Wait [One-Shot]

Jul 13, 2011 19:21

Title: Wait
Author: 10fan_ryuu_hsj
Pairing: Ryosuke Yamada and Un-named OC
Type: One-Shot
Genre: Romance
Summary: They didn’t love her like he loved her

Notes: I have no clue why I wrote this...so it might seemed pretty scattered. I based this off of a song I love right now which you can listen to right Here...I shall go work on To Nii-Chan now...I just ( Read more... )

type: one-shot, fanfiction, pairing:yamada/oc

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Comments 16

matsujun19 November 25 2011, 06:32:09 UTC
live this!!!!
poor Yamada & his gf~!!!
thay were hurt for 3years!!
hope they will got happy endings~~


10fan_ryuu_hsj November 25 2011, 15:19:48 UTC
Thanks, hmmm maybe they do... lol it's up to you xDDD


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