Fic: Wasn't the Butler

Mar 29, 2015 23:14

Title: Wasn't the Butler [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom, Catherine, and Brass
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes, the joke writes itself...
Warning: luxuria_oceanus put forth the challenge... blame her *Written for Round 82 of prompt_in_a_box. Prompt #22: Kitchen/Book/Tea
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. The OCs are mine.

'-neighbor said they were fighting last night...' )

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, fic: csi

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Comments 4

bizarra March 30 2015, 11:18:30 UTC


erinm_4600 March 30 2015, 14:29:56 UTC


gatechic March 30 2015, 18:06:57 UTC
Brass is probably thinking that now he has to put with someone else making quirky comments at crime scenes. Meanwhile, Grissom is proud of her. ♥


erinm_4600 March 30 2015, 18:39:59 UTC
But he'll make her pay for stealing his one-liner ;)


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