuxedo Kamen's hold on Sailor Moon loosen, and she moves to get away from him but he's held on pretty tightly to one of her arms. Struggling, she manages to escape only to use too much of her strength and tosses herself into a neighboring wall. Pain shoots right through her body at making contact with the hard object and she struggles to keep herself up and not curl up onto the ground in pain. ]

How DARE you! [ Whether he's mad that Sailor Moon is hurt.. or that he was punched in the face is uncertain. What is certain is that he's now summoned his fighting cane to start exchanging blows with the Exorcist. ] Who the hell do you think are?!


toomanypetals January 19 2011, 00:02:10 UTC
[Oh get over it, Tux guy, she'll live. Kanda moves so that he's between Sailor Moon and this newish threat, glaring as usual.]

Tch. Like I told your...friend over there.

[Any blows aimed at him are easily deflected by his katana.]

I'm an Exorcist. And you better give me one damn good reason why I shouldn't cut you down right now.


ourshininghope January 19 2011, 00:17:33 UTC
[ The spots in her vision start to fade and she sees Kanda and Tuxedo Kamen duking it out. On wobbly legs, she takes a few steps forward, her mind only on stopping the fighting when she's snapped out of her thoughts with a familiar voice. ]


[ Torn between, she starts heading to help her friends out from the youma but not before she stops to make sure that Kanda doesn't hurt her Prince. ]

Please don't hurt him! He's... it's not his fault! The Dark Kingdom kidnapped him and brainwashed him!

[ With that, she finally uses her moon frisbee, cutting her senshi loose from the youma's clutches. ]


toomanypetals January 19 2011, 00:24:40 UTC
[Good enough for him. If Kanda lands a hit, it's with the flat side of his weapon, though it still hurts like a bitch because goddamn he is strong.]

[The poor youma whimpered, yanking its hands back again from the pain, releasing the senshi.]

Ooooh you little...! He said not to kill Sailor Moon, but there's open game on the others!

[Spitting on its hands, the youma's arms turn into the stabbitty, acid-trip inducing weapons they were earlier, and it started lashing out with the intention to injure and kill.]

[Venus was having none of it, though, dodging with a jump and countering quickly. Mercury just got out of the way for now.]



ourshininghope January 19 2011, 01:11:52 UTC
[ Tuxedo Kamen isn't going to let some ignorant fool stop him from his ultimate goal. Nor was he going to let the ramblings of the Moon girl get to him. So, he gets hit once in awhile, but for the most part is evenly meeting up with the attacks. ]

You're not going to touch any of my friends!

[ Finally, Sailor Moon summons the moon stick, eyes narrowed in determination as she begins her power up! ]


[ The youma then finds its face full of moon magic, having unable to fulfill it's initial duty, and screams in agony as it's turned into moon dust. Tuxedo Kamen on the other hand doesn't think it's too much of a loss since it got Sailor Moon to bring out the moon wand. ]


toomanypetals January 19 2011, 01:19:58 UTC
[Well, tough, he's not going to let a guy who would betray his friends-- brainwashing or no-- just do whatever he wanted.]

[He's really going easy on Tuxedo Kamen. In fact, he looks slightly bored. Time to liven things up a bit-- by smacking him in the side with his scabbard, which is just as painful as being hit by the flat side of Mugen.]




ourshininghope January 19 2011, 04:26:58 UTC
[ Being hit in the side was pretty painful, and it causes him to stumble backwards.. and farther away from the group than he'd like to be. ]


[ The Exorcist was an addition to this fight that he hadn't anticipated. It was time to regroup and report this to the Queen~! So, with darkness at his disposal, he teleports away, leaving the senshi to their own devices. ]

... Tuxedo Kamen...


toomanypetals January 19 2011, 04:30:37 UTC
Tch... Coward.

[He scowls at where his opponent just was, barely noticing the other senshi approaching him.]

Ah... Are you alright, sir?

[Ami had finally noticed the rather large and bloddy injury on Kanda's shoulder.]

[Still, the question surprises him a bit, and he looks around at them.]

Tch. I'm fine. Worry about yourselves.


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