Fic: Electricity

Dec 07, 2014 23:22

Title: Electricity
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt and Adora
Rating: PG
Summary: The lightning's not the only thing sparking...
Warning: pre-series, shortly after Weather; written for a 20-day OTP Kiss challenge. This is one of the first scenes I plotted when this story started... only hotter and heavier than I could ever write ♥
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

The storm seemed to have stopped over the center of town; it was just getting louder and air was uncomfortably warm. Even Wyatt was jumping as the thunder echoed off the walls of the jail. Adora was over near the window, looking at something outside, and turned away at a bright flash of lightning.

She should have tried to make it home, or gone to Clara's. Why did she come here?

Adora moved over to the water pitched and poured herself a drink. A bang of thunder startled her and she turned, dropping the cup. She turned to find Wyatt right there and stepped back with an uncomfortable laugh.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"This a normal occurrence, out here?" Wyatt asked as he picked the cup up from the floor. He didn't want to admit that the close quarters of his home seemed much closer with Adora there.

Granted, she was always there, during the day, but never at night.

Adora gave him a smile and moved toward the desk. "Not really," she replied, shaking her head as she turned to face Wyatt. "But you can always tell when it's coming." She eyed him for a moment then stepped back, hitting the desk. "It gets really warm." Adora sucked in a breath and thought about side-stepping quickly, but Wyatt had already moved forward. "Air feels... thicker," she continued, swallowing thickly.

Oh, she really shouldn't be here...

There was another bang, which caused them both to jump and reach for each other. Wyatt was holding his breath from fear, while Adora was holding hers from the contact. They hadn't been this close since just before graduation, when they first kissed.

Wyatt also noticed their proximity, and thought back to graduation. He made the first move, that night, and had been trying not to think about doing it again, every day, for the two months he'd been out in the Eastern Guild.

"Wyatt," Adora breathed, knowing she should move but also not wanting to be anywhere else. They'd been avoiding the obvious for the better part of two months, and for what? 'Just do it. Blame the weather.' She pushed up on her toes and pulled Wyatt's face down to kiss him. Hard.

Wyatt's arms wrapped around her after a moment, once his synapses fired, and he pulled her closer. Adora's hands grabbed at his shirt and she leaned back against the desk.

~challenge, series: tin man!adora, fic: tin man

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