Fic: Stormy Weather

Aug 21, 2009 13:44

Title: Stormy Weather
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Natalie, Stephen and Miles (mention of Frank and Eva)
Rating: G
Summary: A storm rolls in while the team's on a case.
Warning: Two quick drabbles, set whenever *Written for Prompt Challenge 01 at stephen_natalie. Prompt 02-09: Thunder and Prompt 02-04: Sky
Disclaimer: The original characters belongs to ( Read more... )

~challenge, fic: medical investigation, ~drabble, .stephen_natalie

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Comments 10

lattelady6 August 22 2009, 03:28:48 UTC
This one warmed my heart and I'm not sure why. I really love your MI stories. Any chance you'd do another crossover with Tin Man. I just happened to have read all three chapter of that one on the commute today.


erinm_4600 August 22 2009, 11:31:33 UTC

You! I have missed you!

Crazy random happenstance: I was plotting Shimmery yesterday.


Also, to answer you: I haven't planned any... but Steve heard you, so... any suggestions?


lattelady6 August 22 2009, 21:45:18 UTC
Ohh I can't wait. I've got your mustard bottle series on my Kindle reader, so I can take it with me where ever I go. I think I've read it about a dozen times. I've never seen a single episode of MI, but I've watched a few of the trailers on iTunes.

I like Shimmery too, and have the music you put together for it on my iPod.

Please keep writing Tin Man/DG stories


erinm_4600 August 23 2009, 00:07:41 UTC
I can set you up with MI in a second. Just let me know :D

I'm still writing - just having some trouble finding the time.



laeliamouse August 22 2009, 20:17:26 UTC
Two! I come back and there are two (well, three actually). I luff you!


erinm_4600 August 22 2009, 20:49:49 UTC
I was distracted at work yesterday! :D


laeliamouse August 22 2009, 23:13:45 UTC
Short and sweet, my favorite kind!


ext_182955 August 24 2009, 13:33:42 UTC
It needs a companion piece of just how soaked Frank got out at the park. :D


erinm_4600 August 24 2009, 13:34:47 UTC
HA!! I didn't even think of that :D


ext_182955 August 24 2009, 14:32:36 UTC
I love the water voluntarily, I abhor getting rained on. So then it feels like the stupid thunderstorms are targeting me. :p


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