Jun 13, 2007 07:01
Date: Fall 2005
Characters: Zach Teller, Lance Alvers, Cooper Marshall
Summary: Zach stops putting off calling Cooper. But he has a conversation with Lance in text format from the next room before that.
Status: In progress
He did trust Lance. He had told the man as such. And he wasn't mad. Joey wasn't a threat... Not really. The way he claimed to be straight every five seconds though.. his denial worried Zach. Lance did so enjoy riling the children. He couldn't even have this conversation in the same room--how pathetic was this?
ambiguouslyzach: I guess what I want to know
ambiguouslyzach: is if this is just something I have to accept? That you do these things and I shouldn't be mad because it was impulse?
rockin_outloud: how many times have you kissed cooper zach? how is it different? how is it not worse?
rockin_outloud: i kissed joey on impulse. you kiss cooper and mean it
He stared at his phone for a long time, hearing the keystrokes in the living room slow and eventually come to a halt.
He hadn't really considered that, had he? But then again, he hadn't considered a lot of things. He needed to call Cooper. Now.. Now he was just missing the other man, and he had to get out of the apartment. He wondered how Lance would react if he spent the night at Cooper's--he had a feeling this was one of those 'all-night conversation' type things and he was really really sick of staring at his phone.
ambiguouslyzach: I guess, I wasn't thinking about it that way.. but, I mean, you said you were relatively okay with.. whatever the fuck this is.. but is it like that then? I can't have sex with Cooper, you can't have sex with other people, okay, so like if I kiss Cooper it's like your credit? And yes that"s a serious question. I'm not mad about Joey and it's not an issue I'm just.. trying to figure out what this means for our relationship thing, yeah
rockin_outloud: this happened before we talked about all of this. when that happened, i had no idea what the hell was going on
ambiguouslyzach: I know
ambiguouslyzach: That's why I'm asking
ambiguouslyzach: Not because I'm like jealous or want to kill you or anything. But because. I want to know if this will happen again, could happen again, won't happen again.
He waited for the response, breath held with the suspense.
rockin_outloud: i don't know.
rockin_outloud: i mean, if you want it to...not happen. then i guess not.
ambiguouslyzach: Can you keep that promise? ..Would you even want to?
rockin_outloud: i can keep a promise, zach
ambiguouslyzach: But would you want to?
rockin_outloud: fuck, i don't know. if i do it, then i want to, right?
Right. Lance-logic. Okay. He could deal with that.
He pulled up his contact list, shifting awkwardly on Lance's bed, and called Cooper.
lance alvers,
cooper marshall,
full of awkward,
zach teller