Fic: You Don't Choose Who You Love

Mar 29, 2013 00:21

Title: You Don't Choose Who You Love
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Grissom and Giselle
Rating: G
Summary: Where better to give someone a royal treatment in Vegas than Caesar's Palace?
Warning: Long story short, Grissom and Giselle met in a now-closed RP. When it came time for them to leave, Grissom brought Giselle home with him. Set the morning of Excitement *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: You don't choose who you love Original titles are wholly unoriginal. *for bizarra, whose Giselle made Grissom fall in love ♥
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to CBS and the Bruckster. Enchanted belongs to Disney.

Giselle stared up at the ceiling of the Forum Shops. She'd never seen anything so grand. Turning around as she continued to look up, she was almost oblivious to the other people wandering around the luxurious shopping center. The smile on her face could have lit up the entire Strip, had it not already been wired with millions of lightbulbs.

Grissom, who was standing just behind her, reached out and took her arm, to avoid her tripping over a stroller. When she straightened and looked at him, Giselle smiled again. "It's beautiful," she said, holding his arms. Grissom's hands were nearly at her elbows, for as small as she was.

"I thought you might enjoy this," he told her warmly.

"Can I see more?" she asked excitedly. Grissom nearly laughed as she was practically bouncing in place. Grissom raised his eyebrows, giving her a look that said she needed to listen to him.

"Yes... but," he warned her, "you have to stay with me." He had quickly learned how to talk to Giselle to make her understand. Her innocence was refreshing, not to mention enlightening. The things he took for everyday, she found fascinating; things that made perfect sense to him were confusing for her.

It was like talking to a five-foot-four five-year-old.

Giselle stood straight and gave him a very serious nod. "I promise." He watched her for another moment, knowing that her excitement was about to burst out of her, but he needed to make sure she understood the importance of his concern. She was smart, but very naive. What most people would know as a con, she would take and trust at face-value.

Las Vegas was a metropolitan area. If they got separated, it would be damn near impossible to find her again, even if she did stand out like a sore thumb in most cases. He knew that Giselle knew the steps, in case she did get lost. She knew his address, his phone number, and to find a policeman or security guard, if she did get turned around. She also knew not to talk to strangers, but Grissom had spent enough time with her to know that she also had the attention span of a goldfish, at times.

He had promised to take care of her, if she came with him. He wasn't going to leave her alone in that place, but he also didn't know how to get her home. Daughter, sister, best friend... he was responsible for her, now.

And he would be damned if anything happened to her on his watch.

Deciding he'd made her wait long enough, Grissom let go of Giselle and nodded. She beamed and turned around again, trying to decide what she wanted to see first. She wanted to get a closer look at the intricate designs and detailing on the ceiling, as well as the statues, but she'd have to go up two flights of stairs to get a good angle.

All the lights and colors of the various shops were also fighting for her attention, and she was determined to see it all. Grissom wanted to make sure she saw enough to exhaust herself, because she had barely slept since they had managed to get back to Vegas.

He also wanted to make sure they were in the vicinity of the fish tank, in time to see the show.

~challenge, .love_bingo, series: grissom&giselle, fic: enchanted, fic: csi, ~crossover

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