{Because we just don't get enough fights.}

Jan 16, 2011 18:02

Who: Usagi & Kanda...and any Senshi that wanna jump in.
What: Continuing the crazy continuum. You can find the latest log here.
When: Midnight, when all good kids should be in bed.
Warnings?: Kanda. Also possible injuries.

[This is utter bullshit. As if it wasn't bad enough he was trying to sleep in an alley, he ( Read more... )

[canon] d. gray-man, button, [canon] sailormoon, laura

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ourshininghope January 17 2011, 09:57:41 UTC
Hurry, Sailor Moon! I can sense the youma this way!

[ Running behind the black lunar cat, Sailor Moon keeps up as best she can after having been forced awake from that delicious sleep. ]

Maaaaaan. Why can't the youma wait until after school or on a day off to attack?!

Oh will you quit your whining already!

[ With a small sigh, Moon just shuts her lip and soon they're at the spot where the negative energy was generating from. But they're stopped short from doing anything as they see, as luck would have it, Kanda there. Luna takes to hiding somewhere so she's not spotted, and Sailor Moon clears her throat. ]

HEY, UGLY! Up here!


toomanypetals January 17 2011, 10:04:25 UTC
[Startled, Ms Acid Trip's posessed head spun around again and stared up at the incoming senshi. While it's doing that, Kanda's just going to ignore her and drag the unconscious stranger to a safer place.]

[Though for a second there, he swore it was that dango-head-- but it couldn't be. She wouldn't be running around this late at night, would she?]

MORE interference?! Come out where I can see you, pet!

[Kanda's not gone for long, though, keeping to the other side of the youma in question. He's only momentarily distracted.]


ourshininghope January 17 2011, 10:15:02 UTC
[ Her form is silhouetted by the moon, but when she's asked to show herself, she hops down from her high perch and points dramatically at the youma in question. ]

The night time is meant for relaxing and recharging for the morning ahead! You're disrupting that peaceful time and for that, I won't forgive you! In the name of love and justice, I am Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon!

[ Raising her hand to the sky, she begins posing until she reaches the final pointing pose. ]



1/2 toomanypetals January 17 2011, 10:21:08 UTC
Sailor Moon?! How convenient!

[The youma abruptly launches its limbs at the senshi, stretching them out, out, out to try and either trap her, or injure her.]



2/2 toomanypetals January 17 2011, 10:21:22 UTC
[Up until this, Kanda had started snickering in the background.]

Tch-- "Pretty Soldier?" Give me a break.

[When the monster attacked, though, he immediately lept to action. Whether or not the youma's attack hit Usagi, the creature is hit from behind by the sharpest sword it's ever dealt with.]


ourshininghope January 17 2011, 10:31:51 UTC
[ Probably lucky for Kanda's eardrums, Sailor Moon hadn't heard his little comment to her speech. She's too busy trying not to get caught in the youma's limbs and deftly, if not comedically, manages to avoid every attempt to get her but the last one, which ends up clipping her arm and giving it a nice little scratch. ]

O-ow! That hurt!


toomanypetals January 17 2011, 10:38:22 UTC
Che-- idiot talks too much.

[Sailor Moon, you might start to see some very strange hallucinations right about now-- mostly mushrooms, if the print on the youma's hand has anything to do with it.]

[Speaking of the youma, its focus is quickly switched from Sailor Moon to escaping Kanda's sword, the arm that hit her taking the full brunt of the damage as it pulls away at the last moment. It lets out an inhuman scream, the limb turning to dust and the stump literally pulling into its body as it scrambles out of Mugen's immediate reach.]

[Taking advantage of the gap, Kanda dashes over, putting himself between the silly girl and the monster, allowing Sailor Moon a chance to regroup, a murderous glare firmly on his face.]

Stupid monster. I'm your opponent, not her.


ourshininghope January 18 2011, 09:06:43 UTC
[ Sailor Moon's eyes spot with those ridiculous mushrooms but thankfully after a moment they're gone. It doesn't bother her so much, but what gets her attentions the most is the back of her protector -- one jerk-face named Kanda who for some reason is here, diverting the attention of the youma from her. ]


[ Standing up, Sailor Moon just shakes her head to focus a little more seriously on the youma in front of her. The cut on her arm stings a little but it's nothing she can't handle for the time being. ]

Thank you for your help. I'm better now.


toomanypetals January 18 2011, 09:15:35 UTC
Che, whatever. Next time, less talking, more protecting yourself.

