Big Bang rec/30 day music meme

Jun 18, 2010 12:49

1. Big Bang rec: By All Means, Rome, by deirdre_c. J2 AU, NC-17, ~28k words. Based on the movie Roman Holiday. LOL at all the movie adaptions, but okay, I fucking love Roman Holiday so thumbs up on her choice of adaptation material. Definitely one of my favorite Big Bangs so far.

2. 30 Day Music Meme

Day 04 - A song that makes you sad

Red Dirt Girl, by Emmylou Harris. oh jeez louise. This song makes me cryyyyyyyy.

In other news, I talked to my friend Galya in Bulgaria on Facebook a few days ago. This is super exciting because that kind of thing doesn't happen very much, due to the time difference, and due to the fact that computers and the internet are not my Bulgarian friends' strong point. (It's hard to be an internet whiz if you don't speak English.) She told me that she saw my pictures of Max on Facebook and that he's FAT now.


music, fic rec, meme, max

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