Fic: Romantic Getaway

Apr 03, 2013 22:46

Title: Romantic Getaway
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom and Catherine
Rating: G
Summary: All vacations must come to an end, but is that the only thing that will end?
Warning: a few hours after Late-Night Phone Calls *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: romantic getaway Original titles are wholly unoriginal. *for gatechic and bizarra, because we need more GRILLOWS. ♥
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster.

Waiting in Line | Grissom's Big Experiment | Mischief Mostly Managed | Catherine's Revenge | Late-Night Phone Calls | Romantic Getaway

Catherine sat at the gate, watching as travelers wandered the airport, trying to find bathrooms, gates, and each other. It was fairly early in the morning, still, only one set of flights had come in, so far, but the terminal was definitely starting to fill up.

The weekend had been quite the whirlwind, but Catherine was relaxed. In fact, the CSI didn't even realize it was possible to be so relaxed. Glancing over her shoulder, she still couldn't see her travel companion, but she hoped he would hurry.

They'd been in such a rush to get out of the hotel on time, and then there had been an accident on the toll road, which meant they were cutting it extremely close to get the rental car turned in and through security. Thankfully, there was no baggage to check.

Sitting up, Catherine leaned over to check the tote bag she'd picked up in the hotel gift shop, and nudged the contents aside to make sure that her dirty clothes were still properly packed so that the other folks on the plane wouldn't get a look at her impromptu wardrobe. Catching the edge of the swimsuit, Catherine smiled then realized she probably wouldn't have the chance to wear the bikini any time soon. That was actually depressing, which reminded her why she didn't take vacations.

Vacations ended, and real life continued.

And, after this one, things were going to be different, all around. This vacation brought about a change to one of the longest relationships Catherine had had in a very long time. "Breakfast," she heard, and glanced up just enough to see Grissom standing in front of her, holding two Styrofoam cups and a small bag.

Abandoning the tote bag, Catherine sat back and reached for one of the cups. "Thank you," she said with relief as she took a deep sniff. "Oh, that smells good," she murmured, and raised an eyebrow as Grissom sat next to her. Leaning over, she eyed the bag.

Silently, Grissom set the cup down on the carpet and tore open the bag. "Donuts," he announced, holding the pastries up. "Best I could do after the cheerleaders were done with the place." Making a face, Grissom shrugged as a large group of teenagers made their way down the center of the terminal, all dressed alike, and all carrying variously-sized cups and bags from the same shop Grissom had clearly been to.

Grissom nodded to them and pulled a piece off one of the donuts, now oblivious to the noisy teens. After his first bite, Grissom leaned forward and picked up his coffee, then finished chewing before taking a sip.

Catherine was too busy watching Grissom, more because of the shirt he was wearing than his odd behavior. Well, his behavior had been strange since he'd showed up at her door two days prior. But, seeing him relaxed and... wearing color...

It was just weird.

"So..." Catherine said as she slowly chewed her bite of donut. Grissom glanced sideways then raised an eyebrow as she didn't immediately continue her thought. "What happens when we get back to Vegas, Gil?" She glanced away long enough to take a sip of the coffee, then looked at him again.

"Well," Grissom nodded as he finished chewing, "I will take you home, then I'm going back to my place to take another shower." She didn't miss the slight smirk, as he was clearly thinking of the shower they'd taken together, before leaving the hotel. "Then have a sandwich, and then head to work." After a moment, he looked at her blankly, though he knew what she was really asking.

With a deep breath, Grissom moved his coffee back to the carpet, and set the donuts on his lap. "Cath," he started, but she stopped him with a kiss. He had to remember that his fingers were covered in sticky sugar, so he had to be careful about where his hand went. The taste of sugar and coffee on her lips was a wonderful mix that soon was gone.

His eyes opened when he realized Catherine had pulled back. "Sorry," she apologized. "Just had to do that before you said whatever you were going to say. Just in case it's bad." Grissom frowned slightly, as she implied bad news.

"Cath, I..." he started then realized he didn't really have an answer. With a heavy sigh, he could only shrug. "Nothing has to change, Catherine. Well," he quickly corrected, "things have changed. But," Grissom shook his head, "they don't have to change again."

It had taken him this long to make a move, and he wasn't about to just go back to Vegas like nothing had happened. "Unless you... want.. things.. to change?" he said, trying to fish for her reaction.

"Well," Catherine nodded, "you pretty much told Nick we were in the same bed."

Grissom made a face. "I said no such thing," he gasped. "I only verified we were on the same flight." Catherine made a face at him and lightly popped his cheek, which made him smile. Grissom caught her hand and kissed her fingertips, then took her hand in his.

"If he wants to assume that we were in the same bed, at the time, and wearing nothing but a bed sheet," he shrugged then smirked.

"You are terrible," she laughed, and leaned to kiss him again.

~challenge, .love_bingo, fic: csi

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