[Kanda's eyes never waver from the youma. It's certainly leery of his weapon now-- it had thought it was a prop, at first.]

[Kanda doesn't give it a chance to plot or attack, though-- once he knows his protectee is alright, he launches forward, seeming to have no fear of the creature-- or of his own limbs-- at all.]

[It scrambles away again, too distracted to think of attacking, although a spare one of those limbs manages to catch his shoulder-- this one is plain and doesn't seem to have any hallucinative effects.]

[Surprisingly, Kanda only reacts in that his shoulder twists from the force-- he doesn't let up on the attack.]

Mugen. First Illusion.

[Second swing: there are those familiar bugs again, racing towards the youma like a swarm of locusts.]


ourshininghope January 18 2011, 09:36:53 UTC
[ She can feel that twitch trying to take over her left eye. No no. Concentrate on the battle at hand because once this was over and everyone was okay... she could just go home and finally SLEEP. ]

Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, sai, zen. Akuryou Taisan! [ Suddenly, a talisman darts through the air, taking its place on the youma's forehead, paralyzing it. ]

Mars! Jupiter! [ Moon looks to her sides, eyes wide with happiness as Sailor Mars and Jupiter join her. ]

Can't let you have all the fun can we? [ A small antenna grows from Jupiter's tiara, lightning crackling all around it as she jumps forward into the fray. ]



toomanypetals January 18 2011, 09:45:36 UTC
[The surprise talisman made Kanda blink a smidge, and he looked around just in time to get hit in the face by a ball of lightning.]


[CHRIST that hurt. He didn't scream or anything, but that single word was pretty close to one. A sharp yell cut through his fogged head as two more mini-skirted girls came into the scene.]


[Kanda slumped to the floor as a cold fog fell over the area. This was going to take a minute to recover from...]


ourshininghope January 18 2011, 10:22:36 UTC
[ With a gasp of shock, Sailor Moon watches as Jupiters' supreme thunder connects itself with Kanda's face and she can't help but feel panic rushing through her body. ]

NO! [ Despite the cries of warning from her friends as she rushes in, Sailor Moon runs into the fog to find the jerk-face and pull him out of harms way, unaware (or perhaps uncaring) that she may have potentially put herself in danger as well. ]


toomanypetals January 18 2011, 10:26:26 UTC
[Kanda couldn't see worth a damn, but he could certainly hear just fine. So he knew exactly where that stupid dangoheaded senshi was-- and also heard that youma breaking free of the talisman to take advantage of Sailor Moon's opening.]


[He forced himself to move, launching from his place on the ground to shove Sailor Moon down and out of the way. If that attack hits him, it's potential game over. (For a few minutes, but Usagi doesn't know that.)]


ourshininghope January 18 2011, 10:43:38 UTC
[ The impact of Kanda's body slamming into hers cause her to stumble backwards, almost making her trip over her own two feet. But, she's somehow able to keep herself up.

The fog is still dense and as it seems that there's no way she can avoid the youma attack and black rose cuts through the fog, embedding itself into the monsters' arm that was a mere centimeters from even causing a scratch from the two. ]


toomanypetals January 18 2011, 10:47:58 UTC
[The youma gave another inhuman cry, yanking its arm back and shaking the flower out. That huuuurt.]

[Kanda's not too willing to move from his spot, either, despite the injured shoulder and the fact he's still smoking a tad from that lightning ball.]

What the...?

[...A rose? Classy. The last of the fog finally dispersed. Kanda looked up towards the source of the last-minute rescue, frowning at the peculiar figure and readjusting his grip on Mugen. Just in case. The figure might've just missed its mark.]



ourshininghope January 18 2011, 11:05:01 UTC
[ Assuming Kanda's paying attention, he'll probably notice that when Sailor Moon notices the black rose that's become an added touch to the youma's arm.. that her whole body tenses up. ]

T-tuxedo Kamen...

We meet again, Sailor Moon.

[ Standing atop a light pole is the tuxedo'd super hero, cape flapping in the wind as he holds a black rose to his side. ]

No matter how many allies you gather, Princess, I will get that crystal from you one way or another.

[ Regardless of them protecting Kanda as well, the other senshi are quick to put themselves between him and their dear friend who's expression changes to one of pain and sadness. ]


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