{Because we just don't get enough fights.}

Jan 16, 2011 18:02

Who: Usagi & Kanda...and any Senshi that wanna jump in.
What: Continuing the crazy continuum. You can find the latest log here.
When: Midnight, when all good kids should be in bed.
Warnings?: Kanda. Also possible injuries.

[This is utter bullshit. As if it wasn't bad enough he was trying to sleep in an alley, he ( Read more... )

[canon] d. gray-man, button, [canon] sailormoon, laura

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Comments 139

ourshininghope January 17 2011, 09:57:41 UTC
Hurry, Sailor Moon! I can sense the youma this way!

[ Running behind the black lunar cat, Sailor Moon keeps up as best she can after having been forced awake from that delicious sleep. ]

Maaaaaan. Why can't the youma wait until after school or on a day off to attack?!

Oh will you quit your whining already!

[ With a small sigh, Moon just shuts her lip and soon they're at the spot where the negative energy was generating from. But they're stopped short from doing anything as they see, as luck would have it, Kanda there. Luna takes to hiding somewhere so she's not spotted, and Sailor Moon clears her throat. ]

HEY, UGLY! Up here!


toomanypetals January 17 2011, 10:04:25 UTC
[Startled, Ms Acid Trip's posessed head spun around again and stared up at the incoming senshi. While it's doing that, Kanda's just going to ignore her and drag the unconscious stranger to a safer place.]

[Though for a second there, he swore it was that dango-head-- but it couldn't be. She wouldn't be running around this late at night, would she?]

MORE interference?! Come out where I can see you, pet!

[Kanda's not gone for long, though, keeping to the other side of the youma in question. He's only momentarily distracted.]


ourshininghope January 17 2011, 10:15:02 UTC
[ Her form is silhouetted by the moon, but when she's asked to show herself, she hops down from her high perch and points dramatically at the youma in question. ]

The night time is meant for relaxing and recharging for the morning ahead! You're disrupting that peaceful time and for that, I won't forgive you! In the name of love and justice, I am Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon!

[ Raising her hand to the sky, she begins posing until she reaches the final pointing pose. ]



1/2 toomanypetals January 17 2011, 10:21:08 UTC
Sailor Moon?! How convenient!

[The youma abruptly launches its limbs at the senshi, stretching them out, out, out to try and either trap her, or injure her.]



THE NEXT DAY ourshininghope January 19 2011, 05:28:54 UTC
[ Moon had let the other senshi lead her off regrettably from the battle area, having managed to sneak home and nurse that scratch on her arm before sleeping. But after a full day of not falling asleep at school, she's able to leave feeling less than awake.

Unfortunately, none of the other senshi were able to go with her (Ami having been pulled to after school classes and Makoto having to take a shift for her part time job) so now she's standing close to the soba shop, alone and nervous. ]


Take 2. toomanypetals January 19 2011, 05:35:37 UTC
[Kanda did notice her, and after a minute of waiting for her to move, he steps out of the shop to scowl at her.]

You coming in or aren't you, dango-head?


XD <3 ourshininghope January 19 2011, 05:39:06 UTC
[ Him coming out to actually get her startles her and she glances around nervously before hesitantly looking up at him. ]

... Shouldn't you be taking care of customers or something?


|Db toomanypetals January 19 2011, 05:40:49 UTC
[He just gives her a flat stare.]

If you're coming in, you are a customer. Make up your mind.


3 HOURS LATER.. BECAUSE KANDA IS A JERK. ourshininghope January 19 2011, 08:59:28 UTC
[ And like the obvious rabbit she is, Usagi is now waiting close to the soba shop after going home to change into some real clothes. Thankfully Luna hadn't been around to ask her where she was going, so now she was free to ... well... meet up with the jerk after his abrupt ending of their conversation.

.. because that's all this meeting was. Talking. Talking and arguing. But mainly talking because she was so reading into this too much.

.. but damn it why did he have to say it like thaaaat? ]


Best kind of jerk there is. toomanypetals January 19 2011, 09:02:53 UTC
[He wouldn't have a clue what you're talking about, Usagi. He comes out in a few minutes, making sure the door was locked before turning to see Usagi there. He's still in his uniform, minus the waiter's tools. It's almost like he only has his uniform and his Exorcist clothing...]

Tch... so you did come.

[Highly amused smirk, here.]


go diaf Kanda. B| ourshininghope January 19 2011, 09:12:11 UTC
I told you I wasn't done talking to you yet, jerk!

[ She's going to stomp on over until she's standing about a foot or so away from his front before reaching up to point in his face. ]

You had better deal with it!


What does that even mean. toomanypetals January 19 2011, 21:00:34 UTC
[Amusing face is amusing. He shoulders Mugen-- yes, it's always with him-- and starts walking towards the nearest bench.]

Whatever, dango-head. If you have something to say, say it.

[Yeah, that one looks comfy. Flopping down on one side, now.]


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