20-day OTP Kiss challenge

Dec 01, 2014 12:35

[via sa_brina86 and Tumblr] ... with a little tweak to get a full month (aka I added in the 11 random kisses)

Using this to complete the Advent Calendar challenge at gameofcards

Tin Man and CSI entries pre-dedicated to gatechic and bizarra

Dec 01 - any kiss [ Leather Vest Wyatt's dressed to impress... (Wyatt/Adora) G] 100 words Tin Man
Dec 02 - romantic kiss [ A Very Important Read more... )

fic: medical investigation, fic: tin man, series: queen leigh, !info and navigation, ~challenge, series: tin man!adora, fic: remember wenn, ~crossover, series: uncharted, series: grissom&giselle, fic: csi, series: kenna cain, .gameofcards, ~drabble, fic: enchanted, fic: farscape

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Comments 18

bizarra December 1 2014, 22:26:47 UTC

... )


erinm_4600 December 2 2014, 01:46:53 UTC
I'm contemplating breaking more rules and just letting this one be a free-for-all of OTPness.



bizarra December 2 2014, 21:51:41 UTC
Go right ahead.. and like I said last night you can use it as your advent calendar. :)


erinm_4600 December 17 2014, 19:08:41 UTC
Random... the hearts in this post have suddenly turned RED and gone bigger....


xfirefly9x December 6 2014, 15:15:47 UTC
Soooo requests. Dec 30 - Mal/Inara, p'haps? Or were you hoping to keep this to more specific other fandom/s?


erinm_4600 December 6 2014, 16:00:57 UTC
As long is as it's a fandom I'm familiar with, I'll take it! and the later date will give me time to ponder a scene, since that's not one of my 'ships <3


sapphire2309 December 6 2014, 18:18:13 UTC
Hmmm, for one of the 'any kiss' days, a kiss with teeth?


erinm_4600 December 6 2014, 18:21:31 UTC
I don't know what that means... but if you'll enlighten me, I'll make it work :)


sapphire2309 December 6 2014, 18:29:11 UTC
aka the biting kiss, apparently. c&p'd because words feel clunky to me right now.

15. The Biting Kiss:
The biting kiss is a more aggressive form of the French kiss. Like the French kiss, it’s open-mouthed and incorporates tongue, but as you pull back, your teeth lightly grab onto your partner’s lip for just a second.

(modified the c&p a little, eventually, i am a control freak :P)

(or it may not be so gentle, if you so choose C:)


erinm_4600 December 7 2014, 16:50:02 UTC
I see... I think I can do something with that. *nods*


luxuria_oceanus December 17 2014, 20:25:20 UTC
Because you've owed me this ever since you wrote that bit where Leigh found out who *can't think of his name* Karl Urban was (and who he was working for).

I was originally going for Rick/Mel, but Krista is a horrible influence, and she's right, YOU OWE ME THIIIIIIS I love you so much, please don't hurt me

a kiss to make up, Leigh and Brian (yes, I stalked through your fics and found his name, you may mock me now).


erinm_4600 December 17 2014, 20:32:09 UTC
What do you mean I owe you? ALL OF THIS MISHIGAH IS YOUR FAULT WOMAN! :p

Krista owes ME an apology for getting Steve started. Yes, I remember who got that started and give me time to find the email

Also, I've been writing Rick/Mel and it's not my fault you're not keeping up. #COMEBACKTOLJ


luxuria_oceanus December 17 2014, 20:41:36 UTC
*drools over icon* Um, what? I'm sorry, were you yelling just now? I totally missed it after being distracted by the pretty (I swear, you pick the hunkiest men to represent these OCs...mmm-hmmm).

My fault? I have no recollection of this (then again, I tend to forget a lot...which I think is a good thing. It's less likely to incriminate me if I don't remember it *gigglesnort*) And asking Krista to apologize for anything is like asking fire to douse itself. And that almost sounded like the equivalent to go fuck yourself. And she's laughing. And I'm horrified. Mommy...

*hangs head* Keep adding guilt to that food bowl, woman, I'm never gonna starve...forget LJ :-P I just have to stalk your fanfic one day and start reading everything. EVERYTHING. Including what I've already read (*points to bad memory note* I remember bits and pieces, but your stuff is worth the whole, not just the bits and pieces of hot, charming fireman that makes my panties drop) :-) Love you.


erinm_4600 December 17 2014, 20:42:42 UTC
Uh huh.


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