Wait [One-Shot]

Jul 13, 2011 19:21

Title: Wait
Author: 10fan_ryuu_hsj
Pairing: Ryosuke Yamada and Un-named OC
Type: One-Shot
Genre: Romance
Summary: They didn’t love her like he loved her

Notes: I have no clue why I wrote this...so it might seemed pretty scattered. I based this off of a song I love right now which you can listen to right Here...I shall go work on To Nii-Chan now...I just kind of missed making One-Shots so I made this.

Yamada sat there in his seat, at the small café. Trying, to hold his tears back.

“Sir, he is your coffee.” a young waiter said, handing Yamada his coffee.

Yamada forced a smile. “Thank you.” he mumbled under his breath.

The waiter bowed, and left.

Yamada placed his hand on his cup, letting it burn him.

The waiter saw this, and ran to Yamada and placed a hand on Yamada‘s hand. “Sir, you’ll be hurt if you do that.” he said.

Yamada forced a smile again, and pushed the waiter‘s hand away gently. “Sorry.” he mumbled.

The waiter smiled, and left again.

Yamada took a sip of his coffee, and kept all his tears back, he then took out his phone to look at the time.

‘ It’s 6:00 PM…30 more minutes…and I’ll see her hopefully…’

Yamada bit his lower lip, and closed his phone.

He tried so hard not to remember what happened 3 years ago, with his girlfriend.

But, he remembered anyway.




It was a rainy night, and there was a storm. Yamada was in his apartment when he heard a knock at his door.

He opened his door, and saw his girlfriend.

“Hey, why are you here, so late in the rain?” Yamada said about to kiss her cheek.

But, she turned her face away.

“Eh?” Yamada mumbled, and let his girlfriend come in the house.

His girlfriend sat on his couch, looking down.

Yamada sat next to her.

“What’s wrong, this isn’t like you?” he asked.

She didn‘t look at him. “I can’t put it in words.”

Yamada put his hand on her hand.

“If it’s something important, please tell me.” he said.

She then looked at Yamada, and a tear ran down her face.

It was the first time Yamada ever saw her cry.

“What’s wrong…please say what‘s wrong?” Yamada said, hugging her.

She hugged Yamada tighter. “Remember, when we first started dating, you said I should go for my dream ne?”

Yamada nodded. “Yes.”

“Well, I finally got a photography job.”

“That’s great!”

“But, I have to move.”

“Your still going to be in Japan right, I can still see you right?!”

She hugged Yamada even tighter. “No.”

“Where are you going then?”



His heart broke.

He forced a smile. “That’s great then…you’ll be back soon anyway…”

“No…In 3 years…”

His heart shattered again.

She kissed his lips, and ran her fingers through his hair.

“When are you leaving?” he asked.


“Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?”


“We’re still dating right?!” Yamada asked.


“Please tell me.”

“…I don’t know…”

“Yamada-Kun, please don’t call me while I’m gone…my boss said it would be easier for me to adapt to America and my job, if I don’t talk to anyone from home…”

Yamada had a tear come down his cheek. “I won’t call you…”

“…Then, I’ll tell if were still dating, when I come back…meet me at the clock next to the café.” she said in-between sobs.

“Okay.” Yamada said.

She kissed his soft lips one more time, and got up to leave.


Yamada waved his hand. “Your leaving now?!”

She nodded. “My taxi and luggage are waiting downstairs.”


She went downstairs.

Yamada followed her too, even though it was pouring rain on them.

Yamada made sure to open the door for her.

She looked at Yamada who only had a few tears coming down his cheeks, and she was crying too.

“Thank you.” she said, and kissed him one more time. “I won’t ever forget you…”

Yamada hugged her, and kissed her for the last time.

She went in the taxi, and it started driving.

As the taxi got further and further, and the rain got harder and louder. Yamada ran after it.

This time his face engulfed with tears. But, it was hard to tell since he was soaked by the rain.

The girl turned around and saw Yamada running after her through the window.

“Wait!” Yamada yelled, running after the taxi. “Wait!”

The taxi didn’t slow down, or stop.

The girl burst in tears, and Yamada continued running in the rain.

“They don’t love you like I love you!”
Yamada screamed.

Yamada then slipped in a puddle.

He got up, and the taxi was gone and out of sight.

He continued crying. “Thank you…”


Yamada wanted to hear her voice.

He rested his head on the café table.

But, was startled by a tap on his shoulder.

He looked up.

It was her.

She snapped a picture of him real fast with her camera. “Baka!, you didn’t meet me at the clock like I said it‘s a good thing I knew you liked this café so much!” she said, smiling.

Yamada’s eyes widened, and filled with tears, and they all came out.

“You miss me?” she asked.

Yamada chuckled, while the tears came down his cheeks. He was speechless. He thought she forgot about him.

She looked at Yamada who was crying.

“Your going to make me cry if you keep that face on.” she giggled, then had a tear run down her cheek.

Yamada smiled for the 1st time in a long time. “You’re already crying.” he said, standing up.

“I saw you trip…”

“That was 3 years ago.” Yamada sighed.

She walked out of the café and Yamada followed.

“You were right…” she muttered, a few tears running down her face.

“About what?”

“They didn’t love me like you did…”

“I always hear you, Yamada…they always expected the best out of me, and I couldn’t show my own style with my photography…and they yelled at me…many times I thought of you, and how you thought it was okay I wasn’t perfect…I wanted to call you”

“Why didn’t you call me?” Yamada asked.

The girl turned to Yamada, and started crying a lot more. “I thought you hated me.”

“Impossible.” Yamada stated.

“What’s impossible?” she asked ,sobbing.

Yamada grabbed her in a hug. “It’s impossible for me to hate you…so please don’t say stupid things like that….I love you.”

She cried into his shoulder. “Yamada…”

“I’ve always loved you, since we first started dating, and…I don’t know if were dating right now, but I love you still…”

She looked up at Yamada. “I love you too.”

“Then…I know this is pretty much out of the blue, but please marry me!”

She looked at Yamada and smiled, she snapped a picture of Yamada again. “Yes I will!”

He took hold of her hand, and this time he made sure to never let go.



-Is it good?

-The original plot was supposed to be a lot more sad, and angst, but this came out instead.

-I shall defiantly work on To Nii-Chan now!!!! :DDD

- I kind of missed making one-shots so I made this..

type: one-shot, fanfiction, pairing:yamada/oc

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